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Feeling strange when im standing up and sum headaches

Hey im 24 years old  male and with the last while iv been experiencing some problems, it all started about three weeks ago when i came off a stupid diet pill called Clenbuterol. When i finished the clen, i started getting panick attack's and pains in my chest, i used to get them while i was in the gym, so i decided to give the gym a break for a while and now as time has gone on i still get the anxiety attacks, always think doom is on me, when i go about my daily bits. i feel dizzy and feel strange and weird, feel sick sometimes during the day but never get sick, and always burping as of the last few days. Went to the hospital, got blood tests, ecg, blood pressure and a chest xray and all was good, Have a stress test comin up soon, im so upset lately, dont want to go out for the xmas hols because i hate the feeling that hangs over me,, Any suggestions :):):)
4 Responses
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1390847 tn?1344657468
Actually, going to the gym and excersizing is proven to help anxiety. Your symptoms sound a lot like anxiety...have you talked to a psychiatrist? They will know whats best for you.  
I've had anxiety since I was 2 and I have some tecniques that help me sometimes.  Like reading and watching TV or a movie helps becuase it gets my mind focused on something else other than the anxiety.  Or find a hobby and engage yourself in it...I love photography so when I can tell Im getting anxious, sometimes i have to force myself, but I go out and take pictures and focus on that...and sometimes I even send them to the local newspaper.  Do you play and instruments? Or just any hobby that will occupy your mind and break the anxiety cycles.
Happy holidays! I wish you well
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no i have not talked too psychiatrist yet, must look into it, i have loads of hobbies like playing the guitar and djing, when i was djing one night my throat started to close in and i got some fright, its weird, djing is something i love doing and the attack just came on me, HATE it!! Thanks very much for a reply to my post :):)
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370181 tn?1716862802
I started to write a response, but since I was not familiar with the medication, "Clenbuterol," that you had been taking, I did some quick research and was surprised at the information I found.
What follows is that information:

Clenbuterol side effects: Clenbuterol may reduce, not enhance, performance, and stiffen heart muscles.

Clenbuterol is a popular - but banned - drug used by athletes in body-building, power-related, and even endurance sports. The chemical is attractive to athletes because it appears to have an anabolic effect on human muscles, and it may also increase fat metabolism. However, the actual effects of long-term clenbuterol intake on performance, muscle power, and overall health have been unclear.

To determine some of clenbuterol's actions, scientists at the University of Melbourne in Australia recently gave clenbuterol to laboratory rats at dosages of 2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day. Some of the rats followed a completely sedentary lifestyle, while others sprinted on treadmills or engaged in endurance swim training. Clenbuterol did have a couple of potentially positive effects: Sedentary rats which ingested clenbuterol had larger muscles than clenbuterol-free, sedentary rodents, and clenbuterol users also transformed leg-muscle cells from slow-twitch to fast-twitch fibres, a surprising change which would tend to increase anaerobic energy production and magnify muscle power during short, intense exertions.

However, clenbuterol also yielded three very negative changes. First, after just four weeks, clenbuterol-treated rats were unable to maintain their normal swimming or running training intensities, while clean rodents were quite capable of continuing. Secondly, the hearts of the clenbuterol-taking, trained rats increased dramatically in size compared to the hearts of sedentary rats, but the heart expansion was probably due to the infiltration of collagen fibres into the heart walls, not an increase in heart-muscle cells. Collagen is a tough connective tissue which doesn't augment heart-muscle power but in fact stiffens the heart, potentially leading to a decrease in cardiac output. Increases in collagen may also produce cardiac arrhythmias. Thirdly, clenbuterol rats suffered from noticeable cardiac-cell degeneration.

You said that you had been having chest pains and panic attacks at the gym and if I'm following the sequence correctly, you were taking the clenbuterol at that time. When you ran out of the clenbuterol, you also decided to give the gym a pass as the symptoms had returned.

I am not a pharmacist, and know only what I've just read about this stuff you were taking.......I don't know if it was a "diet pill" or an anabolic steroid, but my advice to you is to make damn sure the doctors who are doing your tests know that you were taking this "substance." Certain chemicals are not found during normal blood work and can only be found if they know what they're looking for.

Talk to your doctors.
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i told them about the clenbuterol but im not sure did it register with her brain as she is a foreign working doctor that has only good english but maybe not good enough, i did tell her straight out thou, anyway i dont get pains in my chest anymore, i stopped the gym to give myself a break... im just getting pains in my head and feeling of doom, im positive that i will pull through as its been a whole month since i took that diet drug. i believe that it has caused me long term anxiety...
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