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Crying Spells

Gang, today was a bad day.  I woke up anxious (mornings in general are rotten for me) -- and kinda was that way all day.  At lunch at went to me car and listened to a relaxation tape.  Seemed to help -- however, toward the afternoon became anxious again.  When I drove him through traffic I kept thinking if I'll ever get back to the person I was before all this occurred?  I kept replaying this in my mind -- dwelling on the negative -- to the point that I just started crying and could not stop.  It must have gone on for an hour or so.  So, I'm curious -- does this happen to any of you.  Thanks!

PS -- How do we stop this if it starts?
PPS -- I'm currently not taking an SSRI and am seriously considering now.  I take an Ativan when needed -- but typicaly that is not very often -- as I don't want to get addicted to the drug.
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17362319 tn?1456003615
I am glad to hear from so many of you though I am sorry you have this problem. I am 62 and the crying started about 6 months ago. Every night. It goes with a terrible feeling that nothing will change and I will be anxious or whatever I am forever. Ive had severl medications and am now in a partial hospitalization therapy program. The therapist told me to put ice in my mouth to stop crying. Well, ice is not always available, and besides, I don't want the crying to start in the first place. I feel I need to no WHY I cry. It takes very little to get me started if I am alone. I fight it most of the day, sometimes successfully, but when I head upstairs to get ready for bed there it is and the flood starts. I especially cry when I pray, which I hate because I feel like I shouldn't do that. I am hopeing to find SOMETHING that will break this cycle.                
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if you only knew, I am crying now and wondering why, I was diagnosed PTSD last year, was doing great. Now I just feel numb.

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Sorry to hear of your problems.
  As one other poster commented half way up. Check for Candida and Food Allergies.
  I am male and 62 and have found great relief from stress and health problems with nutritional change in diet and in just a few months also.
  I have never taken medication and hope to never be forced to.
  Find a good Holistic Doc and Nutritionalist and you will be sitting on top of the World again. Only took be 50 years to see the Right way to go about Eating to Live ( instead of eating to death. )Take Care  ..  ..  jmg  ..
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I have Probable MS I take a lot of meds and I feel helpless I have so many wants and I feel so alone at times I also think no one understands me I used to work my *** off and now im down to nothing I cant drive for 6 months due to having a few seizures I have nothing really to look forward to at all with the exception of my kids but sometimes that can be overwhelming im find myself jealous my husband just ups and goes to his friends house whenever he so feels I feel like maybe the meds are causing these crying spells I just don't know whats wrong with me I just feel like my world has caved in I was terminated from my job due to being out on medical leave but im still not cleared to work anywhere and honestly im not sure what I can handle currently I stay so exhausted not sure if that's the meds I panic a lot about stupid things I have so many bad thoughts and this is just not the person I was before I want that person back so bad I used to feel beautiful now I don't even feel like I have to get dressed if all I have to look forward to is looking at these walls all day I never thought in a million years this is what I would be doing at 33 I hate and I mean absolutely hate taking these pills I just started kadian im not sure if it made the crying worse but I don't like how I feel right now I was supposed to take another but didn't could it be the meds wearing off im also on keppra and lamictal I was angry on keppra alone now im loathing in self pitty it seems I just don't know I wish answers had an easy button also I cant sleep where as before I would go to bed at 930 my mind radiates whenever I lay down anyway thanks for listening to me rant hope all gets better with everyone
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Dave,---whoever put you on Zoloft at such a young-age, they ought to be ashamed of there self. How long have you been taking Zoloft and how many milligrams? Don't take your dad's Ambien, if you take it more than 7 to 10 days, you will be climbing the walls, I worked as a CNA and  it happen to  two different men in their seventy's that I was staying with on my job. I don't think you have MS, I think you're having side effects to Zoloft. It one of the worst anti-depressent on the market,You need to go to the pages on Drugs,and Marketing Madness and Benzo with drawels.  You need to see a real Dr. not just one pushing pills,If you can get off of these meds. now you may not have to go through a lifetime of Hell,with all the problems they can cause you. You will have to taper off of Zoloft, you can"t go Cold turkey. Find a Dr. who will tell you how to taper off, don"t try it on your own. I am tapering off of low dose of Xanax myself. Try to get off of all your meds,and try life without them,The drug companies just want your money, I'll sign my name as Kay
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I just started having a problem, sorta like this, it would be out of the blue I would feel like I would want to cry alot but for no reason sometimes sometimes because I read something sad, like a book I have to read for school that I chose its called jarhead and im going to WARN you im about to SPOIL a part of it skip the dividers to not read the spoild part (Im only like 50 pages into the book but a marine that prevented the guy *Writer* from killing himself died a few years later from, a car crash and he was talking about how the guy made him look like a hero in his storys instead of him and how he was a good friend but I stoped after he was saying hed make him the hero because it was to sad *this is a biograpghy*) but I would want to bawl its very anoying but the thing is is im a 15 year old male and it just started this week and I actually left my classroom because it almost got me I went to the bathroom and prayed and I did not cry but I know one day its going to get me and Ill have no reason to explain it, it also gets hard to swallow but I cant find a reason why I want to yet
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Hi Shannon,
I know exactly how you feel. I cry almost every day. I've had my mother tell me to "Stop crying," and she doesn't understand that I can't just turn it off. It's like asking someone to stop breathing. I cry when I think about situations I've gotten myself into, or people that I've lost. My family, and I mean my whole family is moving to Nevada in a few months and I will be in Cali by myself. I am deadly afraid, and I cry about that because I feel scared. I suffer from major anxiety disorder and I've had this since I was a child. I did a very good job masking it for a long time, and then I got sick and had to have surgery, and after that, things haven't been the same. I remember being happy as a preteen and teen, and I was happy in college. I think way too much, and I need to lighten up, but it's hard for me. I know what you're going through and it's horrible. No one understands you, and if you're a professional working woman and you cry at your desk, be prepared for people to think that you have major turmoil in your life.
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4823110 tn?1359627748
Yes I agree I would for sure go to church with your boyfriends mom.
I have been sick for thirty years now and Im so much better and I can tell you the closer you get to god the better you will get. You need to read the bible to . I promise you this is what helped me the most.
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4823110 tn?1359627748
well it could be you just need time or you need different meds or adjustments on your meds. Or if your going through menopause that can be like a rollercoaster ride. Hope this helps
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ok so what happens when you are on the medicine and your still hystreically crying everytwhere?
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4823110 tn?1359627748
God bless you.....
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4823110 tn?1359627748
Oh my gosh you sound just like me, Its like your telling my story. Dont feel bad cause your not alone. I get so tired of this I could screem. I wish I had someone I could talk to. I feel so alone. If you ever want to talk you could talk to me even though I know Ill be nervice to talk to you but I will casue I know how you feel maby we could help each other. My email is if you want to talk. Im on mostly at  night
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check candida
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im a 22 year old male and i have experienced a lot of these things like the tightness of chest, cant take a full breath, awful dysphoric feelings that feel impossible to cope with, feeling fine by myself at home or with people i am familiar with but feeling extremely tense and anxious in public and crowds, etc.  These forums are comforting to read because i know im not the only one who feels this way.  i currently am taking medications (antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and so on).  Sometimes (at least for me) the medication itself can be difficult but it does help to an extent.  What really helps me is Jesus Christ.  He has helped me when I really needed help.  I know it may sound crazy but im serious.  He has given me strength and peace to carry on when I've felt like I was completely falling apart.  (I want to say this with as much respect as possible to whoever is reading, not arrogantly thumping bibles over heads as if i have all the answers for everything because i know i dont have all the
answers for everything.  I just know that Jesus has really helped me and I just wanted to share this with everyone here respectfully and in love.

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved" (Romans 10:9)
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Hello Everyone,

I have always suffered from anxiety, depression, slight OCD, and hypomanic. Dysthymia, General Anxiety Disorder to be precise. Also, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This past year, I have suffered from anxiety attacks and recently within the past 5 months, panic attacks off and on. Terrifying. Firstly, having done lots of research and reading up on this, I notice that a lot of people who struggle with anxiety also struggle with either people pleasing placating perfectionism or low self-esteem, self-worth, which goes hand in hand with the perfectionism and wanting to please others .I get it. I've been there for the last 26 1/2 years. I'm now 27. Feels weird because the I remembered ,I was 20 years old, somewhat happy, but "normal"- meaning I didn't have to worry about social events, theatres, restaurants, etc...If I knew then what I know now ,I would have not sweat the small stuff and just enjoyed life. I find that a lot of times, I mourn my old self and my past. I have faced a series of traumatic events non-stop for the past 4 years. This past was the topper. Trauma, sense of losing control, and continual slaps and punches in the soul and faces causes panic over time if anxiety is not closely monitored. I have to agree with UNLEASHETH.

I myself have a very strong faith system in which I pray, read scripture, gain strength from it, and have a strong church community. I believe the power of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and people praying for you is stronger than any pill, any self-doubt, and hatred. I'm afraid that once I mention the Holy Spirit, people think "crazy freak" and scroll on. However, I'm not what you judge me to be.

I'm, like you, a sufferer and constant fighter of anxiety and panic attacks. I take .5 Xanax daily. I used to take 2 a day. Now just down to 1/2 a day .But the thing that has gotten me through the toughest of times, the strangest of times, and the worst of times is my faith in God knowing that He is still in the miracle business and can heal, = will heal. I know for some who don't believe, it seems bizarre than this God can just heal you. Well, what's there to lose but have faith? We have been through the ringer haven't we? We have all suffered, felt ill, felt isolated, freakish, alone, inadequate, and crazy- literally-for what we are suffering from.

God knows that the human body is frail. Just like He forgives us of this and teaches us to be more grateful in the moment, appreciative for every peaceful moment, and more humility because in the end, we know our illness takes up about 90% of our mental capacity and we spend less time thinking about our inflated self-egos- if we even have one at that- we should forgive ourselves. Not be so hard on ourselves.

I know that everything happens for a reason. I know my panic attacks are a result of trauma. And also my crying spells are a result of all the pain,a nger hatred, and sorrow I held in my heart for so long. It's like holding daggers to your heart and then when it pierces your heart, everything in your body goes haywire to expel the poison in your system- self hatred, doubt, negativity, feelings of low self-worth, what any person has every done to you to make you hate yourself.

I also have noticed that people who suffer from anxiety also suffered as children. We were taught at a young age that the world is not a safe place. It will be as safe as we make it. I know there is stigma towards medication and all that stuff. However, who is to judge? Why do we put valiant pride, self-confidence, and boasting egos up on a pedestal and since when did it become "bad" to feel vulnerable, alone, sad, sick, and weak? It's perfectly OK to feel weak, sad, vulnerable- human! We have every right to feel this way. It's our body's way of saying "something in here is off wire...gotta do some tightening of some bolts and some changing of some wires."

I'll stop going on and on. I just wanted to say that we can do this. We can make it. We can fight this. It takes strength. It takes courage. and It takes faith. Prayer works. People praying for you works. Due to prayer and the proper management system of my anxiety, i can step by step overcome my anxiety, drive miles away, go to church, go shopping, just be a functioning human being. It's hard. There are times I feel so sick and crazy I want to slap myself. However, the world is hard enough on us. Why be harder on ourselves.

Trust in God. He will heal you just like He is slowly healing me. It takes time. Baby steps. No matter what we have been through or where we are now, we must have faith. This life is a journey. Every day is a step . When we wake up in the morning and are not dead in the ground, we are goin to have to make some decisions. To love ourselves .To be good to ourselves .To look on the bright side. To fight control. To accept and embrace our demons vs. running and fighting them.

I'll leave you with a prayer that seemed to help me:

Spirit, please locate the origin of my feeling/thought of (insert the negative feeling or what you want to resolve here) _____________________________.

Take each and every level, layer, area and aspect of my Be-ing to this origin. Analyze and resolve it perfectly, with God's truth.

Come through all generations of time & eternity, healing every incident and it's appendages based on the origin.

Do it according to God's will until I'm at the present, filled with light and truth, God's peace and love, forgiveness of myself for my incorrect perceptions, forgiveness of every person, place, circumstance and event which contributed to this feeling (s) /thought (s) .

With total forgiveness and unconditional love I allow every physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problem, and inappropriate behavior based on the negative origin recorded in my DNA, to transform.

I choose__________________ (insert same positive replacement for each blank.)

I feel______________________ I am_____________________

It is done. It is healed. It is accomplished now!

Thank you, Spirit, for coming to my aid and helping me attain the full measure of my creation. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you and praise God from whom all blessings flow.'

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."- John 14:27

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:18

Please have faith in yourself. and your ability to overcome. I want to see you heal and become better .My wish for all of you is peace. Inner and outer peace. Remember that in 100 years, all that you see will pass away. people die. and things pass away. so whenever you get anxiety and feel weird in social situations, just envision everything fading and passing away..and it doesn't matter in the end. In the end, it doesn't matter what they think. When we die, we'll be talking with the One who matters. Everything that we see now is temporary.
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3524742 tn?1347522081
I cry almost every day. There usually there seems to be no cause. My life is good - conditions are good. I have people, friends and family who love me.
The spells happen when i am alone - and it's so hard to function; I have to push, push, keep pushing just to do the minimum. Why is it so hard to move, to get out of the house if i know i will be happier once i get to where I'm going? But still it's so hard to get ready and leave the house.
When i am with people it all goes away. I turn on a dime.,
It's as though I am two people. Which one is real? They can't both be?, And so things are starting to seems surreal. I'm scared.
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I feel better knowing there are others who can relate to debilatating depression. I cry every day and feelings of hopelessness are worse lately because I am going through a break up. I started Celexa a couple of weeks ago and prior to that had not taken meds for over 5 years. I am 34. Do you have any suggestions for ways to improve the mood through healthy eating? I am a vegetarian and my diet isn't the greatest. I'm just trying to explore options other than meds also. I practice meditation and will get back to yoga. Thanks
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Hello, I went through something similar at your age. Just know that you are currently going through a major life change, and that can be very difficult to endure. It is stressful when you come to the point in your life where you have to be in control of your own life instead of having to depend on others (your family) to take care of you. It can feel overwhelming, and panic attacks make the feelings so much worse! For you, there is no "normal" mode of life anymore, so it's natural to want to be back with your family where you life can be predictable and you can be certain of your family's love and acceptance of you. The worst mistake I made at that time was not seeking good psychological help. In time you will make a life of your own and feel great about it, but that will happen later rather than sooner if you can't overcome your anxiety (which you can!). Hang in there, and I hope you are doing better.
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Hello all:

First, I have suffered with anxiety ever since I was a child.  No one ever understood why I would cry in my room for days and no one ever got me help.  It wasn't until my 20's that I tried meds and I didn't like what they did to me.  Then one tragedy after another forced me to go on something at 36 and it helped.  Thinking I was better, I weened off of the Effexor.  However, my new job taking up so much time and my youngest daughter is now exhibiting OCD sent me into a full blown panic attack.  It was like I was screaming inside all the time.  I would cry in shower so my kids wouldn't see me, etc...  I am back on Effexor and 2 weeks in and feeling better.  If I cannot keep my own head straight, how can I help my daughter.  She is seeing a therapist and sees a psychiatrist on the 4th of April.  My oldest has a GAD, as well.  I have been getting her help since she was 13.  Honestly, I am so glad I found these forums, because I have been feeling like crap, thinking about how I let my job cause me to fail my kids, etc... I cannot control everything that goes on around me and if medication helps me to stave off the impending doom feeling then I will suck it up and take it.
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never thought there were so many people who feel the way i do, anti depressants dont do a thing, i finally resorted to trying eating healthy and going to the gym and it worked for a week and out of the blue its back and i just cry excessively over what seems to be no reason at all most of the time. im scared and feel hopless and helpless... i feel like theres no way out. im not suicidal at all yet i pine over silly things like the world ending then just wish it would happen so i can just have and end to all these emotions. :/
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I've been crying on and off today...This all started one month ago, after a very nerve ranking dentist appt (I fear dentists). That week I had severe panic attacks. After that week things got better, so now all I have is constant worrying and crying. I'm a female, 18 and college freshman. I commute to college by train and everything is so hard. I am always alone, and I'm starting to lose interest in school. I have irrational fears of never getting a job, never having a family, and just basically becoming a failure. I feel so lost. The only time I am anxiety free is when I am home, with my mom and my family. They put me at ease. If I could, I'd just live in this house forever but I can't, the real world is out there, and it is scaring the living **** out of me.
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I cry daily. I feel very alone and embarrassed of how I feel. I don't feel like I can tell a lot of people because I am a supervisor at my job. I spend most of the day in my office crying off and on. It has gotten to the point of where I had to leave work because I couldn't stop. I'll be 40 next month. I thought this could be hormonal. But it isn't getting better. My husband thinks I'm feeding in to myself. This just makes me feel worse. I'm going to my dr on Monday. I can't live my life this way. My son is 14 and asking me all the time if I'm ok. I have no desire to be social with my friends or be in social situations at work.  I feel overwhelmed often. I don't sleep most nights. My mind just races.
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I've been crying on and off today...This all started one month ago, after a very nerve ranking dentist appt (I fear dentists). That week I had severe panic attacks. After that week things got better, so now all I have is constant worrying and crying. I'm a female, 18 and college freshman. I commute to college by train and everything is so hard. I am always alone, and I'm starting to lose interest in school. I have irrational fears of never getting a job, never having a family, and just basically becoming a failure. I feel so lost. The only time I am anxiety free is when I am home, with my mom and my family. They put me at ease. If I could, I'd just live in this house forever but I can't, the real world is out there, and it is scaring the living **** out of me.
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1492418 tn?1289149263
i cry after high anxiety and can cry for no apparent reason. I have alot of little self talk things that seem to help, This too shall pass is a biggie. and "loose your pact to keep you act intact" I translate this to mean its ok to cry and we make a way bigger deal of every little thing we notice than most people do. others cry and move on, we analyze it. So now i try to just notice and get back to the now. Tolle the power of now is really helpful in this.
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hi. i literaaly needs to tell this to some one who can help me out of this. i have been facing this a month ago and now here it is back again...i have this severe feeling in my chest as if there is some pressure..the pressure you feel when you are hell scared..tears are coming out of my eyess..i cant control it..
smallest things can make me feel this wat!
i am hating this part, i dont want to tell this to anyone at home atleast!!
today specifically i am feeling this way after since i had a conversation with my mom regarding my friends. she was expressing that she dont like them much. and i must not be friends with them. and after since that i started feeling hell bad!
please this is only one thing..there are many other things upsetting me!!
oh lord some one please help me!!
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