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Heavy head feeling and eye focusing problem

Hie, for the past 2 weeks i have had this heavy headed feeling, sometimes at the back of my head, sometimes it feels like the whole head. The feeling will be there constantly. Throughout the day, sometimes i feel throbbing pain at both sides of my temple. Apart from that, my eyes focus seems to be getting weird - don't really know how to explain the feeling, but it feels like my focus expands and then shrinks. My eyes also feels tired easily since this whole episode started. Before this happens, i've had a few other worries regarding my health, and hav been getting up several hours before i am suppose to be up. I have done a renal blood test (the doctor thought i might be anaemic) and a CT scan, both of which came back negative. I've been asked to go to an eye doctor instead. Should i be worried about brain tumour?
202 Responses
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go to a opthalmologist for a complete check up. i found out having the same symptoms plus a few more i had psuedo tumor cerbri.
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Hey im aleisha im 24 years old and pregnant with my 3 child i suffer from generalized anxiety disordor and depression i had this for 5 years now I take medication for it . I've been really stressed about a lot of things due to personal reason in my life and its difecult to concentrate my temples feel wired as well and my eyes are so blurry i feel the same as you nikki.. and its hard to think straight and its getting in the way with my daily tasks i just want it to go away what should i do with lots of people and great advice on hear any help as well thank you
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did any one got any diagnosis, please help!!
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I have suffered for 9 years searching for answers. I've had 3 MRI scans, due to a heavy pressure feeling in my head,painful unbearable headaches, my right ear feeling plugged & throbbing, dizziness, feeling unbalanced & unable to focus. I've learned to live with it but I can have panic attacks & feel depressed with it. I think this week i've finally found the answer & I want to help as many people as possible as I know how much it takes over your life. Is anybody still suffering these symptoms before I bore you?
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Yes, me, My head becomes heavy when I think any bad things. When Im thinking its like rehearsing agaim and again the situation until i can realizw that bad situation will not goin to happen. Its hard for me to stop over thinking
Yes please. XxxYes please. Any help most welcome. Xxx
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Lack of sleep and exhaustion causes anxiety. The brain becomes do tired it feels heavy and foggy. U feel like ur brain is fuzzy or numb or sometimes like it stopped and started again. Legs feel off balanced and like heavy or just weird.  Eyes feel blury and ur temples and yead region feel heavy and like i said numb ir fuzzy heavy.  U get nervous thinking its brain tumor . Ur anxuety takes over and ur in a cycle of stress lack if sleep and exhaustion. This is all related to lack of sleep. Texting too much also strains the eyes leading to the brain and that mskes the brain feel like its burnung as well as lack of sleep. My colleagues and i all experience this atvthe hospital i worked for. Stress+no skeep = anxiety and physical body symptoms in the brain eyes legs and all over. Just start journaling leave tour stress n worries in paper so ur not thunking of it. Go to bed at the same  time wake at the same time.  Eat well balanced food. Exercise and take vitamins. Most of all understand thatbits nit just you that feel this way and its just exhaustion. Have positive internal cinversations with your self.  Give your self oermission to feel thise feelings know that will sooth you and ease the anxiety. Again its not just u !  Deep breathe n try to simopy relax.
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Thank you for the bottom of my heart for this post. I have not found a better diagnosis to what is going on with me than this. Stress, sleep issues, and exhaustion all started 5-6 weeks ago....which is when my symptoms of brain fog, eye strain, tension down my left side, anxiety tingling moving throughout my body, balance issues at times when my eyes where being affected, lack of natural sleep, headaches, and depression thoughts began. All of this has been compounded by trying to to figure out answers to what is going on in this scary internal reality. So to receive your words helps me more than you ever know to calm the unknowns with me.

Thank you so much.
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OMG who are you i thought i was reading about my life and i feel the same way to so much... i cant believe there are people who has the same feeling like me and im suffering this for months and all my money is gone for medical test and several doctors check up... d last 1 i talk is a neurologist and she said i have anxiety and i should have a maintenance or i will go crazy.. this makes me feel so stress for what she said.. and that makes me have an anxiety.... i dont have a a huge problem in my life if i have i know how to handle it and if ever im going to feel this strange feeling it should be the time when i was in my darkest hour... what makes me have an anxiety is this strange feeling that no can answer...... i felt this one after going to a gym and thats it.. if i have phobia is when im going to take a shower while im shampoo my hair, thats makes me feel dizzy and lightheaded... i want to talk to you LOVEMYHEART!..  this happened to u way back 2013 and i want to know what did you do to make you feel better.. need ur help!
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I am also suffering from same problem
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Its sounds like anxiety symptoms. After 2 years i feel much better than how i was before panic attack. I do regular breath and walk daily basis. I had a fear since from my childhood. I feel some strange fear gone away after panic disorder period. Now i believe the words what doctor said " Jesus is going to optimize your body and make you as a new man in this world. You should accept the changes." Now i feels, how far its true. He suggested some exercise. I followed. These two years i worked in a college. Even any strange symptoms not going to affect you much. I fixed in my mind. Hope guys this will help you.
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16426782 tn?1447843358
It could be due to stress and anxiety. Taking too much stress affect your mental and physical health both, it also results sleep issues and anxiety problems.
Try some natural ways to remove your stress like head massage, hot bath, slow music and take proper meals.
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Have you ever come across seeing like visual static on the sides of whatever you are focusing on? Or see small visual snow type symptoms?
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Those snow type things are called eye floaters and are normal. They become less irritating through out your life as you grow up, and become unoticable. So if you see things in the air, that look like snow flakes, they are just eye floaters. (Completely Normal :)
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I'm having this heaviness feeling at the back of my head. It's kinda pressure sometimes my head feels cold from inside abit which is quite disturbing as a normal human being. Secondly I can't focus on things as I used to. Standing anywhere at a stretch for a long period makes me feel like I might fall. And one more thing my ears are so blocked too and heavy till my neck. It's been a year I'm in this situation haven't get it checked. On this coming Monday I'll be going to the doctor to get my ears checked first then I'll pursue whatever he will ask me to do so. What should I be doing ?  Kindly guide me as well. :)
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I've been having those too.  Heavy headed feeling where I feel like I can't hold my head up.   Especially like that behind a computer screen and driving.  Also that uneasiness and loss of balance.  I've had an MRI of my neck and brain both with/without contrast, nothing there.  Ultrasounds of my gut to make sure there's no abnormalities.   Good there.  One thing that popped up after I asked for a specific blood test my vitamin d was low (16).  So I'm taking 50,000UI once a week.   I feel a little better but long road ahead if the vitamin decifiency was the culprit.   I'm also going to get tested for gluten and Candida.  Candida can do everything that you all mentioned and is pretty much living in everybody.   Just some people never get the affects of it or it blew up out of control releasing the poisons.   So I'll be going gluten free soon for a month to see how I feel.   I'll let you all know how it goes.  

I also get facial numbness usually accompanied with the heavy headed feeling and foggy headed but I'm chalking that up to my anxiety blowing up like it has done for years.   Anxiety and depression can be a very tricky thing to deal with.   My anxiety normally gives me nausea so with these issues is killing me.   Lost a bunch of weight so far because of it.  
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I have same headed feeling episodes sometimes they are very hard sometimes they are slow and without pain.This happens to me for almost one yeae.It's a very strange and confused feeling.I visited neurologist.They make all the necessary exams ...Brain exams,blood tests etc etc...Nothing wrong!My neurologist is confused he cannot understand if I have "Migraine" or "High Blood Pressure".This feeling happens especially in summet time and high temperature....I dont know how to deal sometimes sleep helps me a lot....Now I'm used to this heavy head feeling and I can walk,talk .....But still I feel it...
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Oh and one thing I noticed when I had those intense episodes was that I felt like some kinda liquid was being released into my brain along with the extreme pressure in neck and back of the head and racing thoughts which was a very scary feeling. It would make me very restless and scared like the brain was melting or something.
It was never diagnosed that what kind of feeling was that. I still feel it sometimes when I get a very intense episode but not very often like before. Thank God.

Its very hard to explain but I am sure somebody here would be able to relate.

Please let me know does these weird things happen in an anxiety attack?
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jack am having the same of ur problem and the feeling is like am getting mad. when it comes I take paracetamol and aspirin.
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I am glad I am not alone. I have been having all these weird symptoms for last 2 years now. One day i was driving to work and felt like i was about to pass out. Sudden palpitations with hot flashes, blurry eyes, extreme pressure in my neck , shoulders and head. I was in the middle of driving on highway and felt like i was going to lose my control. It scared me to death. I ended up in the ER. No body knew what kind of episode was this and I was not able to explain. They did all kind of tests , CT scans, even MRI of brain , neck etc. every thing came back normal. My physical workup continued til 1 and half years and nothing was diagnosed properly... and I continued to have all these above symptoms with all their intensity.
Finally I begged my neurologist to put me on any anti anxiety drug to see if it works. He prescribed me Zoloft which was very harsh on me in the beginning but I wanted to hang in there. I was a complete mess and wanted to get to the normal state.
Finally it started helping me by reducing the intensity of some of the symptoms. I am now on 100 mg of zoloft , and much better than before but still get those heavy head and foggy mindedness very often.

but the only thing i am still worried and fighting for is the anxiety and panic during driving. I can not drive. I manage to drive on small streets but CAN'T drive on roads or highways at all. It triggers my nervousness and same extreme symptoms as soon as I see the road or a traffic light.

Anybody else in this situation?

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Yes i have the same problem you have the same exact description
Sk121, you have to control the panic attacks. Don't let them win ! I have had them all my life and refuse to let them get me down. When I have one I just pull over or where ever I am and  lose my eyes count back with no.  Take slow breaths . I also have the foggy head and disconnection with my eyes I feel like I have been drugged. I have no idea what it is . But when it happens I close my eyes put my head all the way back for a min. I treat it like vertigo. And it helps about 80 percent. I thank Jesus and off I go. Sleep is very important make sure you get enough. Maybe start the day with a healthy breakfast and maybe some yoga stretches they really work. :)
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exactly the same situation im facing. I am a computer profressional, its been few months my dammn brain seems jelly and dumb..eyes too strain and feels difficult to conecentrate and think..i have no other physical issues and never had other  than this symptom thats making me like an idiot.

Please help..i tested my vision changed my glasses..but of no use..
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15198544 tn?1439068399
I had the same problems and I was hospitalized for OCD and put on Zoloft for anxiety assistance. I met with a psychiatrist and therapist 1 every other week. and that is were i feel the most relief from my anxiety. i have learned breathing techniques that assist in that heavy feeling and eye problem, here is a link to a  breathing technique to help lessen the tension.

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just curious, as i struggle from anxiety as well as a fear of possible seizures, what were your symptoms that made you think you were having seizures? have you been fine since?
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Even I am in the same situation not able to concentarte on any thing..help me pls..
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I didn't read all of these comments but some of the symptoms seem quite similar to what has been bothering me for years: ANXIETY AND NARCOLEPSY.  Before you roll your eyes, consider if you meet some of the criteria (you do not HAVE to have cataplexy either).  Complete the Epsworth Sleepiness Scale, think about is the heaviness that you feel (brain fog, forgetfulness) caused by maybe feeling "sleepy". I'm on medication now but for at least a year I felt like I was losing my mind (I'm a grad student, 4.0 graduate, full-time Social Worker, so it was uncharacteristic) when I began having a hard time focusing more, forgetting a lot, wanting to withdraw from others, I could barely get through the day, go to the gym and I would go right to bed, I felt depressed because all I wanted to do was sleep and I felt out of it all the time.  FINALLY I got a referral from my doctor to see a Sleep Specialist - I have a sleep study and MSLT (Multiple Sleep Latency Test) with showed that I fall asleep so quickly that sometimes I might not even feel it because I often also go directly into REM sleep ... also abnormal).  SOOO ... before ruling it out, PLEASE be aware of how sleep and any sleep problems can highly impact your functionality and most always impact the severity of any other co-occurring disorders you may have (Anxiety, depression, chronic pain, etc.) that you may already have.
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I agree with this 100%. I also clench my teeth, then my heavy head keeps me from sleeping. I don't always get heavy head feeling, but when I do I always think I have a brain tumor or something-then I remind myself its just my anxiety. It a hard cycle, but we just have to learn to work with it
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26 years ago my problem started, i just started my new job and everything was going well. bam i woke up one day and felt weird, started the doctor thing which led to ent for all the ear tests,then nuerologist for brain scan then more ear dr's more nuerologists, the weird feeling led to scared feelings which manifested to panic attacks all while trying to keep my new job. finally after a few years of just getting by everyday i got an arrythmia,ah finally a real symptom. as bad as it was i finally had something that was real,eventually my mind came off the other heavy headed feeling  as it lessened. i finally got very used to that feeling that i new it would go away after a while and next day id be fine,but always was afraid to do certain things,promotions etc,.in the last 10 years ive been tolerating it well,a couple of beers would even help a lot until about a month ago things started coming back with a vengance, i am, back to square one all over,dont know what to do
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9108450 tn?1412469784
This is so reassuring. Thanks s0 much!
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people who feels that their right brain is heavy is because your left brain is more active than right part. If you want to activate right brain just buy this book"Tony Buzane-the power of creative intelligence" dont overthink on this problem it is a minor problem.
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Phil and Mik haven't posted since 2009 so I don't think they will get your message.
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