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1679514 tn?1305240068

Horrible Panic Attacks

I have had panic attacks for 9 years ( at times they have subsided for a few years at a time), Within the last year they are back (full blown), My doctor just prescribed me inderal (beta blocker) and ativan...it seems to make me worse, it does take away some of the panic yet leaves me with : horrible headaches, clammy, extremely dizzy (hard to even keep my balance), racing thoughts, no appetite, sugary taste in my mouth, lost touch with reality; I feel like I am dying and cannot function in day to day life. Does anyone know of any effective drugs?
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You should call your Pharmacist or your Doc... you also don't write about the dosage... I'm a on low dose of Inderal, not more than 15 mg a day but normally only take 2.5 to 5 mg in the morning when my heart race the most... Same for the Ativan, if your dosage is high, that can explain why you feel bad... Benzo meds cause a lot of fatigue and the beta-blocker like the Inderal also.. I'm on Inderal + Klonopin + Xanax (Klonopin and Xanax are like the ativan but stronger...) and I feel the same as you... my benzo meds dose are high cause I have a high cross tolerance to those meds... but the Inderal kill me, that's why I never take more than 15 mg in a whole day (when I have to go out of the house) and keep my dosage at 2,5mg to 5 mg the days I stay at home...  without the Inderal, my heart race above 140 and with the inderal it's around 80-100 at rest, funny cause last year it was all the time low at 50-55 even when I had a panic attack... went to the ER 3 times in the last 3 months and was at 241 pulse rate... not very fun...

I'm also like "constantbeauty", had a very bad reaction to an old antidepressant med (Parnate) and since then, I can't take another antidepressant again, or worse, can't take any kind of meds, even meds that I take in the past...even if I need to be back on the Paxil,  and was used to be on the Paxil on and off for the last 20 years and that my panic disorder is now so bad, turning into a nightmare, now dealing with general anxiety as well, OCD mainly related to my heart (taking my pulse rate all the time and my blood pressure), I have no life at all... Everyday is the same, my head hurt, can't think straight, chest pain, gaz and bloating pain in my belly, a lot of depersonalization feeling all the time, constant dizziness, jaw pain, muscles pain, legs pain, extreme fatigue... that's suck...Everything who increase my pulse rate trigger panic and increase my anxiety by 10 folds... things like climbing the stairs, taking a shower, have a bowel movement, walk or being in a situation who increase my anxiety like being in a car or outside the house...

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It really is hard, but I tried a few different anti depressants to work with my panic disorder. Maybe you can think about trying it a bit. Before I got on anything my mom (who knows all to well about this same stuff) figured out that I was getting panic attacks and she would give me .25mg of xanax and it would always calm me down within about 15 min. Maybe you need to find a medication that works for you...
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1679514 tn?1305240068
Yes, constantbeauty. I am afraid of new medications as well, after taking this beta blocker. I hate how it is trial and error , like a game of russian roulette :(, to me it seems. Have you tried CBT therapy? I feel comfortable with past medications but I think I have taken them for such a long period of time that they have built up an immunity and no longer work for me.

  Pinklulu11 Thank you for the prayer; I sent you a friend request, new on here ha so not quite sure how to operate everything. It feels good knowing that I am not alone, the majority of people that do not suffer from panic attacks think it is just a joke, or that we can just "Calm " down, if only it were that easy. I wish you the best, and I can imagine how horrible it is without meds.
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Wow!  Your NOT alone.  You described the symptoms so well!!!!   I went to ER with HR over 160-170 and had to have an adenosine push. (scary).    Well, not my anxiety came back with a vengence!  I was put on a beta blocker..metropoppl (sp?) and I had ALL of your symptoms and then some!   I felt like I wasn't even human.  It was just an unreal feeling, and its hard to describe, so nobody really understood.   Well, my dr. finally let me ween off.   My new dr. is now considering atenol (sp) a diff beta blocker or wants me to try a calcium channel blocker.  Im on nothing right now and my panic attacks are SOOO bad.  It truely is ruining my life.   But, after those horrible side effects I am so scared to even try another blocker.  Add me as a friend and keep in touch.  I would love to share stories with you and info.  :)   Take it easy, I will say a prayer for you tonight.   As we all could use a lil prayer in our lives.  
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1680450 tn?1306254193
I wish I could go see a doctor for what's going on with me, but even if I did, I'd be scared to take the medications that they may or may not give me. I suffer from HORRIBLE anxiety/panic attacks, but they usually revolve around all things medical. I had a horrible reaction to an IV medication that was administered to me by an ER doctor [Benadryl] and my heart raced so bad, that now I am afraid of medications, unless it's something that I've taken before in the past.
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1679514 tn?1305240068
Yes I am seeing a psychiatrist (yet somehow I feel as if he has my medications all wrong) I have explained these symptoms to him, yesterday over the phone ; He lowered my dosage of the beta blocker; I still feel very weird :( , thank you guys for the support! I just hope this gets better, or that he prescribes me something differently . I will give this doctor one more chance I suppose.
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1663430 tn?1306162863
Have you made your doctor aware of your symptoms? beta blocker will drop your blood preasure and if it goes to low it could be dangerous. Buy a blood preasure cup and keep tabs on it yourself and then take your reading to your doctor so he can review it and maybe change your meds. I would only check it 2 or 3 times a day. once in the morning, at lunch and evening. do that for a week and take it in to the doctor. if it is dropping real low like 100/60 and the pulse is under 60, i would discontinue the beta blockers until i checked with the doctor. 120/80 with a pulse of 60 to 80 is ideal i believe but if your in panic mode that will fluctuate too so try and calm yourself and then sitdown uncross your legs be still and relax when you take it that way it give a proper reading.
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784558 tn?1276007829
As previous post suggests, see whoever prescribed the drugs & tell them about your symptoms. A pharmacist will be able to tell you all about any drugs that you have been prescribed, compatabilty, side effects/dosage etc. You need to act now, don't let the problem fester, get it sorted out asp. The sooner you act the sooner you'll feel better & you'll get your life back. We all understand how unpleasant panic attacks can be. Wish you luck in getting the right medication. Best wishes.
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beta blocker are usually blood pressure medications but my dr put me on one for migraine headaches but they made me so weak i couldnt take it so I stopped....ativan is a benzo for a calming on your nervous system....maybe the two dont mix or you are sensitivie to medications like myself.....I went yesterday t the PA and she gave me Paxil to take and I only have taken one dose and I have felt really bad today.....I have already tried it twice before but they say I need to be on something but all anti-depressants back fire on me for some reason....I hope I can make it thru the side effects...I hope you get to feeling better but with all your symptoms i would call and aske to speak with the nurse and tell her what is giong on....better to be safe than sorry....maybe the ativan will do the trick instead of both of them or maybe they will recommend something else but I would call and let them know cause the weekend is coming up and you wont be able to contact them....so please give them a call before they close today....my prayers are with you Erica and I hope you get to feeling better really soon.....
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You're on two anxiety medications...not sure they're even compatible.  I would contact your doctor right away regarding this, or even call your pharmacist.  I don't understand your doctor's thinking on this.  If you're not seeing a psychiatrist for your medications, you need to.  They are the most knowledgeable when it comes to what is best for you and your needs.  Hope this helps.
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