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Caffeine sensitivity

Has anyone had issues with medication causing a sensitivity to caffeine?  I used to drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day, and now, after only 3 oz of cola or 1 oz of coffee, my head is buzzing, pupils are dilated and I feel completely strange and restless.
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Love to help people with dizzyness.
Try apple vinager with water.
Try coriander seeds.
Try lemon juice n water.try dmg but with a small dose. Try b12 natural methycoblan or hydrob12 non drowsy
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I used to drink plenty of coffee then one morning ran inside felt I was going to get dizzy.And then it hit me hard I was totally dizzy had to call the ambalance went to hospital n they say I was dehydrated.but since then been 2 years never fully recovered.but been searching  for a cure.but learn some people are short in b12 or magnesium or B6 or b9 or sulfur. Till now I'm searching.I also hot ringing ears and never recover from that day.Hope this help call me for a advice ***@****. I have learnt alot about herbs n medicone since then.try tmg or dmg.
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Yeah after a pinched nerve like symptoms doctors gave me predisone and flexoril and ibuproferen....man they bleeped my life up!!!!
I have numbness in my fingers , strength has been lost and cant handle any caffeine or chocolate. plus I went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack , they said im fine and I have just been trying to figure  it out myself since they are incapable nincompoops...lol...any help would be appreciated....I think it attacked my enzymes for breaking caffeine down but not sure....I might go see a acupuncturist...
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Wow me too but I just turned 45 and 4 months, before that I used to love coffee now it makes me feel foul.
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Wow. I turned 35 in May and lately after I drink coffee I get really weird. I feel like my body is trembling. Befor that I'd drink a 16oz coffee every morning with no side effects that I could notice. I've also been drinking it since I was 19. So 35 is the "it's all downhill from here" age I guess!
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This is crazy because I turned 35 one month ago today and I am on here because for the last two hours I have been losing it. I took a multivitamin that contained caffeine, and twenty minutes later I started to think I was dying. Clammy hands, shortness of breath, tightness in my chest, dizzy, dilated pupils, slight confusion... It took me a while to make the connection to the vitamin...I am cuban/american and have been raised drinking Cuban diesel fuel a.k.a Cuban coffee, and used to drink an entire cup of it. A colada.. This is bizarre. I took some clonazepam and it's kicking in, allowing me to type. I felt really bad for a while there. Scary.
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I used to experience the something similar to what you are describing, I thought I was seeing things out of the corner of my eye, Primarily one eye, I went to the optometrist, and he discovered I had "floaters" which are small pieces of whatever floating around in my eye  he said everyone has some, some are more noticeable than others. I can only see mine if I have my eyes turned a certain way.  I also have a caffeine sensitivity.
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can anyone tell me with some experience if they have had hallucinations with small amounts of caffiene. say, one or two cups of coffee at work a day or maybe a chocolate bar? All the liturature indicates high use. I am on medication (seroquel) for anxiety and deppression but have had very little trouble from it at all. life is good as far as I am concerned. I keep seeing things out of the corner of my eye for a split second. It is not impacting on my ability to function it is just annoying and I want to stop it before it becomes worse.

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Can anyone tell me for sure that a small amount of caffiene can increase the likelihood of someone hallucinating. All liturature points to high consumption. I only have one cup of instant coffee a day if I am at work.
I am on medication to control symptoms of anxiety and depression. (Seroquel) I can't say that I have been stressed, I have been feeling fantastic and life is great. I am noticing that out of the corner of my eye, I keep seeing something for a split second. It is not affecting my ability to function, I just want to know what is causing it and to fix it.  

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756668 tn?1287225387
It use to bother me all the time. but now only on occasions...I guess if I am bit anxious then for sure I won't drink any until I feel better. But I do not have any caffeine after 9am.  Caffeine Free only for me.

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Thanks for your post.  I turned 35 in January so that's an interesting coincidence!  I guess I'll just avoid it all together. It's not like I was dependent on it anyway. I just like coffee!  Anyway, my mother is really sensitive to caffeine and can't drink it.  Maybe there's a connection there.

I feel much better about the situation now that I know Im not the only one.  Thanks again for your post.

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765775 tn?1366024691
I have had this problem. When I was younger I used to drink coffee every morning with no problems at all. When I was about 35 years old I noticed that I started having reactions to caffeine much like you describe and a skin crawling feeling.

I told my doctor about it and he told me that it is not uncommon for people to all of a sudden become sensitive to caffeine and I should avoid it. I did ask if any of my medications were causing it and he said no, and that I shouldn't be consuming it anyway. I have become so sensitive to it that if I have a piece of chocolate I have a reaction. Chocolate has some caffeine in it but very little.

CJ is also correct about the caffiene adding to anxiety. It is best to just stay away from it. You can drink decaffeinated beverages and not know the difference.
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My doc didn't see why I would have a change in my reaction to caffeine, although I can't say that I have a whole lot of faith in her currently for other reasons.  This reaction to caffeine has only been for a couple of weeks. Before then, I could drink a small cup of coffee without any effects.  It's just so strange now that I can't even have a couple of SIPS of coffee without it effecting me physiologically.  
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Caffeine can definitely add to anxiety.  Many docs will tell you to cut it out of your diet during treatment of panic/anxiety because it does tend to raise the heart rate and bp which in turn can worsen panic in my opinion.  Have you checked with your doc or pharmacist about consuming caffeine while you are taking meds?  I am not sure it reacts with it or not.  
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