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Paxil Withdrawal

I've tried to get off Paxil recently and had the WORST problems. After researching and talking to people who have gotten off (or tried to get off) of the drug I am horrified that Paxil is still being prescribed. I am also AMAZED that a DOCTOR would actually say that this isn't dangerous, or that it isn't the PAXIL!?!? Are you kidding? How much were you paid to say that? Paxil DID help with my panic attacks. Did not cure or stop them, but helped. Then getting off of it, or trying to was ABSOLUTE HELL! I can't walk because I'm so dizzy I can't keep my balance. My head feels foggy and cloudy. My head also hurts and it feels like someone keeps hammering a nail into my eyes. I cannot read a book or focus on the computer screen. I get confused and do not understand even the simplest of things. I am 27, smart, in shape and fast- paced. When trying to slowly wean off of this drug - I become slow and confused. Also, I become nauseous, the lights around become extremely bright. I cannot stand the lights even in my house. I have to squint and then even cover my eyes. I become emotional -- overly ovely emotional. I become paranoid and scared and start to panic because I see shadows out of the corners of my eyes. Then I try to go to work and I can't correctly hear or understand what people are saying to me. I feel like I'm watching a movie or it is a dream. I start to wonder if I'm losing my mind. I start sweating in my own house (that I always keep at 60 degrees) and have to go outside in the 30 degree weather with a tank top on. That is if I don't fall down the steps from the dizziness or the shocks in my head. I became extremely angry and irratated. So angry that family members suggested that I go to anger management classes. That was before they knew that it was the Paxil. These are just some of the MAIN things I am feeling while slowly slowly weaning off of this drug that was supposed to help me. My doctor that put me on Paxil told me to only stay on it for 1 year. So one year later, this is what's going on. It is happening to everyone trying to wean off of Paxil. If you don't have one symptom, you have the other. And lucky me, I have most of them. I have NO time to take off of work and I worked like this every day until I couldn't take it anymore and went back on Paxil. I read one doctor say that this was a safe drug and there are no withdrawal symptoms and I had to laugh out loud. Please "doctor" try out Paxil for yourself for a year or 2 and then stop taking it. My husband was on Paxil in the army and stopped taking it and got what they call the "Paxil Flu". This is a dangerous drug that has many side effects and many MANY more withdrawal symptoms. You might as well be on heroin and try to get off. If I could go back, I would have never gotten on Paxil. It helped with panic attacks but gave me about 30 other problems. So to sum up.... when on Paxil you get to look forward to gaining weight, making bad decisions and choices that will affect the rest of your life and coming close to death while trying to get off of this drug from HELL!!
P.S. There are documents stating that GSK (the makers of Paxil) knew that there were horrible withdrawal symptoms and hid this fact. So either the doctor's don't know about it or they're lying to us. Either way, this is happening.. it's real and extremely dangerous.
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Well go to the doctor. I had this a few years ago and it went away but now a few months ago I had this dried up yellow snot that kept coming back and hard to get out. Now there's "dead tissue" in my nostril according to tests and the ENT wants to do surgery to get it all out and have it all tested just to be sure. Plus I released some pressure using a "tool" and for the second time in a couple months the watery yellow fluid came gushing out.
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The first time I was on Paxil and wanted to quit, I had to move home with my parents (I was 25) and my mom stuck by me. Every day she would take a carrot peeler and shave a little more off. If it was too big a shock she would keep it the same for a few days. It was hell. I couldn't sit still in a chair without my hands bouncing off the arm rests from the shakes and zaps. That was from 20mg.
Here I am, 15 years later, on it again because my doc was out of ideas, and I have to quit again. I'm on warfarin. No one told me they interact very badly. I'm so nervous to start the taper, but trust me, you CAN get through it with a good support team or person!
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I was taking a 75mg capsule which I could not split so I stopped taking it and dealt with the brain zaps, loss of equilibrium, confusion, insomnia, stomach sickness et al.  
That was seven days ago and I  happily report that the brain zaps are weaker especially after day three.  I still have insomnia which seems to be getting better as well.
I am taking fish oil, vitamin b, and a multivitamin.  Not sure if that had anything to do with it or it was my determination to get off this nightmare that I was on for the last year.  Being on it is okay but being strapped to it especially with no insurance certainly is a nightmare.  
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I totally put my last comment in the wrong forum and I don't know how to delete it. Oops.
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My doctor just unceremoniously took me off.  When she did it, I had 5 pills left.  She didnt even tell me she was doing it..I tried to refill..Im trying to switch providers and the clinical administrator refuses to return my calls.  I think they think Im drug seeking.  ive got this electrical shock shootin through my head every few seconds..Im so off kilter.  I wouldnt have done this.  I would have requested a slow take off..becuase Ive done this before.
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where are you today oliver?
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  what you are going through is REAL. The medical community is making too much money from the manufacturer, glaxo smith- kline to be true to their medical ethics.

I am at my wits end with getting off. it has been 2 months and a week and all the symptoms you describe are mine.

Furious isn't a powerful enough word to describe how I feel against my psychiatrist who knows all of the horrors but wouldn't admit to me when i visited him 2 weeks ago.

Yesterday I contacted several law firms who do Paxil lawsuits. There are so many class action suits. The settlements have been beyond huge. I feel so wrecked by this experience . Trauma .

Today I hope to hear from an attorney at my aged father's lawfirm. I am just praying they can sue the socks off this despicable company. I cannot think of anything else to do.

I have a good psychologist I see twice a week.She urged me to get off Paxil and Depakote. Paxil on 6 years, Depakote 25. I have lost 17 pounds in 2 months. I had gained 50 in the last 13 years. But what a way to lose.

There are thousands if not more of us. I wish I could find a live support group. writing is the only thing that makes me feel better . And reading these posts.

Night time when I am not sleeping is so lonely and scary. My fears mount and I have to talk myself down.

I didn't feel any physical side effects of getting off Depakote. My doctor said cold turkey was O.K unless I was on it for seizures. I was not.

I got off drugs after being in therapy most of my life. My psychoanalyst and I decided I should try getting off drugs to see if some of the depression and anxiety had gone away. It was so long ago. I was in my thirties when a lot was going on in my life to cause depression and low level mood swings.

I have always exercised and eaten right and been a positive and productive person. She says I am very strong and will get through this.She says the traumas in my past were much worse. She promises me she will stay the course with me for as long as it takes. I thank God I found her 11 years ago in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is twenty years younger than me, but she has matured  right along with me.

Every night I pray for daylight. We are not alone and must fight back.Tell the story wherever you can and however you can. I am a writer and this is a major part of my memoir which is almost finished. I will work relentlessly until it is published.
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  money from the pharmaceutical companies. look how much glaxo smith-kline has paid out in settlements. they are obviously making enough on this drug to ignore the fact that people almost die getting off it.
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Getting off Effexor is just as hard as getting off Paxil for most people -- they are the two worst.  The reason she liked the Paxil better is that Effexor is a stimulating antidepressant that targets norepinephrine as well as serotonin, so it isn't as good if anxiety is the primary problem for most people.  That's also why it's helping her sex life perhaps, though it could also be hormonal, because ssris are notorious for depressing sexual performance and desire.  So if she wants to quit Effexor, she's going to have to do it just as carefully as she did the Paxil, and I seriously doubt going up on the Effexor while quitting the Paxil helped -- more likely it hurt, giving her the side effects of starting a new drug alongside the side effects of quitting Paxil.  It's much safer to completely quit a drug before starting the new one and makes evaluation of the new one much easier.  Sometime Prozac is used for this purpose because it's assumed to be easier to quit due to its longer half life in the body but I doubt it works much of the time, but certainly starting an equally difficult drug like Effexor wouldn't be my choice.
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1423357 tn?1511085442
My wife had remained on Paxil for many years after successfully conquering anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia.  In her case, psychological counseling, combined with  Paxil was the cure.  She had remained on the SSRI more as a prophylaxis.

A number of years ago, it was discovered that she had developed breast cancer.  After a lumpectomy, and radiation, she went on a 5 year regime of the drug, Tamoxifen.  It was discovered that SSRI greatly reduce the effectiveness of Tamoxifen, and she was put on the SNRI, Venlafaxine (Effexor).  The transitionary period was pure misery for my poor wife. Fortunately, as the Paxil was being reduced, the Venlafaxine was being increased, so it wasn't as bad as coming off it completely.

I can't impress enough on anyone just how slowly your particular dosage must be reduced to avoid the unpleasant side effects.  It must be reduced so gradually that you literally trick your body into slowly accepting the reduced dosage.  For instance, quartering you pill is way too gross of a reduction.  Most people will have unpleasant reactions to this relatively vast change in strength.  Instead, liquid Paxil is available to make dose changes so small that it would be equivalent to cutting one tenth of a piece of pill out of the daily dose.

It is my belief that liquid Paxil is the only way to effectively reduce the dose, and this must be done over months to avoid the nasty side effects.

I would also like to warn anyone that may read this thread who are thinking of beginning treatment with an SSRI or an SNRI to really think t through before starting it.  Physicians might be eager to get an anxiety sufferer on it because it can be an effective treatment.  But I think if a physician could subject themselves to the misery of coming off this stuff, they might think twice before putting a patient on it.

Having successfully defeated breast cancer, my wife is thinking about getting back on Paxil again as she claims to fell much better on it. I know that Venlafaxine gives her frequent vivid night terrors, and I'm often awakened by vocal outbursts, and what I call "Fred Flintstone" leg movement as if she were running in place.  I'm not so sure this is a good idea though. I saw this transition period once, and I don't want to see her go through it again. As a positive point for the SNRI, not associated with this discussion. and if I could be as discrete as possible, the Venlafaxine has had a positive effect on her libido.  We've are both 64 and have been married for 42 years.  We've always had a healthy sex life, but since she's been on the Venlafaxine, and even at 64, she is experiencing multiple orgasms, sometimes 3 or 4 before totally exhaustion.  I am absolutely positive this is due to the drug, so of course, I'm not anxious for her to change it.  Let's not mess with success.  Of course though, I want what's best for the other 98% of her day to day life.

Getting off of SSRI's can be done, but it must be done ever so slowly, and by using a liquid for of the drug made specifically to make miniscule reductions in daily dose.

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All I would like to say is I am so glad I'm not going through this alone. Unfortunately I can' take the brain shocks, or any more of any of the withdraws. ( its been a month) and i have missed too much work)So i am just going to go back on paxil. I really have no trust in my doctors at the moment. All I want is to feel normal again. I feel this is my only option. Sad but true.
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My GP switched me from Zoloft to 10mg Paxil no more than a month ago.  And also said I needed to see a psychiatrist as he didn't feel qualified to address what was going on with me (previous depression, current anxiety).  I thought it was helping with my anxiety so he upped it to 20mg.  I started having "rage" episodes and made another appointment to see my GP. (Couldn't get into see a psychiatrist for 2 more weeks).  I went back down to 10mg on my own because I know you shouldn't quit anything like this cold turkey.  I only took the 20mg for about 7 days.  I would forget to take my 10mg and get extremely dizzy, lightheaded, agitated and irritable.  I missed another dose and had the worst day ever.  Luckily I only have one week before I see the psychiatrist.  I cannot live with these withdrawals as I am a stay at home mom to a 2 year old.  Keep in mind I haven't even been taking Paxil for a whole month!  Be careful when stopping this drug.  This forum has made me feel SOOO much better, not so alone.  I love my GP and respect him tremendously.  He has steered me in the right direction and done what he could for me but I don't think he realized the side effects of getting off Paxil.  Seeing a psychiatrist and getting on a weening off plan is my next step.  Remember, a good doctor doesn't want you to become dependent, they want you to become independent.  
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Now in third week of Paroxetine (generic Paxil) withdrawal.  Thank you all for the info and words of encouragement.  Been taking this drug for 20 years.  I've tried several times to get off it, but, just as many of you have described, went back on because the side effects were unbearable.  Have tried gradual weaning but this time is cold turkey after a very long period of reduction to 10 mg.  My symptoms are so similar to many listed here, that just knowing others are experiencing this helps me get through.  Side effects are intermittent, some days not bad, some days terrible.  Massive headaches-some of them migraines, extreme morning diarrhea, crying very often for no reason, head 'rushes' especially with rapid eye movement, periodic nausea (especially when brushing my teeth-how weird is that?), some dizziness when I'm standing-noticed most often whenI am outside and have to close my eyes because the light is soooo  blinding.  I desperately want to stay off this drug but totally understand any person going back on to alleviate these side effects.  Also, must mention insomnia and weird dreams.  Still have to get off the sleeping pills which are just as horribly addictive.  If any of you are considering these types of medication, please think twice, research everything you can find and do not trust a doctor to give you accurate information.  If any doctor has gone through what we are going through, would their conscience allow them to prescribe these horrible chemicals?  
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First, you need a psychiatrist, not just a doctor, and one who really knows how to do this properly.  20 years is a long, long time, and it's likely going to take a long taper to get off it, though everyone's different and some just slide right through it.  Very few doctors, and even few psychiatrists bother to learn how tough these drugs are to stop taking and how to properly do it, so you need to interrogate them before you do this to make sure they take it seriously and will be there for you.  So since you're going back on the Paxil, if you still want to quit, you need someone who can really guide you carefully through it.  As this post is quite old, you might want to start a new thread to get more answers.
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6512584 tn?1381969794
This is exactly what I am going through!  I feel like I need to go to the hospital!  I just recently moved to Florida and I don't have a doctor so I am going to have to go to a clinic to get back on my Paxil.  It has been 3 weeks since I have had it and I have been taking it for 20 years!  I feel horrible and I don't know what to do!  Any suggestions would be so very appreciated!!

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I was in 50mg paxil a day for about a year and  then wean myself down to 15mg over the last 6 months. I had side effects but got passed them to get down to 15mg. I would like to get off Paxil completely, but when I go from 15 mg to 10mg the side effects are headaches, head buzz, and moodiness to anger.  How long will this last?  I have decided to go back up to 15mg and then very slowly down to 10mg to 5mg to 0 ,by just shaving a little of the tablet over time. This withdrawals are awful. How long do withdrawals last?  
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I have all the same if I miss two days because I can't afford a refil or forget they come right away and progressively worsen to the point I can't even turn my head with out almost passing out! Longest I had to go without is a week and it was hell and it just got worse everyday. It helped me with depression and I didn't gain weight in fact with diet and excersise I lost 70 pounds so far. But I don't know how I'd ever get off when I need to.
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This is why you do this with a good psychiatrist you've vetted yourself, not a regular doc.  As for me, forget me -- hopefully I'm a rare case, though who knows, nobody's counting -- better to just focus on your own case.  Peace.
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Hey Paxiled, im sorry to hear that you experience symptoms till this day as a result of paxil. I've just recently been through hell after a cold turkey w/d attempt (recommended by my doctor) after i passed out due to too quick a taper, after being on paxil for 3 years. Im back on 10mg/day and stabilising.

What are the symptoms that have persisted since you've stopped paxil? How long were you on and what for? Are you on any meds at the moment?
I was prescribed paxil for chronic pain

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I'm not Sue, and because this is a really old thread you might not get any answers.  Might want to start a new one.  I will say that doing this with a GP wasn't your best idea ever -- they don't have much experience with this.  Most psychiatrists are clueless as well, but there are some good ones who do know how to do this carefully.  Your tapering down was probably much too quick for this drug, but hopefully what you have is all you get.  It's often called the Paxil flu.  But if it turns much worse, or gets to emotional stuff, see a good psychiatrist and taper off more slowly.  How long it lasts is different for everyone -- some swim through, some don't.  I'd be careful with the Advil, though, if you have stomach issues  -- it might not be a problem for you, but it causes stomach problems in a lot of people.  Ginger tea might help with the nausea.  People have reported good results from taking healthy amounts of fish oil.  Hopefully this will pass soon, but again, if it worsens or lasts a while it might be worth your while to see someone better versed in this difficult drug and see about tapering off it much more slowly -- after ten years, I'd think an experienced psychiatrist, which means not your average clown that most of us see, would take months to taper you off this drug.  But as I say, so far you're actually doing quite well and hopefully this will be all you suffer.
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Thank you Sue!!!  I have been on Paxil (generic, 20 mg/day) for 10 yrs.  I have decided to get off of it b/c of the side effects (sexual, weight gain, tiredness, etc).  My doctor (GP who does not really approve of or understand antidepressants, etc) suggested taking 1/2 a pill for 10 days & then 1/2 a pill every other day for 10 days.  Today marks my very last day taking any Paxil @ all.  What I have experienced has really come on within the past 5 days or so & it has all been physical.  I am generally nauseated several times a day and have a mild but "sick" headache.  I generally take n Advil or 2 about 2-3 times a day & lie down quite a bit, napping.  I feel like a have a hangover everyday and the motion sickness description is so accurate!  I am glad to know that this is all normal but am wondering if anybody has an idea as to how long this will go on?  It is a mixed blessing that I am unemployed right now b/c I don't think I could work through a whole day w/out resting, making bathroom trips, etc.  Good luck to all!!
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Don't do this with this doctor.  He's a quack.  Everybody knows about Paxil by now, after all the lawsuits and publicity going back over a decade.  You need to taper off with someone who isn't a fool.
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I have been on Paxil, or Aropax as it is called in Australia, for 10 years, prescribed for anxiety. Going on was hell, I had all the symptoms above but the doctor told me it was my anxiety not the drug. He suggested increasing the dosage from 20mg to 40mg, which I did. It was terrifying and I constantly thought of killing myself.
After a year and another failed relationship, putting on 20 kilo's in weight and with no libido I decided to taper off. The experience was horrifying but I persisted, I took a month of work and after about three months I felt a little more normal. But the panic attacks returned worse than ever, I was dizzy all the time, suffered from rashes and terrible terrible headaches. I went to the doctor and suprise suprise I found myself back on Paxil. So 10 years down the track, my employer is ready to sack me, me children disown me and my friends are sick of me. I've decided to taper off again. I am going to go camping away from all the pressures and try to get off this horror of a drug.

My doctor says there are no withdrawal symptoms, it's just my 'condition' returning, but I know that isn't the truth.
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I am having all of the same problems. I have been taking Paxil now for 5 yrs.  I have tried so many times to go off but cannot because the side effects are so BAD.   The swimming head and nausea feeling.  It is pure hell.
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Yes, the side effects are bad. But you have to take your time reducing the dose. I tried to get off Paxil to quickly and was getting the electric zaps, dizziness and general anxiety. I have been on Paxil for over 16 years. I started on 10 mg, went to 20 mg and then 30 mg. A friend who is a nurse told me Paxil can be nasty with side effects while taking it and getting off it. I also take Clonazipam .5 mg twice a day which helped with some of the side effects and is helping while I am trying to get off Paxil. I started by cutting the 30 mg tablet in half and then cutting one of the halves in half. That took it to about 22.5 mg. I did this for about 2 1/2 months. About three days into this, I noticed the zaps and dizziness, but it went away in a couple of days. When I went to my doctor for a check up, I asked him to lower the dose to 20 mg. He is very supportive in what I am trying to do.  I felt no side effects, though it was a very minor change.  I will be lowering my dose to 15 mg next week. We’ll see what happens. I’ll try that for 2 or 3 months and see how I feel. I don’t care if it takes another year to get off Paxil. I am determined to do it. I think being positive while doing this is extremely important. I will keep reporting and hope that anyone who reads this can be successful getting off Paxil.

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