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Anxiety and constant chest/arm pain

I'm 34 yr old male and have been experiencing various chest and left arm pains for about three months.  I've seen a plethora of doctors from cardiologist to internist to GI doc to psychologist.  Heart problems have been ruled out by numerous EKG's and stress echo test.  GI doc found I have a hiatal hernia/GERD from upper GI and is currently being treated with Nexium.  Have also had ultrasound of liver/gall bladder and MRI of abdomen - all normal.  Feel like a pin cushion from all the blood work - again all within normal ranges.

My psychologist insists anxiety is the culprit.  Though I have been under a fair amount of stress with work and family, can these pains linger around for this long just from anxiety?  They come and go throughout the day and are very disruptive to my thinking of 'what's going on with me? - which I'm guessing only breeds more anxiety.

The only other med I'm on is Lipitor for cholestorol.

I'm reluctant to try any anti-anxiety meds since I had a bad bout with cymbalta a few months back and I really don't feel as though I need it.  I just want the pain to stop.  I've tried numerous relaxation and meditation methods which are very calming and helpful, but still the pain comes.  The only time I don't notice it is when I'm exercising (usually run 3-6 miles/day).

Any thoughts of what's going on?  Anxiety, current med side effects or something else?
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I'm 22 years  I had  the same issue which was worse irregular heartbeat skipping 2 to 3 seconds,  the burning effect and pain extending to my left jaw and arms, constant palpitations of upto  150 per min,  several diagnosis revealed am Okey of which was wasn't at all.  But now the issue  has gone completely. First and foremost you have to believe you will heal yourself.  You the only one who knows what's going on inside you and every minute you ain't sure if you will  be alive,  the following is what I did and completely healing myself.  
1.  Change life style.  Start walking 1hour  daily. Do not do strainous activities,  it will lead to internal bleeding.  
2. Cut down all fats and processed foods.  Do not eat anything that has a face or a mother. Meaning all kind of meats. Avoid fastfoods.  Eat food in there natural state.
3 Start eating fruit salad  or simply alot of fruits daily,  don't take avocado it has fats.
4. Start taking warm water after every meal, when you wake up in the morning make it a habit before breakfast.  Add some lemon to the water as you take daily.

   a) get Atorvastin 20mg Tabs and take it 1/2x1 at night for a week then stop it. It's for reducing cholesterol that is  hidden can't be determined by most doctor,  that's why you feel your heart strains and getting tired to pump.

b) get Neptune tabs 25th and take it 1 x 1 daily  for a month,  the Last week reduce the intake slowly by 1/2 x 1.
c) get Ascard-75 tablet and take it for a month  also.

The last days you can try to get away from the drugs in a smooth way by reducing the intake by half daily for 4 days then start skipping a day,  for a week.

Follow it strictly and you going to be fine as I am at the moment.   We are here to help each other. Incase of any question email me ***@****
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I'm 22 years  I had  the same issue which was worse irregular heartbeat skipping 2 to 3 seconds,  the burning effect and pain extending to my left jaw and arms, constant palpitations of upto  150 per min,  several diagnosis revealed am Okey of which was wasn't at all.  But now the issue  has gone completely. First and foremost you have to believe you will heal yourself.  You the only one who knows what's going on inside you and every minute you ain't sure if you will  be alive,  the following is what I did and completely healing myself.  
1.  Change life style.  Start walking 1hour  daily. Do not do strainous activities,  it will lead to internal bleeding.  
2. Cut down all fats and processed foods.  Do not eat anything that has a face or a mother. Meaning all kind of meats. Avoid fastfoods.  Eat food in there natural state.
3 Start eating fruit salad  or simply alot of fruits daily,  don't take avocado it has fats.
4. Start taking warm water after every meal, when you wake up in the morning make it a habit before breakfast.  Add some lemon to the water as you take daily.

   a) get Atorvastin 20mg Tabs and take it 1/2x1 at night for a week then stop it. It's for reducing cholesterol that is  hidden can't be determined by most doctor,  that's why you feel your heart strains and getting tired to pump.

b) get Neptune tabs 25th and take it 1 x 1 daily  for a month,  the Last week reduce the intake slowly by 1/2 x 1.
c) get Ascard-75 tablet and take it for a month  also.

The last days you can try to get away from the drugs in a smooth way by reducing the intake by half daily for 4 days then start skipping a day,  for a week.

Follow it strictly and you going to be fine as I am at the moment.   We are here to help each other. Incase of any question email me ***@****
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I'm 22 years  I had  the same issue which was worse irregular heartbeat skipping 2 to 3 seconds,  the burning effect and pain extending to my left jaw and arms, constant palpitations of upto  150 per min,  several diagnosis revealed am Okey of which was wasn't at all.  But now the issue  has gone completely. First and foremost you have to believe you will heal yourself.  You the only one who knows what's going on inside you and every minute you ain't sure if you will  be alive,  the following is what I did and completely healing myself.  
1.  Change life style.  Start walking 1hour  daily. Do not do strainous activities,  it will lead to internal bleeding.  
2. Cut down all fats and processed foods.  Do not eat anything that has a face or a mother. Meaning all kind of meats. Avoid fastfoods.  Eat food in there natural state.
3 Start eating fruit salad  or simply alot of fruits daily,  don't take avocado it has fats.
4. Start taking warm water after every meal, when you wake up in the morning make it a habit before breakfast.  Add some lemon to the water as you take daily.

   a) get Atorvastin 20mg Tabs and take it 1/2x1 at night for a week then stop it. It's for reducing cholesterol that is  hidden can't be determined by most doctor,  that's why you feel your heart strains and getting tired to pump.

b) get Neptune tabs 25th and take it 1 x 1 daily  for a month,  the Last week reduce the intake slowly by 1/2 x 1.
c) get Ascard-75 tablet and take it for a month  also.

The last days you can try to get away from the drugs in a smooth way by reducing the intake by half daily for 4 days then start skipping a day,  for a week.

Follow it strictly and you going to be fine as I am at the moment.   We are here to help each other. Incase of any question email me ***@****
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Lots of the symptoms are psychsomatic so being anxious and depressed do cause alot of them.

Beat your mind and conquer the fear, hard but it can be done and im going through the same thing you are.
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I studied so many articles on that. but whenever the pain is physical i cant able to believe its due to anxiety.
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There are over 100 anxiety symptoms and signs for anxiety, anxiety attacks (panic attacks), and other anxiety disorders including symptoms:
• Numbness and tingling
• Dizziness
• Chest pain
• Headaches
• Neck tension
• Stomach upset, nervous stomach
• Pulsing in the ear
• Burning skin
• Fear of impending doom
• Nausea
• Shortness of breath
• Electric shock feeling
• Shooting pains in the face
• Heart palpitations
• Weakness in legs
• Feeling like you are going crazy
• Inability to rest
• Sleep problems

There are a great many more anxiety symptomsThe first part of the battle is knowing that it is just anxiety
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Yes i hav. but all are saying its due tp anxiety
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. I am describing my problem here. Please help me in this context. Please suggest me. I wiil follow Your suggestions. Please reply for this message.
I am a having anxiety problem (based on my symptoms i concluded) from past two years. Continuously I am having chest pain and the pain is transferring back side of left shoulder to front side of chest. My left finger nerve is shaking also paining. I met five doctors who are general medicine and one neurologist, ENT and Psychiatrist. I have taken test like ECG and chest X-ray, Blood test and thyroid test. Everything showed normal. It’s taken me one year to recognize it is due to anxiety. Doctor suggested me clonazepam 0.25mg for two months, after taking that tablet I feel 80% reduction in my pain. The dosage was increased to 0.5mg and used for two months. Almost my problem disappears and at that time I stopped taking tablets. For three months everything is ok and after that the problem come again and again. Whenever I am taking clonazepam I feel ok and if I am not taking I can’t able to bear the nerve pain, chest pain and uneasy and confusion. Sometimes I am frustrated and feeling hopeless. Even exercise also not giving any relax to me.
Sometimes I am feeling something happen to my heart, I will get heart attack and so many negative thoughts. I am unable to concentrate on my studies. Even I can’t able to enjoy fully, things like parties, watching movies and chat with friends. I am always having fear of chest pain and anxiety. I am always keeping clonazepam in my pocket. That much bad situation I am facing. My friends are suggesting me to go to yoga and try for acupuncture. But I am feeling nothing will cure my problem. I am avoiding lonely traveling and going far places where there is no availability of doctor. I know all this things are nonsense. Sometimes I will feel like I am brave person and I can overcome all this things. Whenever fear comes I am becoming over anxious. This problem was severe at staring but now I started reading so many articles on this and got some confidence. But help me to fully and completely getting out of this and continue my routine life without taking clonazepam. Fully irritated and frustrated with this problem. Its completely taken away my life from the past two years. Plzzzzzzzzzzzz suggest me.
I am expecting a solution because I met all doctors all are saying it is due to your thinking and you don’t have any health problem. Always they are prescribing clonazepam. Suggest me some Ayurveda medicines which will cure my symptoms
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It is very comforting to see that other people feel the way I do (though I wouldn't wish these feelings on anyone else). My anxiety has come and gone for 3 years now. Flared up when my grandpa had a heart attack, then again when my sister died of preeclampsia, then again when my mom died of a heart attack. The last year I was on Lexapro and did wonderful. but I quit taking it because I wanted to see if it was gone, and if not I wanted to try to cope with it on my own and see if I can get passed it. Well....I've been off the meds for about 4 months now and the symptoms have come back: chest pain, arm pain, constant shoulder and upper back pain, nervous stomach, panic attacks, feeling like I'm going to die, constantly researching heart issues and anxiety because i'm convinced im going to have a heart attack. What scares me the most is the week before my mom's heart attack she thought she had anxiety, she described her symptoms to me and asked if that's how my anxiety felt and it was exactly the same. The morning of her heart attack she asked for a klonopin that i had because she was feeling very "anxious".... two hours later she has a heart attack and dies. Now I CANT stop obsessing about it and worrying that I'll just think I have anxiety and end up having  a heart attack too. I have been to the ER 3 times thinking that I'm dying and had EKGs that have fine, along with chest xrays. But I still don't feel peace of mind, and this anxiety is literally taking over and ruining my life....
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I feel the exact same way. Im only 22 and my left side chest hurts arm hurts my back and left shoulder hurts. Doctors say im fine but i need to exercise and do more things but im scared my hearts going to pop. Im scared to do anything strenuous when i walk up the stairs in my house i have to do it slowly or my heart will start racing really fast. I cant believe i have such bad anxiety at such a young age. I used to wrestle in high school and do mixed martial arts now im scared to even walk up stairs...... i just wish there was some factual explanation besides stress and anxiety causing this.
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Hi all I'm glad I found this site as I believed I was going mad
It all started for me approx 12 months ago after a heavy drinking weekend on a stag trip
It's gradually got worse and I've been taken to a and e twice but all tests show my heart is good
I've seen the doctor and specialist more over the last 12 months than I've seen my wife(
Yet I still think I'm having a heart attack
I've got most of the descriptions that belong to a heart attack
Ar/shoulder pain/ fast pulse etc

I can't seem to get it into my head that it's anxiety and it's driving me crazy
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One the hardest things in life is coming to realization that we all have to go through things.  Everyone will not go through the things the same. Some people will have severity and some very minor.  I think what tops it off is the unknowing. No one but God knows what we will face and as we watch others face things in their life, we often say "what if that happens to me" will I be able to handle it.  This is where the anxiety rears its ugly head. I think everyone experiences some sort of anxiety at one point in their life, but there are a select few  that reaches the peaks of anxiety. Not sure how long I have been experiencing it but I think after 30, the anxiety really hit me!  I try my best not to let it get to me, but sometimes I can't help but think "am I dying"... Especially when you see others "as young as you" dying of some of the same issues you totally fear.  However, I am a person who trusts God!  My parents are well in their 60s and doing well and they have taught me how to lean on him. Everyday, I work to get closer and closer to him and every day  a little of my anxiety fades.  Its a battle that we must fight daily, but I won't give up! I love my life and will continue living it to the best of my ability as long as I have God on my side!!!  Take care everyone! #wegotthis
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12484910 tn?1425526642
I too have anxiety. I experience hot flushes, chest pains, I find myself crying a lot, can't sleep properly and I cry myself to sleep most nights and sometimes I cuddle my pillow to help me sleep. My doctor told me I'm not having a heart attack, my family have told me too, I just can't seem to get it out of my mind some days. I have been to the orthodontist about my teeth and as it turns out I have a crossbite and will be needing braces within 6 months. I also have a jaw that locks and clicks and my orthodontist told me that's what caused my crossbite and he even said to me that I'm not having a heart attack either. He asked me if I get nervous and anxious at dentist and orthodontist and I said yes I do. I've had braces before, I know this sounds crazy, but I'll be glad to get braces back on. I'm like a bag of nerves and on edge, feels like I'm going crazy. My doctor also told me if I got my jaw fixed, it could fix my ears, so I'm staying hopeful for that, hopefully it could fix the anxiety and on top of all that I have dizziness, so it could fix everything. I'm trying to stay positive, but its really hard. I also get chest pains and don't like them at all, my arm hurts every now and then. I probably had this before and didn't even notice anything. I went to the website anxiety centre and read all the symptoms it said on there and I have it. I clench and grind my teeth without me knowing and after that happens, it hurts and I cry. I just want this anxiety to go away and want my life back.
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9852476 tn?1419263625
Hi, I have panic attack 5-6 months ago, since then my anxiety went of the roof, my life turned upside down, getting all sorts of symptoms everyday, mental and physical torture, it's hell but after a few months I was able to control my anxiety and started getting a day or two feeling normal again then suddenly out of the blue i get a tingling pain in my lower breastbone, I didn't freak out instead I googled the symptoms and and found out it can be heartburn or heart attack, since then I'm back at square one with my anxiety, monitoring my chest every second then 1 night both my arms feels numb and I freakout and was about to go on a full blown panic attack but was able to calm it down, after that my left arm (inner bicep area) feels like nerves being stretched inside at first it doesn't hurt much but later on its mild and severe and goes away in a few minutes, it comes and goes randomly mostly when I'm unaware of it, then after a few days it got milder and almost gone but then the next day its my right arm and had the same pain with random shoulder and back pains too.

Now its been 3 weeks having this awful symptom and torturing my mind knowing I might die anytime, a week after the symptoms occur I was able to go to the doctor and got some Ecg, Xray and blood work test... all came out fine, yet I'm still not convince, they may have missed something or is this my anxiety?, the pain is real and it gets worse each day.

I'm just wondering how are you guys doing right now those who posted here with the same symptoms, I wish all you people are doing great and already free from this.

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You might get a better response if you start your own thread because this one has a hodge-podge of old issues and many of the people only post for a week and so aren't here anymore.
If so, just use this link.
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I everybody I am new to this. I know what is GAD and sever panic attacks. I know what i have is this because i was diagnosed with it.  I also know i basically have all the symptoms under the sun that relate to tjis and i could freak out over the littlest thing if it relates to my health. I have been cleared medically of any ill health ekg are s ok etc..i see a shrink once a week i am on a beta blocker and two tiny water pills for my bp.i also take one atavan on a as need basis. This post site helps some what knowing people have the same as i do. I have had panic attacks for 17 years and i started only resently since i was discharged from the hospital for having a bursa sac infection started having the anxiety panic strike me the same way it did when it started back in 97. The attacks for the last 5 years have been almost nkn exsistant. Any segestions or comments on how to get my head around to commen sense and telling my self what i know what it is.  I want to be undercontrol and pain free. Thanks for taking the time to read it and listen.
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You have demons and need to be delivered.  The demon of fear and anxiety especially. I wasn't a believer until I had this happen and you can literally feel these things crawling out of your back up your arm, making you cough and vomit them out.  Ever since that night I believe in demons but more so I put my faith in Jesus Christ. I know, I used to laugh at people that post crazy **** and said they should be committed.  Craziest night of my life and better ever since was the night.  I swear I just googled something and they are about to release a film here in 2014 called "Deliver us from Evil" the D is right above EVIL. Jerry Bruckheimer based on true events in 2001.
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lipitor (and all statins) can cause muscle pain.
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7977836 tn?1396828924
I was recently diagnosis with anxiety, I am so tired of feeling this way. I am wondering when relief is going to come because I feel like sometimes I am not going to make it. My doctor said I need to exercise more and from reading this thread I know it helps . I need all encouragement because I am not use to this feeling... I want my life back !! HELP
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Me too.  Left side and seems to radiate down my arm.  Been going on for two years but recently morphed into a slightly more stabbing pain on occasion.   I have made the correlation of stress by 1) happens when I drive as passenger with my hisband and 2) I got pulled over and it started.  One thing that does help is regular vigorous exercise.   Asprin, tylenol and nothing else mkes it better.  I know its stress but here I am "reassuring" myself.   Have not sought help through doctors yet.
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my husband 82 with Alzheimers was put into a VA Hosp, Baltimore two days ago, I have had anxiety for many years, but never had to take any more then 1 & 1/2 tabs at bedtime, I am 66

the pains started up yesterday, and today I thought I was going to actually die the burning pains were so bad I could not stand up straight , I took my max of 4 500mg Tylenol during the day trying to ease it, no luck, finally took one Xanax fell asleep on the couch and woke with no pain. the stress here is so thick it could be cut with a knife,
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Hi, everybody I had anxiety for three years now and now I am sure that anxiety is what I have. Before I thought it was a heart condition or maybe I was going crazy; I feared everything, since I was too used to being healthy. Well I've come to realize that anxiety is like bullying, it teases you and frightens us, but that will end if we start fighting it and no let it take over our lives. We only live once and this is not the way to live.
         We need to relax and stop worring. Remember when you used to not have anxiety and our heart would beat fast after exercising, and you wouldn't get scared?  But since the first attack we have been fearing the nextand the next. And we give it to much important and that why it does what it does. Lets relax and fight it, talk to it tell it I feel you and that's fine but you don't scare me anymore. Keep practicing until that day that it knows you don't follow the game then it will leave.

Something that really helped me is changing your lifestyle a little like don't drink as much exercise a little like run.and try not to stress, nothing in this world is worth more than our health.
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Wow, reading all of this is very helpful for me as well.I have had anxiety issues in different capacities for as long as I can remember. I am now 30 years of age and it has manifested itself much like you all are describing.

I, too have found that the more distracted I am (exercise, work, socializing, etc) the less I feel the symptoms both physically and emotionally.

I also have had reassurance from physicians after ekg's, blood pressure/pulse monitoring, and blood tests that there is nothing physically wrong with me and I am in ideal health. They even chuckle when I tell them I run 3-5 miles per day/5-6 days per week as if it were a serious physical condition I would A) not be able to handle even half of that exercise and B) I wouldn't feel relief both during and after.

It's tough to live with the fear, but I have researched some CBT, meditation, and even some religious therapies and exercises which all help a little bit at a time. Medication has also never been much of a help to me and I have been in trying, anxiety-filled times in the past where it always has passed as long as I didn't let it completely control my life.

This time around is a bit more confusing however, having the symptoms more so physically than emotionally, but as we all can see, this thread is helpful on it's own as it has stood the test of time!

Just wanted to show my appreciation for it.

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Have you asked your doc about it? If it is from bending and lying it sounds like a physical thing, perhaps pulled muscle.
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