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Repetitive Adrenaline Surges

Good day to you.  I've recently had symptoms that made me think I was having a heart attack.  After two trips to ths hospital, appropriate tests (all negative for heart attack) and some prescription meds (metropolol to keep my heart rate slow and steady per/doctor and nexium because my mom said she had all the same symptoms and it was reflux)...the only symptom I am left with is the feeling of adrenaline surges when I am trying to sleep.  It is accompanied with the feeling that it's hard to pull in air, like my lungs won't expand or I'm trying to breath pudding.  These feelings were giving me fullblown panic attacks that I thought were heart attacks, but since starting the nexium, I feel like my heart and lungs have been released from a vice grip.  But these 'surges' of adrenaline are still kind of frightening.  I often have them every couple minutes when I'm really tired and try to go back to sleep right away.  Constant adrenaline surges, feels like my heart is racing, but it's actually not.  Feels like fear, but I'm not afraid of anything.  Could this just be anxiety?  I wasn't feeling worried about anything until some of these symptoms, then got worried about my heart and entered a vicious domino circle.  Doc gave me klonopin to take at the onset of anxiet, but I think I'm more afraid to take another pill than I am of the adrenaline surges.  Do you have an explanation for such consisten adrenaline surges?  Is there something I should be considering besides heart and anxiety, like CNS problems?  I appreciate your help.  Thank you.
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I am experiencing similar symptoms of adrenaline with rapid heart rate that fluctuates even at rest. I am getting tested for adrenal fatigue. Most western medicine docs do not consider this a condition so see a naturopath. I am taking the 24 hour cortisol saliva test along with sex hormone testing. Sometimes saliva tests can be helpful if snapshot blood tests are not enough.  It ***** when you feel awful, but docs say everything is normal. Also, think about adding magnesium taurate to your supplements. Start out with a low dose if you are on a beta blocker since magnesium acts in the same way to normalize blood pressure and heart rate. I'm also researching CoQ10 and running it by my cardiologist and naturopath. Don't give up on your health. Only you know how you are truly feeling!!
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I get the exact same symptoms & it's almost always when relaxed, but especially when starting to doze off to sleep. It rushes up through my chest & jerks me wide awake & nerve wracked. Usually goes on for hours & I either get zero sleep or a matter of an hour or two if I'm lucky. I am completely exhausted, frustrated, unnerved & at a loss. I have been to the ER twice for heart work ups to only come back normal & no answers. Only told I was having a severe stress response & anxiety. I have never had panic attacks before in my life. Just very anxious in certain situations like public speaking or test anxiety type stuff. I did have a LOT of stress for the few months prior to the onset of this happening to me every night. And was having dizziness, palpitations, heart racing & pounding very forcefully. Started having short rushes gradually here & there when at work through the day randomly, but short lived at first. Now every single night this haunts me & makes me feel like I am literally dying & every morning that I get up I thank God I actually woke up or survived another traumatizing night. My mental state is starting to suffer, as I am exhausted & beyond frustrated. But I am going to keep trying to figure this out. I just turned 48 so not sure if hormone related, stress related or potentially looking at possibly something along the lines of adrenal fatigue as I have several symptoms related to that, as well. I tried Celexa for a short time but still had bad episodes & read that it can have MAJOR side effects with my Nexium which I need for my stomach. I pray daily for guidance from God to help find a reason behind these symptoms & a way to eliminate or at least manage them.
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Hello , just another person looking for answrs , that just never seem to be anywhere . I'm 25 years old ,  male , I have been very athletic my whole life , until the most recent year, this past two-three months I have been having a sensation of adrenaline rushes right before I fall asleep . It happens about 2-3 times a week. I close my eyes and right as I start to doze off,  I'm woken up by a feeling I can only describe as if a friend popped out from behind the couch and scared the living sh** out of you.  I jump up from my sleep and grab my heart, and my heart is racing . This can happen to me about 20 times a night . Starting from 12am until 7am when my body is so frustrated and exhausted it finally falls asleep. After these episodes started happening ,  I started to wear my Fitbit to bed to track my sleep. When these episodes happen, and I jump out of bed from the scare, I check my Fitbit and it will say 120 bpm, and then it will drop back down 60 where I start to doze off again and then the cycle repeats itself . Also my heart rate goes very fast then slow, then fast again, within seconds . I have had slight anxiety my whole life but never full blown panic attacks. I have taken a very small dose of  Klonapin for years and have recently stopped 6 months ago. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions . I have seen cardiologists and other doctors pertaining to this issue and they say all my tests are negative and I'm healthy and to stop worrying , but this is not healthy .
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I like that idea
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I too have been suffering from these adrenaline surges, which then causes a very rapid heart rate.  I've been to the ED 4 times and every time they say "you must be stressed".  But on none of theses occasions have I felt stressed at all.  Three times I was getting ready for bed.  The cardiologists put me on atenonol (beta blocker), but says there is nothing wrong.  Besides the adrenaline rush and the rapid heart rate, I also experience an increase in urination during the episodes and terrible shaking in my arms. The worrying about when these random attacks will happen again is exhausting.  Has anyone had a definitive result/outcome that they could share?  
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Have you been tested for autonomic dysfunction or dysautonomia? Many of the symptoms described here I have and have a condition of the autonomic nervous system called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome or POTS. There are tests done by a neurologist or cardiologist that can diagnose it or another form of dysautonomia like it. It is not life-threatening but can be difficult to live with. The symptoms include adrenaline surges, blood pressure ups and downs, high heart rate at times, temperature regulation problems, and even urinating more like someone mentioned above. It's basically the "flight or fight" response occurring inappropriately. The symptoms mimic panic disorder and anxiety disorders because of this. There is an advocacy website for information if this is the case for anyone at www.dinet.org Good luck!
Oh my gosh! I literally am crying reading this. This is EXACTLY what happens to me for the past 3 months. I thought I was alone & have been to the ER twice with all negative heart tests after being kept overnight & had an echo & stress test with multiple ECGs & a monitor. I tell myself I'm ok & try to breathe it out & it comes on when I'm trying to sleep the worst. I am not a person who has a history of panic attacks or severe anxiety. However, since this has started the anticipation of having yet another horrible night MAKES me anxious. I have tried multiple supplements & my doctor put me in Celexa saying I need counseling for my stress. I did have a LOT of stress right before this started, but have reduced that significantly. And I'm not depressed, but this is MAKING me feel frustrated to the point I could see it going to a depressive state. Doctors look at me like it's all in my head & make me feel like I'm losing my ever loving mind. I have stopped all meds & supplements, except my Nexium because I have always had reflux & that's the only thing that works. I cannot tell you what a relief it is that I am not alone in this. But I have found no answers.
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Kath77, I'm a healthy 37 y.o. female, perfect blood pressure. Started out with insomnia, on the 2nd day noticed a strange feeling in my stomach, like crawling, visceral squeezing, like while on a roller-coaster, and lack of appetite. On 3rd night had a rapid heart beat episode that lasted a few minutes, went to ER, had another one - in a way, a blessing, cause they didn't believe anything was wrong. ER doc said that it wasn't life threatening, that it was supraventrical tachycardia and sent me on my way. I'm going to see a reg. physician today. I now think that the strange sensations in my belly is due to surges of adrenaline, I also get chills, lightheadedness, I feel pressure and heat in what appears to be my jugular veins and my heart pounds loudly. I took a 5 mg melatonin pill last night and had 8 oz of red wine before bed to help me relax and after 2-3 hours I finally felt myself relax and was able to sleep till early morning. Symptoms came back soon after.
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