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1448936 tn?1363206346

i really need help!

I'm waiting for my bf to get off work and I'm having a severe panic attack. I'm nauseous, gassy, shaking, taking shallow breaths and doing my nervous thing where I play with my hair. I'm really freaking out. Really needing help is an understatement at this point.
11 Responses
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it really is nice to know that im not alone and other poeple are going through the same as me, i love going out to pubs and clubs on a saturday night, i far from have a drinking problem but i do love getting drunk. the next day for me can be hell! yesturday was one of them, i dont so much always feel sick with headache etc i just dont feel right, my breathing is all out of sinc with my heart beat, i focus on my heart beat and breathing so much that i make it worse and freak myself out, i feel short of breath from smoking so much whist out, i get pins and needles in my arms and fingers, shooting pains sometimes too in arms, face pretty much anywhere, the terrfying thoughts of dying and having a heart attack and its a constant battle with my thoughts...the indescibable fear that sweeps over u in that secon is just so undescribable! i hate it so much and i get so scared! i tell myself that iv been here before and i know its just anxiety etc but the fear is always still there, i hate the fact that i know its drink that makes me feel like this the next day and like someone said on here before a few days later ur back to normal and looking forward to the weekend again. sometimes im ok but other times(depending on how much i drink) can just be so awfull. im still not feeling myself today so much so that iv left work and gone home due to having no sleep. the only thing i normally find that helps if anything when feeling like this after a night out is sleep! at least im not alone though i guess! thanks everyone uv been a great help. x
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next time you feel a panic attack coming through breathe deep through your nose and exhale from your mouth.  it slows your heart beat and relaxes you, but breathe slow otherwise it will have the opposite effect
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1492418 tn?1289149263
good job Erin! i thin many of us are getting the idea that although they won't go away we can shorten them and reduce their power, i'm so glad you were able to move on!!! have a great nights rest
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1448936 tn?1363206346
I'm feeling ok. I just got home from the event. I made some ramen and I'm going to bed soon. Thanks again so much. Sometimes the reassurance that I'm ok is all I need to make it through.
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345079 tn?1299202476
Good for you for making it through. Sorry you had an attack. My anxiety level has been up more than normal the past few days too. Hope you are feeling better and get a good night sleep
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1448936 tn?1363206346
Thanks everyone. I made it through the attack thanks to your posts and managed to get myself to the charity even I'm helping with. I didn't even take the xanax although I was tempted.
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Writing whatever comes to mind, drawing, singing can also help. The key is to distract your mind! :)
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Hi Erin,
So sorry to hear that. I know the feeling. 29's advices are good. I'd try focusing on something else, a happy memory, something that makes you laugh or just something stupid like counting things around you.
And remember, your mind is much stronger than you think and you are so much stronger than you think right now, so you can make yourself feel better and calmer. I've been there. And now I can't even remember the last panic attack I had. :) you will get through this.
It's not up to the meds, it's up to you! Get some help from a good psychologist to lead you in the first steps to becoming stronger.
(Adding exercise to my life really helped me to control anxiety stress and sleep problems)
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1492418 tn?1289149263
hey erin, you are not alone, we all go through this and it ***** donkey ........ Remember to breath into your belly, remember your body is doing its job from what your mind is telling it, you are not going to die, you are not going to freak out, you have been here a zillion times before and didn't die. You are strong, you will handle it. This is the time to move forward by using your tools. Focus, find something to focus your awareness, preferably something without alot of meaning, i look at my ceiling fan. look at the colors the textures and smells what do you smell, and find something to feel, get all your senses involved, deep breath, you can do this girl, we are all making great progress, grab something from your freezer, feel the cold, get grounded in what is, let the thoughts go like you are standing on a bridge and the thoughts are the water flowing under you, look but don't become the thoughts. Deep breath, you are doing it!!! keep it up, you can do this, smell some vicks or vinegar or something. Your only job right now is to ground yourself. Get in the now. How ya doin?
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1118884 tn?1338592850
K...see you do take Xanax.  It is the most effective short term anti anxiety I know of.

Notice you put it in the addiction segment of your page.

I'd take it : which is better ?  To feel like you do now?  Or take a tablet?  Up to you.
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1118884 tn?1338592850
Is there anyone you can call?  We are happy to support you with words online.  But if you are super anxious, it would help to hear a calming voice, imo.

When does he get off work?  If soon, then why don't you start breathing slowly.

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, so you don't hyperventilate.

I'd ask if you have an anti anxiety medication, but from your post guess you don't or you would have taken it by now.

I've found in addition to breathing, it helps to walk.  Even if it is back and forth in your place.  Best outside, if possible.

Another idea, to distract your mind: take a shower..anything to put your attention on a familiar ritual.

Feel better soon.
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