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Situational Anxiety/Anxiety while driving.

I don't know if this is even a legitimate problem area, but I'm having problems with anxiety while driving in my car.  It's getting to the point where I'm afraid one day that I won't be able to even get into the thing.  My Dr has had me on Prozac and Celexa but I'm now off of both due to the bad side effects I was having.  I go back again on the 17th of this month to see what else they'll prescribe.  Anyone else have this "phobia"?  Thx, Thom.
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Hi.  Yes, it's a legitimate problem.  I also have that issue.  I absolutely can't stand driving anymore.  I get in the car and then if there's the least bit of traffic I start become ill. I suffer from anxiety and panic.  I have been since 2002.  I thought it was under control, but it seems to have resurfaced.  I've been on celexa, xanax, welbutrin, klonopin, and who knows what else.  I had to come off most of those due to side effects.  They say no addictions to any of them, but I swear I felt like a drug adict coming off the last one that I took.  I felt like I was in withdrawl, couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.  I haven't been on meds for a while and have been debating going back to see a doctor and getting back on them because things are so bad right now for me.  But, I do generally know what you are going through with the situation with the car.  You are definately not alone.  I will keep you in my prayers.  
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Do you still have the issue?
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I suffer from agoraphobia now. I used too, and still have panic attacks. I have had the same exact problem as you are going through now. I thought that I was going to pass out while driving, because I was so scared.... of course I would only have these attacks when I felt pressured. example (when someone else is in the car, I would panic because I couldnt pull over because they would wonder what the hell I was doing. The best advice I can give you is dont stop driving! find a place that isn't over populated, so if you need to you can pull over and relax. do whatever makes you feel comfortable! I dont know if your the same as I am, but you should let people know how you feel when driving so you dont have to worry about them wondering why you would all of a sudden pull over, or whatever you do when you are in that situation. I was in the same boat as you, and I overcame that fear by keeping at it! You must keep at it and you will feel better. ---- I can't get into a car when someone else is driving because I dont have control of the car. I know how it feels to be in your situation trust me.... You have to do it for yourself, or you will get worse. Take it from someone who has been there, and is there!
I sincerly hope you overcome this phobia.
Jordan Malyon
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I know this bulletin was posted like a million years ago, but I just saw it and I just had this problem not that long ago, so I thought I should say something about it. I've been in a lot of car wrecks and have been dealing with anxiety a lot and I became scared of driving, or pretty much being in a car at all. I dont know if you've been in lots of car wrecks or not, but I figured this advice might help you either way... anywayz, I used to be able to drive through rush hour traffic on the freeway all super fast all the time, and then next thing i know, I'm crying if I'm simply in the car with someone driving 35mph. But the first thing I did, was tell myself  "I AM NOT GOING TO LET THIS CONTROL MY LIFE. THIS IS REDICULOUS." Then I realized that they only way to get over it, is to go back to step 1 of driving.

1: say this is rediculous, im not going to let this control my life, worrying about this is a waste of my time and energy.

2: get in the car, and just do something small like drive around the block, or simply a few neighborhood streets. Do this until you feel comfortable. While you're in the car, realize what you're doing. What are you thinking about? Are you all tensed up? Are you making yourself hyperventilate? What are you REALLY scared of here? Some things that might make you feel better: a) I put a box of crackers and a bottle of water in my car with me. This way should for some reason I have a crazy full blown panic attack, or pass out or something, I know I have some nourishment. b) realize that this is only scary because you're making it scary. STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. find something else to think about. (I know its hard, but keep trying.) i know this will sound stupid but think of stuff that is good, like bunnies on clouds or sheep in the meadow, it does help. also rationalize with yourself, like, nothing bad is going to happen to me, should I crash chances are extremely good that im going to live, i already know how to drive, etc. And if you really are panicking do something to avert your mind. Like, blast the air conditioner on your self, put one arm in the air where its uncomfortable, blast the music in the car, something that annoys you so you think of that instead. Something also that is calming, would be (at least for me) one of those propel fitness waters with the twisty cap, those are nice cuz you can kind of suck on it like a bottle and then its soothing and a little calming while in the car, i dont know why, just is.... also, are you super tensed up? realize it and relax your muscles, breathe deep and slow, keep repeating "im ok, im ok, im ok"

3: just go around the block and whatnot, and after you get comfortable, go a little further and a little further and a little further. everytime you get done, say "ok see? I just did that and I'm still alive. I'm perfectly fine, nothing's wrong. there's nothing to be scared of but my own self. i can do this."

4: eventually go on the freeway and get off the first exit. congratulate yourself. then go a little further and a little further so on and so on. and if you go 35mph on the freeway who cares? put your blinkers on. the point is that you got on the freeway, go you! and screw everyone else.

5: if youre in the car with other people and they're scaring you half to death, put on your seatbelt ACCEPT that you ARE GOING TO LIVE and just GIVE IN. if they brake to hard or fast dont jump and be scared just say "here we go were crashing,... and let it happen." then when you realize you are still alive and haven't crashed or anything, you will start to make a breakthrough.

6: you will only be scared as long as you let yourself be scared.

i dont know if this helps you at all, but it really helped me :) now I can drive on the freeway and everything again. Still not going super long distances, but I'm working on it!! :P
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Met with my Dr yesterday and am now on Buspar.  The decision is to treat the anxiety first then add an anti-depressant if needed.  Just started the med today and am not having any serious side-effects just yet.  Will update in a few more days.  Thom.
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Thank You sooooooooo much.  I am going to try your suggestions.  I to, used to be able to drive the freeway like a crazy person.  I actually LOVED the freeway & driving itself now I fear it everyday.  I take back roads to work & have not driven the xpressway in a year but I want to so bad.  I try to tell myself that this is NOT going to control me & some days are good & I feel like I can drive forever...but most days are a real challenge.  I have trouble at stop lights....I feel nervous until it turns green & if I have to make a left turn & I am out in the middle of the intersection, I shake sometimes.   I have never been in an accident, I think my fear is the fear of a panic attack.  I know I can drive I've been doing it for 20 years.  When I get home my neck & shoulders just ache from being so tense & I try really hard to relax but it just does not work sometimes.  It's very frustrating !!!!  I am now taking some medicine & I was hoping it would be a "miracle" cure & I would be back to normal driving but so far it only seems to work for my social anxiety & not always for that either.  I really hate pills & don't believe in taking meds but I was desperate.  The really weird thing is that about 4 months ago (before meds) I felt like I was cured..I even started doing what you said on the freeway.  I'd get on & drive to the first exit & than the next day I'd go to the next exit.  Than all of a sudden one day I had a bad panic attack for no reason & I felt like I needed to pull over (but I didn't) after that it's been worse than ever. I will try anything anybody has to offer.  Thank You for your advice !   I'm going to start on my way home from work today.   Let's hope something helps.
Have a Great Day !!
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Did you ever find out the cause??
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My issue of driving on the freeway started gradually in late 2000.  It originally felt like I was in the fog (brain fog).  I would just keep driving until the feeling went away. Eventually I developed a fear of driving on the freeway because I didn't trust the foggy feeling and the lack of safety it gave me. I sought a psychologist and neurologist (brain tests) as well as neurology chiropractor.  The psycholost said it was not a phobia. The neurologist said there was nothing wrong with my brain.  The chiropractor said it has to do with my eyes being over stimulated. He termed it a vestibular disorder. No matter what they call it (or don't) I still have the fear of driving on the freeway.  The feeling that I get while driving on the freeway or when a passenger on the freeway is that of someone having a glass of wine on an empty stomach (sleepy, spinning and disassociated from my body).  It feels like everything is moving too fast for my eyes to my brain.  I was on antidepressants for several years but no longer since they didn't work. Now I have not driven a car on the freeway since 2005. I can drive in my local town but not any further. Even sometimes when I drive too far on our main street I have to try to focus and keep awake.  I wish I new if this is a phobia or some other brain malfunction for sure.  Maybe some of you have these other symptoms (sleepy driving, brain fog driving) I mention.

valley fog
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Did you ever find out the cause??
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i have a hard time riding in the car with anyone ..  even more with people i dont ride with often ..  but i also feel this way when i drive .. unless im in light traffic  but the heavier the traffic gets  the harder it is for me to breathe and i sweat my heart feels like its gonna explode  .. its a very uneasy feeling   but this all started .. after a road raged idiot .. and his  strung out friends chased me home one night and there was a huge fight and death threats .. i later found out .. that the guy who was drivin just got of  prison  for murder .. but ever since then .. i have like panic attacks .. in the car i will cry .. shake everything .. i hate  it .. is this what all of you or some of you expeirence
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Funny, my license plates say dizzy - lol!
I have a hard time driving too, this is common with anxiety. I actually stopped driving about 2 months ago after I felt like I was going to pass out. Now I drive little bits here and there, I am trying and it will get better!
After your experience, it is easy to see why you would get worked up in the car, but it wasn't driving that did it to you, it was the experience, a freak one at that, chances are 1 in a million that it would happen again. You have to expose yourself to driving again, like other said, over and over until you feel comfortable.
I am here to talk if you want, as are others, we are all experiencing the same stuff!
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I recently became scared of driving.  Not even a week ago, I had what I think was a panic attack, and had to pull over on my way to work.  I was only five miles away and had driven close to twenty when I started to get stomach cramps and feel clamy and scared outta my witts.  I felt like I was going to pass out.  I have a doctor appt tomorrow, but I know that I need to get myself back on the road sooner than later because of school and work being half an hour apart from each other.  Ive got a month left for school, and want to keep working at my job, seeing as how its getting harder to request any time off whatsoever.  I had never called in sick in the three years I have been working there, and last thursday was the first time.  My dad ended up having to pick me up from the place I pulled over and take me home because I was just emotional and scared all at the same time. Ive never had a fear of driving, but now I cant drive more than five miles before I start to get those same feelings again.  Any suggestions as to how to get over this? Im only twenty years old and had I have been driving for 5 years now.  HELP ME PLEASE! :-(
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409760 tn?1271037972
I too get anxiety while driving the car. My heart starts to race, I shake inside and my face starts to turn red and get real hot. Well, welcome to the world of having a panic attack while driving. It helps for me to have a bag of distractions. I play my favorite music and sing allong, also if you have a special occasion coming up or a special project that you can think about helps me. The first thing I do is recognize that it is anxiety and I am ok and it will soon pass. Believe me I have pulled off a few times to get back my bearings. It helps when I have someone riding with me so I can talk with them. I did not understand my anxiety until I went to therapy. Therapy has really made me get a better understanding of my anxiety world. I just keep getting in the car and driving except in bad weather conditions then I just want to be grounded. Good luck to you. Let us know how it goes.

Take Care
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I am sorry you had to experience this!

My first panic attack came when I was stuck in the interstate in rush hour traffic 2 1/2 years ago, and there was no place for me to get off!  It is absolutely terrifying and I know just how you feel.  I was lucky enough that my brain connected this terrifying experience with TRAFFIC rather than driving, so I am able to drive to most places, but get terrible panic when I hit traffic (or sometimes just THINK about traffic).  Actually it is also associated with being in places where I feel there is no escape.  It really did throw me for a loop.

What YOU need to do is find a way to keep driving, to retrain yourself that driving is COMPLETELY SAFE and that you are in no danger simply doing the act of driving.  The longer you let your fear dictate your behavior, the harder it will be to "fix".  It starts with baby steps, driving around the block etc.  You should definitely look into getting a book on exposure therapy, or cognitive behavioral therapy, or maybe just on panic attacks in general.
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From: Valley Fog

Since my last post in November 2007 my new doctor has determined that I am very B-12 deficient which is causing my problems driving on the freeway. So far I have had two of the monthly B-12 injections.  She promises I will be driving on the freeway in six months from my first injection. So far I don't feel any different, still dizzy, brain fog, etc. I will let you all know how it works out in a few more months.
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Not sure how long ago you posted this, but did it work?
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Wow, I'm surprised that I'm not alone with this!  I had my first panic attack almost 4 years ago while driving on a major highway that was under construction.  I got stuck in one of the cattle shoots that ran for a mile and it was the longest mile of my life!  I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest, my head was spinning, I felt like I was going to throw up and I couldn't wait to get off the highway!  My second attack happened in my doctors office, right in front of him.  I was so embarassed!  I'm on Paxil now and doing pretty welln and take ativan on occasion.  I've had a handful of them since then, but I'm making progress.

I've done well driving on the highway now by myself, but not with someone else because I'm always afraid that I'll have an attack in front of them and they'll think I'm nuts!  This week my mother had to go to the doctors and I was the only one who could take her.  I started to feel a little nervous, but my mom needed me and we made it without a hitch and I didn't have an attack in the car.  I did feel a little funny in the doctors office, but I told myself to "knock it off" and I did well.

Whatever happens, remember that you are in control!  I think that is the biggest thing that I've learned when I feel one coming on.  I tell myself that I'm okay and in control and remember to breathe!

Hang in there all!
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I, too, have a driving phobia.  Of course, I have agoraphobia too.  Can't seem to drive on freeways or bridges.  Have to take 2 mg of xanex to cross a 17 mile bridge.  Sometimes I can drive on freeways with just 1 mg of xanex.  I'm starting to accept I will just have to be addicted to xanex forever.
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   When I started to feel anxious while driving I wondered if I was going nuts. It was quite a comfort to know that I was not alone.Went to the psychiatrist, got on paxil but did not like it. Did not feel like myself and it affected my sex life. Also it seem to make me anxious more often but I didn't seem to mind the anxious feeling.Then got gabapentin made me anxious most of the time while driving so I am quitting that. I think I am going to go back to just thinking good thoughts while I am driving which helps, also distractions do help me, but be careful because I got a speeding ticket on the way to Monterey while admiring the scenery. I have only had severe anxiety attacks a couple of times ever, but one is too many.
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266195 tn?1215310411
I get anxiety in the car too, but probably not for the same reasons as you.  I get it because I am leaving my safe zone (home).  And i'm not sure if I would be able to make it back in time.  Goes hand in hand with my agoraphobia.  I'm not afraid of the driving bit at all.  
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Well i saw the Neurologist  and he was a asian type chap who dident speak very good english and i found it very hard to make him understand my problem.
In the end he decided to send me for more scans and told me it was probably migrains and absents which i doubt very much.
My local gp put me on simvastatin  and my fuzzy head problem as improved and im having fewer episodes/brainfog.
Im doing ok driving at the moment but feel a bit stressed if driving on roads i dont usually drive on.
Going to get a satnav to help me with this.
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Going for a EEG scan in June.
Definately not having absents.
Thinking of giving up on trying to sort it out and just trying to live with it.!
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So back in March I had the worst experience of my life, which was a panic attack while driving.  It stopped me from driving for a while, and I felt helpless and alone. I just wanted to thank you all for helping me turn myself around, because I now am driving again, and have made it as far as 200 miles away from home with out the frequent pulling over to freak myself out.  Thanks for all the support, this community posting really did help me.  :-) If anyone has any questions, I would be glad to answer them in relating to my experience.
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I had saved this page last year and decided to check in to see if this thread is still going. I started having problems driving on the freeway in May of 2007, it would come and go and there was a definite pattern as pertains to my monthly cycle. A couple of days before my period, during and about a week after I couldnt stay on the freeway, I kept trying to get on but would start to freak out and have to get off, then later on in my cycle I was ok, but since January of 08 I have only attempted to get on a handful of times, it just became too much to deal with, also there were times when driving on the streets made me feel very disoriented (especially if I had to go down a hill). Those episodes only lasted a couple of days fortunately and then I would feel comfortable driving on the streets again.
A couple of my family members had similar experiences and the common thread with us is that it started in perimenopause (a few friends told me of their mother's having the same experience in their 40's and I have 2 friends in their 40s who have stopped driving altogether). I am certain there is a hormonal aspect to this, and I also feel that I may have some sort of balance, inner ear and possibly visual disturbance going on (I have choroidopathy in my left eye-its basically a spot that makes straight lines look distorted  when I am looking thru that eye) I was put on anti anxiety meds for the driving but when I realized that I am in perimenopause I stopped taking anti anxiety meds. I am trying to find a dr with reasonable rates to try some natural hormone replacement therapy to see if that will help (insurance doesnt cover it). I am curious how many of the people that posted here are female and over 35 and possibly peri menopausal.
I tried all of the distractions (I was counting white cars, black cars, singing loudly, even screaming to release stress) but none of that stuff worked for very long. I even quit my job because it was too far and I was spending 3 hrs a day in my car (taking streets instead of the freeway) which was stressing me out more. I used to drive 80+ mph in the fast lane going to work everyday and loved taking road trips but now I can't really go to other towns unless there is a streets only route. I hate living this way.
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I am over 40, this just started 9/2016
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Well its september now and ive been on simvasatins for about  4 or 5 months and im feeling better and coping more.
I still have the odd episode but im driving and feeling less anxious.
It will be intersting how i fare during the dark winter months.
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My anxiety is centered around driving. In fact, most of my time/anxiety is spent trying to figire out ways to NOT to drive, i.e., stay at my mom's, lots of things. I definately spend more time driving than others because I take side streets and avoid major roads and freeways. It ***** and my anxiety spikes really high in the morning thinking about the day ahead. Trouble is, I drive for a living inspecting houses so I kind of have to! In the winter, I got so bad that my husband had to drive me to do my jobs and take the kids to school, etc. I sucked! The more I didn't drive, the more foreign it became to me and to worse it was. But I am driving now, longer distances and more major roads, but I am still not where I want to be.
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Hi there!  I have had attacks sneak up on me while driving as well.  It is the hardest when my kids are in the car with me.  I know what you are going through!  I have noticed that as these attacks get more frequent that my tolerance/patience seems to be severley lacking.  Like people cutting you off or just having no commen sense on the freeway, that kind of thing.  Then the attack just out of nowhere hits me and I have to pull over.  At that point I have to tell my kids no talking and turn off the radio.  It can be scary to them but even their voices chattering away can make my symptoms worse.  I too have decided to take the back roads to work some mornings, simply because the thought of the freeway is too much.  I live in the NW so the weather in the fall and winter can be wet and sometimes tretcherous.  I refuse to stop driving and will not give up any freedoms.  My mom is afraid of everything and I had always thought she was just uptight.  Not anymore.  But I am not going to give up and let these feeling take over my life like she has.  
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Just checking in to see how those with the driving issues are doing and what spicyd found out. I am perimenopausal and these issues also happened to my mom during the same time. I am driving, if I have to, but really dread it and struggle all day because of it.
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