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does anyone else have a super fear of storms?

i am 21 and recently have been dealing with horrible anxiety and panic and stress and when it storms i freak and dont know how to deal it could just start sprinkling and i freak and i live where it storms all the time i just wanna know if anyone else has this problem and how the heck do you deal with it?
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I do. Especially when there are severe ones with possible tornadoes. I never used to be afraid of them but my brother likes tornados and he's watched various videos on them. When he started watching them I started to get anxious during storms. There hasn't been a tornado in my area in like 50 years but there is always a first time for everything I guess. Tomorrow I am babysitting and there's going to be a huge storm so I'm freaking out. But I would try to just look out the window during a storm for a little bit to see what's out there and stay on the lower floor of your house and watch a movie but stay alert for any serious weather warnings! Hope I help!
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I am TERRIFIED of thunder and lightning. My best friends and father love it. I live in Central Texas and it will storm like crazy. It will rain, and then stop. Rain, stop. Rain, a tree will explode or something and then stop. So, your not alone.
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I dont know how o can get over my axiety issu
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I have axiaty to wind and storms but expecially wind
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I never used to be afraid of storms, but that was before I bought a house and a microburst storm caused damage in my neighborhood a few years back (we lost power for nearly 5 days when large trees and power lines were knocked down).  Now I can't stop obsessing about the weather and fearing a nasty storm every time there's a bad weather prediction.  I'm perfectly fine with storms if I'm experiencing them far from home, so for me it's the fear of damage to my home and property.  I don't even watch the weather forecast on TV any more, because it might make me anxious for days if I know there's a storm approaching later in the week.  My wife even knows to change the channel or mute the sound if any talk of the weather comes on.  She always tells me not to worry since it's far beyond my control, but I can't seem to help it.  We recently purchased a standby home generator (powered by natural gas) that automatically switches on and powers half the house (including important things like the sump pumps, heater, fridge, certain lights, etc), so that's at least helped to alleviate some of my fear.  It was pricey, but I think it was worth it to help my anxiety and stress.  I'd recommend that to any of you who don't like losing your power.  I still get a little worried and angry, though, especially if the weather service is predicting severe storms like they are for tomorrow.  I wouldn't have even known about it yet, but our district representative sent out an email to everyone on his mailing list and it popped up in my inbox a short while ago.  D'oh!  I just wish there was something more I could do.  I know I can be pretty unreasonable about it, but I guess it's just part of being a homeowner.
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I'm 14 I've always had such an awful fear of thunderstorms, I get so stressed I'm sick and I shake and cry. There's a lot of thunder rumbling around today, and there was one at school and all my friends were staring at me. I wish I had a different fear, no one really understands. My parents, when I was young, told me to get over it and it never helped. I used to be so scared of rain because I thought it would trigger a thunderstorm. Then, I was in Spain and there was a massive storm, my dad made me go outside and stand there until it wasn't safe, but it really helped, I'm not saying stand out in it but try to ease yourself into it. Take little steps, like turning your music down then when you're ready have no music, then watch it. This is what I'm doing and it's really helping, just take little steps though
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Hi my name is Izzy and i am 16 years old, usually when there is a thunderstorm I am terrified. I am also scared of the Amber Alerts! I will usually go up to my room and watch a movie on the did player or watch Netflix on my PS4, so that I don't have to hear the Amber Alerts! I sometimes also will go under my covers and put my giant Fluffy headphones on my ears and watch YouTube videos till the storm is over or has calmed down, under the covers so I can't see or hear the storm. I'll also sometimes go in my parents room and snuggle up with them. My parents also will just let me go in their room and watch On Demand and recorded shows, so I don't have to see the Amber Alerts. I always close my blinds, or the blinds to whatever room I'm in, and have the lights on so I can barely see the loghtning! I hope this helped...
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I ment to say DvD player not did.
sorry for all of the typos and #'s and stuff. my phone has real bad auto correct and I usually do this kind've stuff on my computer!
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When I was a little girl I was so scared of storms and so was my mother. I remember laying in my bed with her and hearing rain I immediately started crying my mom clenched my hand and said its okay sweetie. I kissed her and she said that rain is just clouds crying tears of joy and thunder is God bowling. Lightning is God smiling ever since then I have been fascinated by storms. So when you are upset just think of other ways to imagine the situation and just so you know my mom and I are safe nothing can happen to you with a little water!
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I am Syd and I have a huge fear of storms. I am 13 and started fearing storms when I was about 9. Right now there's a wind storm and it is scaring me so bad I don't want to go to school, but I am going on a family trip next week so I can't miss school. I have the biggest fear of wind. More than any other storm. I don't believe in global warming because I am afraid to. I hate this fear. I would rather have a less common fear. Right now I only have three fears and they are, claustrophobia, heights, and storms, and I would rather have 10 times that if they were less common then storms and heights are. During a storm I excuse myself from wherever I am and go to my room. I put an eyemask or something to cover my eyes, and plug my earbuds in to block out the sound. I have been searching for 4 years to find a cure and haven't found one. Sometimes I lie to myself saying "that was cool" and stuff like that. Sometimes it works for me. Also I will open my door during rain storms and just watch the rain fall and it calms me down.
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14533124 tn?1435025441
I have the same fear I get really scared of bad storms iam scared now because it might get bad where I live it says on the weather channel only tablet showers and thunderstorms some storms might be severe and I am freaking out
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I have a horrible fear of storms as well. I am 20 years old and I live in Ohio, not too many bad storms occur where I live but we do get a lot of warnings. My main fear is a tornado killing me. I know this is rare but my fear gets so bad that I will call off work if I know a severe storm is coming, and 99% of the time nothing happens at all and everyone thinks I am crazy and need to be on medication. I know what to do during storms and I understand them but when I am in the moment I just lose it and I have no idea what do to.
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I am 14 to and i am terrified, so scared that i go in parents room and sleep with them. Sometimes i get so scared I cry myself to sleep.
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I'm so glad I'm not the only one. :) I've always been a bit wary of storms but never truly terrified until after a really bad storm in April 2013 where my entire family had to retreat into the safest room in our house (we don't have a basement or storm shelter). And then when the Moore tornado hit in May (not too far from where I live), it got even worse. Now every time we get a severe thunderstorm watch/warning I'm always hovering near family or hiding and trying to distract myself when I'm alone. Thankfully my parents and brother are pretty supportive (guess it helps when your mom has a degree in psychology, lol). I bought a laptop partly so I could keep an eye on the weather whenever it happens though and sometimes it helps, sometimes it makes it worse.
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Have sinned and not worthy? What do u mean
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Aim it afraid of rain or lightening storms but wind and high winds. There is a storm coming up on Christmas Day. I am having panick attacks and feeling like no one understands me. I am having panick attacks, sick to my stomache and wanting to hide. I don't know what to do and really feel like no one can help me. My husbund supports me but does not understand it really.  It is a paralyzingly fear. I don't want to move. I watch it from the window and rock. It is not until this year that I let everyone know how I feel and feel like I am still alone except for a couple of ppl that understand. There is one person that uses earplugs. I know there is nothing u can do to help me but it feels better to talk to someone who knows what I am going through. I live in Nova Scotia Canada and we get some doozies of storms here. Last year the winds got up to almost 150 Kms. Very frightening and now we r expecting wind gusts up to 110 or more Kms. Ty for listening to me.
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hi darling, i am sorry that you are afraid of storms, because i know how u feel I have been afraid of storms all my life and i am 53 yrs old. my family does not support me either. they think i'm crazy! now unlike u i have never seen or been in a tornado, but that doesn't stop my fear! when we get a tornado watch i have to leave my house(double wide mobile home) i wish it was some kind of cure for this. it makes me feel better knowing that there are other people just like me, let's stay in touch and try to fight this thing together! sisters in fear
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Hi Greddly, I like you are deadly afraid of storms, thunderstorms, watches, and warnings. and tornado watches and warning have me with anxiety attacks. i too have to leave home when they say that terrible T word. I'm 53 and don't have a cure yet to this terrible fear, have been terrified all my life. but i never seem weather like this before. right now we have a thunderstorm watch. i have every tv on the weather. i live in a mobile home and want to move so bad i just can't stand it. my husband thinks i'm crazy! i have to go to my closet and sit there until the storm is over, i have fled to my landlord's house or even to a hotel,(so expensive) let's try to fight this thing together and stay in touch! sisters in fear!
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hi mississippi42. i too am afraid of thunderstorms and tornado watches and warnings. i can't be still when i know a thunderstorm watch or warning is in effect, i pace all around the house all the time. i have every tv in the house on the weather, in fact we have a thunderstorm watch right now until 11pm. it's 6:30 now. i like u live in a mobile home and i am terrified! i try to keep the faith and read my bible but it's so hard when you are afraid, my husband too thinks i am crazy, and sometimes i think i am also. i have anxiety pill that i take that seems to calm me down a little then i just get in my closet and shut the door when a storm comes. i ask myself what am i afraid of? let's try to stay in touch and fight this thing together! sisters in fear!
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I believe it's the weather channel and modern technology these days that make people that have a small fear of weather become an even bigger one. I have a fear of tornadoes but who doesn't? Modern technology has made it possible for the weather service to see things better now than even 15 years ago. When I was in my 20's we never had a tornado warning in my town (south alabama) and I had never heard the tornado warning siren go off. Now in the spring or winter there's several tornado warnings with fronts moving through. The weather channel is the worse. Have you ever really noticed their language? It's all negative. Turn that mess off and listen to something positive. I think the people on the weather channel go to school to learn how to keep people tuned in. Without bad weather you wouldn't be tuned in at all. They're all about money but they're causing a lot of fear in people. Watching it constantly only makes you dwell on weather. I heard one weather channel anchor say"Watch out in south west Tennessee showers all around. Whoopy doo-a stupid little rain shower. We need to watch out for it. Lol what's it going to do to us? Nothing but clean the air and make everything pretty again. Cut the umbilical cord to that stupid weather channel and you'll see so much more positive thoughts in your mind!!!!
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I believe it's the weather channel and modern technology these days that make people that have a small fear of weather become an even bigger one. I have a fear of tornadoes but who doesn't? Modern technology has made it possible for the weather service to see things better now than even 15 years ago. When I was in my 20's we never had a tornado warning in my town (south alabama) and I had never heard the tornado warning siren go off. Now in the spring or winter there's several tornado warnings with fronts moving through. The weather channel is the worse. Have you ever really noticed their language? It's all negative. Turn that mess off and listen to something positive. I think the people on the weather channel go to school to learn how to keep people tuned in. Without bad weather you wouldn't be tuned in at all. They're all about money but they're causing a lot of fear in people. Watching it constantly only makes you dwell on weather. I heard one weather channel anchor say"Watch out in south west Tennessee showers all around. Whoopy doo-a stupid little rain shower. We need to watch out for it. Lol what's it going to do to us? Nothing but clean the air and make everything pretty again. Cut the umbilical cord to that stupid weather channel and you'll see so much more positive thoughts in your mind!!!!
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I just read ur comment on storms and just was wondering if u were still having problems overcoming storms?? Ever since my daughter was born I've been having severe anxity abt weather...uggg it drives me crazy.  
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I am 37 years old and I have severe panic attacks when having to drive when it is storming, even raining I get antzy. It has got so bad that a lot of the time I can't even leave the house if I know it is going to storm. I have missed days at work because I can't leave the house. I am having a slight panic attack right now because I have seen that we are going to have severe storms tomorrow afternoon right at the time i usually pick my son up from vacation care. I wont sleep tonight thinking about it.
I have no idea when my fear actually started, it is really only driving that panics me the most, if I am at home I am usually fine (although we just had a large storm recently where my car was quite badly damaged in hail approx 8cm). I do remember being in a smallish cyclone back at primary school where I was trapped in a classroom with just my sister and a teacher, watching trees being torn out of the ground around us, but it has only been probably in the last 10 years that I have had panic attacks.
I used to drive quite a distance to work and back and being from Queensland, Australia we are prone to very severe summer storms, so on the way home I would often have to leave the freeway and find shelter in a shopping centre carpark at least 3 times a week. Even as a passenger I freak out completely.
some of the things I hate are:
- not being able to see the road when it is raining heavily
- the fear of hail hitting the car and breaking windows
- intense fear of having an accident because of the rain/wind/hail etc.

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Hello, I'm 16 years old and I am Deathly afraid of Thunderstorms. Everytime one hits I hide under my covers and cover my ears. Especially at night, I freak out when the lights come out. I live in Miami, Florida and my fear has became more Deathly ever since Hurricane Isaac made landfall on Miami. If anyone has any cures, please comment back to me!
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Hello, I'm 16 years old and I am Deathly afraid of Thunderstorms. Everytime one hits I hide under my covers and cover my ears. Especially at night, I freak out when the lights come out. I live in Miami, Florida and my fear has became more Deathly ever since Hurricane Isaac made landfall on Miami. If anyone has any cures, please comment back to me!
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