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1492418 tn?1289149263

does anyone else have this symptom?

Hi, Does anyone else experience non stop invasive thoughts? I have this constant I'm crazy thought. I am almost housebound out of fear of doing something crazy in public. My logical self knows that I have felt that way a zillion times and never done anything so should know that it is just my thoughts but it still intereferes with my reality This is my most bothersome symptom and guess i am just looking to find out if others have this problem
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1492418 tn?1289149263
I am printing that out to use in practice. I have been thinking how what i always do hasn't worked out so well so try the opposite. It is so foreign that it is  taking some practice but I can see the reasoning so will see how that goes. I can't get over your knowledge of this crap-ola!! I really like the mindfulness teachings and zen stuff. It seems to speak to me so am once again hopeful!! I am sooo happy to meet even if cyber world, someone whose brain seems to tick like mine.
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Well this technique is commonly used in therapy for people with pretty bad cases of OCD from what ive read. I guess it is a form of non-resistance which basically means your not fighting or creating stress.. when an irrational thought emerges we tend to become quite defensive and question ourselves as to why we are thinking in such a way.. and we fight the thought we run away from it, creating a stress and a resistance.. we re-assure ourselves that everything is okay and we temporarily by-pass the so called 'problem' ..however in the future the thought comes back and the same process takes place and therefore your not really doing much to change..
Basically the question is .. when pain is welcome..is it still pain ?
the reason you suffer so much from your own thoughts is because your resisting them.. we all have imaginations.. it is your imagination..it is your thoughts.. just accept your thoughts as thoughts.. without them you wouldn't have an imagination.
This is easy to say to somebody else and its easy to know.. but people like you and people like me who suffer greatly to our thoughts find it hard to put into practise.
The technique I told you is basically a way to practise this non-resistance and release of ideas.. for some people they have to do it slowly and progressively and even go into therapy to learn about this stuff.. some people to it spontaneously and in an extreme way, throwing their fear right infront of them.. this can also be helpful.
Another thing is just learning about your problem and understanding.. the technique I told you is just one way of confronting yourself and trying something totally different to make a change.
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1492418 tn?1289149263
Hadn't tried that one yet, so sort of make it rediculous?
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This is exactly like me I have the same fears that im going crazy and my imagination and thoughts make things escalate to extreme levels and everything becomes so believable. Its like when you think about something your mind just has to say something negative aswell like your taunting youself.. and in the end it is all you.. but the fact that you become sensitive to your own thoughts is the reason why your suffering. I think you may have a case of OCD.. what you explained sounds very much like that..where a random idea will intrude and then it will worry you to a point where your so afraid that your thoughts can come true.. however you merely created the whole idea yourself in a space of mabye 5 minutes.

I have become so afraid sometimes at my own self talk questioning ' why did i have to think that ???  ' as if theres something wrong with me. but the fact is .. the mind is always operating. negative, random.. crazy, irrational thoughts go through the minds of everyday people..it is only a selective few who take extra notice to these thoughts and become worried to extreme points. you cant stop your own imagination.. it is just your own thoughts and your own creativity based on all the exposure you have endured in your life.. the fact that you are so aware of your own thoughts indicates that your brain is actually working somewhat better than people who don't have this problem because you are so focused, you are over-anaylsing ..your working harder than you need to.. you are lacking nothing.
This technique seems to be work quite well for me.. try not to re-assure yourself that everything is ok.. don't give yourself re-assurance. When an irrational thought comes ..for example 'what if i hurt somebody' tell yourself "  "OKAY im going to hurt somebody.. infact im going to go crazy and hurt everybody!" this technique embraces your thought and helps you deal with it first hand..like your facing it. its also kinda funny aswell you will laugh at yourself n.n
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1492418 tn?1289149263
thank you all for your responses, while it helps to know others go thru this it breaks my heart to know others have to suffer
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me too, your are not alone
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560272 tn?1311350293
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245504 tn?1224099316
Ur definitely not alone.  My mind never shuts up.  ITs constantly going.  I have the same problem with the fear of doing something off the wall.  Then that panic builds on top of that and before I know it I am paralyzed in fear.  I understand.  I know it is a symptom of panic/anxiety.  It just doesn;'t make it any easier to deal with.  Hang in there.  Crazy people do not second guess their thoughts like we do.  Therefore we are not crazy:)
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you are not alone.. me always have negative thought in my mind that interfere all what i think i can do.. every minute every seconds it never stops!! i alwaays panick a lot it is a bout my health i always think the worst( that there is no chance for me) somebody there that help us!!! pls!!! it is scary somebody think that im ok but not inside.. eventhough they talk to me but my thought is always win for me...
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Hi, My inner voice is one of my worst symptoms as well, I constantly " self-talk " not out loud though (thank god) and I also think way too much about everything. My mind is so pre-occupied narrating my everyday life that I sometimes forget what I was doing and sometimes I have to double check that what I hear or see is not on my mind only but it's real. It gets very annoying and it wears me out, I wish I new how to shut it off. I also think I am going crazy all the time specially since my vision is all jacked up. I have what I like to call " high vision " kind of like when you are high on marijuana, I see things brighter and larger sometimes it annoying as well. There are so many things that go on with someone like us that people don't seem to understand and literally think we are crazy even though we are not.
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