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Animal Dander Allergy

Has anyone know of somebody outgrowing animal dander allergies that lead to asthma.  In some cases at the age of 7 required hospitalization.  He is now 20 and seems to be able to tolerate dogs in small doses but NOT cat hair of any kind.  Wondering if this is a lifelong affliction.  Thank you
3 Responses
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242587 tn?1355424110
It is uncommon to “outgrow” an allergy to cat dander in all periods of life with the possible exception of doing at age 70-75 and later.  Dog allergens are less potent and more likely, yet still uncommonly, to resolve or attenuate over one’s adult life.  To that extent these animal allergies are, for the most part “a lifelong affliction.”  

Avoidance is the best approach, with the caveat that even stringent efforts to keep your abode allergen free, there will always be the risk of encountering these allergies in hotel/motel rooms, other public spaces and with the acquisition of a new abode previously inhabited by cats and/or dogs.

Desensitization, under the supervision of an Allergist, may attenuate the allergy in some cases.  And, also, dog allergies may be breed-specific.

Good luck
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I have lots of tree and dust mite allergies along with bad sleep apnea.  I heard that moving to florida doesn't help because of the humidity but that maybe desert climes like Arizona might help allergies, asthma
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I had cat hair allergy and it is much reduced now
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