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Hives recurring since 2003

I have had recurring hives for ten years. Usually just at night, or when I'm very tired. Usually only on my limbs, but have recently spread to my upper back. I've been to a few doctors over the years.  My hives began sporadically, but over the years have become a regular nightly event. They get so bad I want to rip the skin off my body. Sometimes they get so bad, I have felt suicidal. My only allergy is sulfa. I have lived with animals and dust all my life and have no allergies to them. My local allergist insisted that if I took one of my prescribed 25mg hydroxyz every night for 6 months I would be cured. That didn't work, so he said to try it for a year. He said it would trick ,or reset my brain into not having this disorder. I hated taking it as it made me extremely groggy all the next day. So I slept every night with cold packs wrapped around my arms & legs, and only when the hives were extremely unbearable would I take the Hydroxyz. I live in MN, so recently I went to the Mayo. They call this an autoimmune disorder. They have different plans, with different drugs. They say the chance of my brain reset is a possibility, but not a guarantee. I will be starting today with a 6 week trial of taking singular & allegra. If it works they will keep me on it for?? and then begin to taper slowly off it to see if my brain has reset. They said I could continue to take Hydoxyz as needed for extreme situations. They said the combination of these two particular drugs have been pretty successful. I'm very hopeful and eager to get results. Interesting note, around the same my hives began, I was diagnosed with narcolepsy. I asked my Allergist at the Mayo, he said "they know of no known correlation".
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Read my recent post. It could be helpful. Its in the allergy forum, titled, hives recurring for ten years. I actually get these little extremely itchy bumps and hives combined. Its been so horrible the last ten years, but the Mayo has given me hope. Good Luck.
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242587 tn?1355424110
You have made a wise decision to seek assistance from the Mayo Clinic.  I strongly suggest that you closely follow the advice of their Allergists.  You might also wish to visit their website.  http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/food-allergy/basics/definition/con-20019293

That the hives “recur …usually just at night.”  suggests the possibility that you may be responding to a substance in your bedroom, including allergens on  blankets, sheets, or your pajamas.  Given this possibility, you might also want to conduct a trial of sleeping in a different room or even a different house for a week or more specifically excluding anything you currently come into contact with at bedtime or during the night.

It may be difficult to find a specific cause or causes.  However that does not preclude therapeutic trials as have been recommended to you at the Mayo Clinic.  You might also want to ask your Mayo Allergist if there are yet other drug therapy possibilities that might be worth a trial.

Good luck
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