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Hypoxemia & Bigeminy

I have had bigeminy since 2009 on & off, now its continuous. I have mild sleep apnea however my O2 stays at 72% in all 4 stages of sleep instead of just 1 stage like most people when their O2 drops during sleep. I also have asthma, hypothyroidism, & Severe B-12 Deficiency. I am confident that my symptoms including Bigeminy are due to hypoxemia. I will be tested soon for Hypoxemia, but I am curious to know how long can I live in this condition. Sometimes it feels like my heart is exhausted. When I saw the cardiologist, she said whenever I would hold my breath, my heart would go into bigeminy. This was back when my bigeminy was only intermittent. Any ideas how long I can go like this?
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Thank you so much! every morning I have been struggling to awake because I am so extremely swollen. My eyes swollen shut, my fingers so swollen they are shiny, headaches....I feel awful upon awaking. I will be headed back to the doc very soon and will be tested for hypoxemia and I believe he will be sending me out for another sleep study as an update as he mentioned before. Thanks again so much for taking the time to answer my question Dr Tinkelman =]
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242587 tn?1355424110
I believe that you are correct in assuming that the bigeminy is either caused by or aggravated by low blood oxygen levels.  Hypothyroidism and B-12 deficiency could all play a role.  Each of these is treatable and correctable and to do so is important, independently of their possible effect on your heart rhythm.

An oxygen saturation of 72% is indicative of significant oxygen deprivation.  If not already prescribed, you should be using supplementary oxygen, definitely during sleep and most likely, continuously, 24 hours a day.  Also if the cause of the low oxygen, other than that attributable to sleep apnea, has not adequately been determined  and treated if treatable,  that too should be done without delay.  

“How long can I live?”  That is impossible to say and may continue to be impossible after your oxygen deprivation is corrected.

Good luck
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