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Never-ending Keflex reaction

I took 2 Keflex for a minor infection on my finger, that would not go away.  I reacted with severe itching/rash the first night.  Stopped taking it.  I took 1/2 benedryl each time I broke out in rash again - initially several times daily.  That was three weeks ago.  I am still reacting daily.  Night is worse and I sometimes take a whole (25mg) benedryl.  How can I get this reaction to stop?
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Symptoms began occurring more frequently.  Got a steroid shot.  Relieved my symptoms for less than 24h.  Any suggestions, as to how I can get hives/itching to go away?
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242587 tn?1355424110
The development of a “severe itching rash” shortly after the ingestion of an antibiotic does suggest, but not prove, an allergic relationship between the two.  In most instances, such an allergic reaction should have subsided spontaneously in less time than three weeks.  My advice is that you make an appointment with your doctor or visit an urgent care clinic to get a professional opinion on the nature of the rash and appropriate therapy prescribed.

Good luck
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