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Prednisone for allergies

I have been on and off prednisone for over the last 3 months to due to sensitivity to dust and mold.  I take either Allergra D or Zyrtec D normally, as well as Flonase and Singulair.  My skin test were negative, as well as RAST. I have also had blood work and chest x-ray and CT of sinus. Everything normal.  Out of concern of the side effects of prednisone, I have weaned off it(under doctor's supervison) and took last dosage 5 days ago.  Some of the original symptoms such as sinus swelling and itching are starting to reappear.  Is this normal?  I am 54, female.
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Read my comment to jujubea on the swollen eylids and lips thread about mold.  you'll be glad you did and you'll probably be able to stop using prednisone forever.
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248663 tn?1198083095
If the cause of the problem continues, as soon as you come off of prednisone, the symptoms will reappear.  However, being on prednisone has significant side effects and should not be used for any length of time.  Nasal inhaled steroids are much safer and are effective.  I would actively discuss prednisone alternatives with your physician.
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