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Unexplained Facial Rash

Hi I'm new to the forum, but I thought I might be able to find some help here.
So here's my story:
I've had Eczema for my whole life. Around 10th grade it moved from JUST my legs, to head to toe. This was due to my sister bringing home a Cat(which I'am HIGHLY allergic to), I also developed severe Asthma because of this.
Anyway, recently my Eczema cleared up when I moved to an apartment with amazing water quality lol.ter filtration
This was the case for about a year and a half.
I was put on the birth control YAZ, and about a month later my face became very very dry. Peeling all the time despite putting lotion on every HOUR. Nothing helped. I didn't change my lotion or anything.
THEN a few more months later a red patch on the left side of my cheek developed. The doctor said "it's just eczema, put Vasaline on it"
Well, I went into Sephora Looking for help for some sort of facial lotion. They gave me an Organic one(I forgot the name), and it did GREAT for a week, after that the red patch got HUGE and more red! My friend sudgested it was a "chemical burn" because it looked like I was burnt. And I stopped the product. It got a bit better.

Anyway, I've been to an allergist about this, and my GP about 7 times. They don't know what it could be. Prednisone makes it better, then once I'm off it I have a "predisone flare up"(?)
It peels all the time, I dont touch it except to put lotion on it.b ruled out The doct. ruled out rosacea. And I'm currently waiting to go to the Dermatologist.(damn long appointment waits) lol.

Please help me!
6 Responses
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242588 tn?1224271700
Probably not a good idea to rely on Sephora for medicinal purposes.  It is likely that the neck patch is an expression of eczema, possibly aggravated by the Sephora lotion and you were right to discontinue it.  While we could only speculate, it is highly likely that the dermatologist should be able to accurately diagnose and effectively treat this patch.

If this does not occur, that is if your problem is not soon resolved, you should consider consultation with doctors at a research center where research on eczema and atopic dermatitis is being done, such as National Jewish Health, in Denver, Colorado.
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So I've been told by 3 GP's that this isn't Rosacea.The GP's tell me they don't know what it is(oh how comforting). It started out of nowhere as a bright red patch on my left cheek.It used to severely burn. Now it only burns every now and then. I wasn't putting any kind of weird lotion on it. I was using Aveeno, then Cera Ve (but that left my face feeling super tight), And since I strarted using Aveeno Advanced Care it has gotten a lot better, but it's still very prominent. It also has a tendancy to get unusually peely. And every morning a wake up and it's a surprise what my face is going to look like. Is it going to be red? Kinda red? Peely? But one thing is certain...it never goes away.
I don't get pimples that break and cause a crust. It doesn't itch, it's just...well, annoying feeling. I'm always aware of it's feeling. I was thinking it might be Peri Oral Dermatitis (I dont know if that affects the cheeks?) OR I thought it might be allergic contact dermatits. I work at a clothing store 35 hours a week for the past year. A customer sudgested it might be from the chemicals on the clothing and then I'm touching it to my face. Because she also noticed  had a rash on my hands (which also started after starting this job).
I was patch tested earlier this week and the doctor told me it was the hardest test she has ever had to read. Probably due to fact it wouldn't stay on my skin even with tape. I had a rash around Formaldehyde, Mercaptobenzothiazole, and p-Phenylenediamine. But no def. raised square bump.
Anyway....timeline: Started the job in October 07, face started getting unusually dry around February, red patch showed up in April and has continued to get worse, better, worse, better, better, ok, worse, better. lol P.S it has recently moved to my eyelids in the past few months.
PLEASE take a look at the pictures and give me a clue! It's very bothersome. And I'm going to the dermatologist next week, I just dont want another diagnosis of "we don't know what it is". :(

At it's worst: http://www.geocities.com/drkangel200/IMG_3311.JPG
Close up of a flare: http://www.geocities.com/drkangel200/IMG_3428.JPG
This morning before lotion: http://www.geocities.com/drkangel200/IMG_3579.JPG
My eye: http://www.geocities.com/drkangel200/IMG_3581.JPG
These won't heal on the side of my face: http://www.geocities.com/drkangel200/IMG_3585.JPG
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I've had 3 GP doctors tell me it doesn't look like Rosacea. It's too "blotchy" or something like that. But I've thought of Peri Oral dermatitis. I've had a spot on the skin on my upper lip just keep peeling and oozing **** (gross) for the past 4 years. It'll be better for a few days then have a flare on it's own without me even touching it. But could that be the reason it's on my cheeks?
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look up Peri oral dermatitis or  rosacea.  This is what it sounds like.  Not an allergy per say, but can be aggravated by allergies. (in my case) good luck!
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Formaldehyde can be very toxic. depending on the concentration. It can cause asthma. I get sick from all the dyes at the mall.
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Thank you for answering my question!
Yes, I stopped the Sephora lotion immediately! That was actually back in June that I stopped it, and it still hasn't gotten any better. I mean, it doesn't look like a chemical burn anymore. But it's deff. a rash.
Everyday at my job at lest 3 customers a day ask me if I have allergies to something because my cheeks are always bright red!
Recently a customer pointed something out to me when she asked about the rash on both my cheeks(now :( ) She said it might be Contact Dermatitis. I work at a clothing store and she sudgested it might be all the chemicals companies treat their fabrics with.(Formaldehyde)
I researched it and it's actually not uncommon for people to be allergic to Formaldehyde. The customer noticed it was mostly on my hands and cheeks and said that I was probably transfering the chemicals from my hands to the place I touch most, my face.
Anyway...do you think this is possible? I'm going to the Allergist to get a patch test for Formaldehyde and other substances on Monday. I guess if it comes back positive I should look for a new job...great.
Your opinions are greatly appreciated :)
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