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i feel like i cant breath alot more often then not

what is the most successful procedure to stop smoking?
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The procedure for not smoking is just stop buying and smoking the ciggars!!!
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242587 tn?1355424110
If it is actually the case that you, “can’t breathe a lot more often than not”, you have a serious health problem that involves your lungs.  A lung disease that, if not caused by cigarette smoking, will without any doubt be worsened by smoking.  It is also a signal that if you do not stop smoking, your lung function will increasingly continue to rapidly deteriorate.  That means that smoking cessation is not just the abandonment of a bad habit but a crucial act that will prevent further loss of lung function, reduce the frequency of lung infections, reduce the likelihood of lung (and other) cancers, enhance the quality of your life and extend the length of your life.  

This is just a partial list of the benefits that will accrue to you with smoking cessation and the reason why your deciding to do so is such a good decision.  Or, as stated by the American Lung Association, “Commit a death defying act.  Stop smoking!”

For many smokers, if not for most of those who smoke, it can be very difficult to quit smoking on your own.  The most successful attempts occur when the following are in play:  1) a true desire and a strong commitment to quit, by the smoker, 2) enrollment in a proven Smoking Cessation Program many of which are offered by health insurance and State Public Health subsidized programs, such as the Quit Line. Quitlines are telephone-based tobacco cessation services that help tobacco users quit. Today, residents in all 10 provinces and two territories in Canada, Mexico, and all 50 U.S. states, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the District of Columbia have access to quitline services.  (see website #2 below) and,  3)  working closely with your doctor to develop an optimum pharmacologic program of drugs with a proven track record of assisting the individual with his/her smoking cessation efforts.

I suggest that you visit the following websites:  1) http://smokefree.gov/hp.aspx, 2) http://www.naquitline.org/, 3) http://www.smokefree.gov/pubs/clearing-the-air_acc.pdf

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