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I am a 44 year old female.  I have been diagnosed with allergies - for years.  I have severe food allergies and Candida Albicans.  I have learned to deal with all of this.  However, there is one thing I cannot deal with and am not sure what to do anymore.  I am ALWAYS sleepy!  Especially after eating.  And, it doesn't matter what I eat.   I get so sleepy I can barely function.  This happens all thruout the day.  I've tried anti-depressants, thinking I am just depressed.  They just tend to make me so sleepy.  I have so much to do and so much I want to do, but every chance I get, I just try to sleep.  HELP!
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242588 tn?1224271700
It is highly likely that your sleepiness has nothing to do with your allergies and everything to do with a diagnosable sleep disorder.  The two main conditions that could cause your exceptional sleepiness are obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy.  One need not be obese to have either.  Narcolepsy is also characterized by sleep paralysis and hypnogogic hallucinations, which are dreams experienced immediately after falling asleep.  This sleepiness could be very dangerous for you and others, either when driving a car or operating any machinery.

You should discuss this with your doctor and ask that he/she arrange for you to have a formal sleep study in a local sleep lab at a nearby hospital; preferably a sleep lab where many studies are performed and one that is supervised by sleep medicine physicians.  Do not delay.
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allergies trigger chronic fatigue syndrome in some. go to 4tf.com and order transfer factor advanced plus for immune boost . there is no cure for fatigue syndrome , in fact doctors denied it 15 years ago! the transfer factor thing i have heard many amazing stories...

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there is yoga breathing techniques known as PRANAYAMA it is supposed to correct blockages in the life force.
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