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sinus infection and Trigeminal Neuralgia

I had a sinus infection about a month ago and was treated with Amox 3000 mg for 10 days. To me it did not get any better I went  back to the doctor and got an XRAY -- sinus appeared clear . I did not feel any better and the doctor started me on Flonase and Claritin OTC. About a week ago I had excruciating headaches (facial) and have now been diagnosed with T.N. -- I believe that the diagnoses is correct , but I am still having sinus pain and congestion , I have used and irrigation system that makes me feel better but I am stiil congested and the mucous at times becomes very hard at times ... sometimes not able to blow my nose because it is so painful and everything is jammed up there.
Whart is your take on ths ??? Still Sinus infection with T.N. -- are they related !! Any help is appreciated
Thank you
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A related discussion, Is there a sinus and trigeminal neuralgia connection? was started.
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A related discussion, chronic sinusitis and trigeminal neuralgia was started.
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I have this "combination" between sinusitis and trigeminal neuralgia.

There are three branches from TN nerve. The first one is going into eyes (bellow eyes) and second into maxillary sinusitis. It is very painful. I had to find out the cause for my sinusitis with steady eyes and jaw pains. It was long time to come to atypical trigeminal neuralgia. Now I have to find out how to threat this neuralgia?
If you want I can send you drawings of the two branches!
I have terrible pressure from the top of the head into eyes holes and thought always there is only sinusitis. Head MRI has shown that there is lesion on the pons of the head. It could be cause for my TN? I still don't know what it is.

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242588 tn?1224271700
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) rarely occurs with sinusitis but it has been described.  The persistent congestion and your severe headache suggest that, despite the "clear" sinus x-rays you may have sinusitis or an infection of the sinus that has extended beyond the sinus walls.

That you are still ill suggests a possible infectious complication.  You would do well to consult with an ENT specialist and have a CT scan of your sinuses and the adjacent areas.

Good luck.
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