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coughing with asthma

I have asthma and went to the hospital due to not being able to breathe and a very bad cough. Its been a couple of days but nothing has improved. What can I take to ease the cough. I have been trying to stray away from any medications as mich as Ican but i ts getting a little unbearable
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746512 tn?1388807580
Unfortunately with asthma you cannot treat it without inhalers and medication.  Ventolin is going to be the best immediate action inhaler to help open your airways - it is a fairly safe drug and worth it.  You MAY need other medications to help lower your overall inflammation which is the cause of asthma symptoms.

The ONLY way you may be able to lower your medication use for asthma is by seeing a GOOD naturopath REGULARY and following all diet, exercise and supplement recommendations to the tee.  You will still need to use ventolin for symptomatic periods because everything natural works slowly at the root of the cause.

I see a naturopath and was off all medications for  the past two years (.going from 2 different rescue inhalers, 3 daily meds and prednisone regularly) because we found the root cause of he inflammation - a severe wheat allergy.  However this pollen season has killed me and I'm back on the ventolin .... Darn!

Please go back to your GP and get evaluated and some ventolin to give you some relief ... It is worth it.

Good luck
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Hi. Sorry to hear you're unwell.
What puffers are you taking now ?
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