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astma treatment

Hello everyone!

I read at this place http://www.amateur-job.com/medic/
about astma treatment with such drugs as Antihistamines, Cromolyn sodium, Nasal steroid sprays. Can you tell me how good is this staff?
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Hello. My allergies trigger my asthma. I take all the drugs you listed above for allergies. I also use cromolyn sodium in a nebulizer to breathe in to my lungs. That stuff really does work with allergies!!! It took me "many weeks" before cromolyn started to really do it's job though. Cromolyn also helps me deal with people smoking and fumes which are non allergy items for me. If you have allergies and asthma it is a very good idea to control your allergies because they can trigger asthma in people that have asthma. Since I have been controlling my allergies I went from needing my albuterol inhaler every 6 hours daily to just a few times a week. No idea if they would help someone who does not have allergies. But Cromolyn inhaled did help me deal a little bit with smoke and fumes. The antihistamines reduce the problem for me by at least 50%. Nasal sprays have all different meds in them. They even have antihistamine nasal sprays. So remember to find out what is in the nasal spray because some are for just sinus and some do completely different stuff. Their kinda like pills used to take meds for many applications but mostly used for nasal allergies.
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My mother uses Antihistamines for astma treatment, the main diff is what kind of asthma do you have. 'cause her asthma was a result on the allergy, although she has not suffered for a long time. While i am suffering since birth and also using Antihistamines like  Cetrizin Hexal, order it from EU much cheaper so i used to  online drustores like Pharmamedics.
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