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Asthma developing at 36 can this happen ?Im feeling trapped un australia!

Hello Im vacationing in australia and for the past week i have had trouble breathing when waking and sitting and with some walking...I went to the er in austraila and they said my blood test d-dimmer and ecg were normal..but the chest x-ray show a chronic hyperinflaction..i was a smoker for 7years and have just quit 5 months agao.In september i had a eco-cardiogram,nuclear stress,and a 24 holter...all were normal but im still getting these symptoms could the inflation show a developing asthma ive never had asthma before and in 36 years old could this happen at this stage of my life?Very concerned..please help thanks!!
4 Responses
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1139443 tn?1369553584
I was in the hospital with what was thought to be a heart attack.  Like you, all the heart tests were normal.  A few weeks later, when the cardiologists were through with me, they sent me to a pulmonologist.  That's when I found out I had asthma.  I was in my early 50's.  I had been a smoker also, but quit back in 1992.

Forums like these are quite helpful, but you need to see a doctor that can confirm your symptoms & if you do have asthma, get you on meds.  Asthma can be a life-threatening disease.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Asthma can develop at any age, it is NOT just something that is found in children.  That is a misconception of asthma.
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144586 tn?1284666164
It sounds to me as if you are describing the onset of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Difficulty breathing can develop at any age, but with care, and watching your health (stopping smoking) the lungs are tremendously resilient and you may be surprised at the improvements.
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My sister developed asthma in her 30's.  You can get adult onset asthma.  I have it too and my chest will hurt so bad I think I'm having a heart issue, but it is asthma.  See an allergist and/or respiratory doctor.  
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