How would I know what is my triggers? I know that I am allergic to grass, trees, and dust. I haven't had any problems in years since 2005. It seems like when I started taking my children to school on a daily basis, that is when I started having asthma flare ups. I had one in October of last year,had to be admitted to hospital for 4 days.   I was recently admitted to the hospital in March for 6 days. The last time I had to be admitted I was a child. I just got a nebulizer. The inhalers that I am on are Ventolin and Flovent. Last night, I started coughing a bit. This morning I was wheezing and coughing. Maybe it's the weather changing since it was 64 degrees out today.
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Hi BillyVeronicaPepperCassidy,

I have asthma too. You say that you are allergic to grass, trees and dust.
Did you find that out through an allergy test ? If so, when did you go to
the allergist to be tested? If it has been awhile since you were last tested,
maybe it's time for another allergy test to see if you have some new
allergy triggers. You also said your asthma flared up since you started
taking your children to school on a daily basis. You also said you had a
bad asthma flare up in October of last year. In the fall, I think ragweed
can also be an issue. Interestingly enough, an allergy test I had in the
past revealed that I am allergic to dust as well. My worst allergy trigger
is actually the pollen in June grass. You say your doctor has you on
Ventolin and Flovent inhalers. I am on 2 kinds of asthma medication.
Pulmicort inhaler twice a day, morning and night and a Bricanol inhaler
as needed. One idea, perhaps, is to make an appointment with your
family doctor and review your asthma medicaiton. Just an idea.
You could mention that you're coughing and wheezing etc. Perhaps your
famlly doctor could give you a referral to an allergist. Based on what
you've mentioned in your comments, I'm wondering if you're allergic
to something in the environment. Spring can also be a time of more tree
pollen something you said you're allergic to. I didn't have allergies as a
child or astham. I've heard allergies can be inherited. My dad was allergic
to grass as well and highly allergic to cat dander. Asthma triggers can
be challenging but knowing what they are and avoiding them as much
as possible, I think , is the key. Also, for me, cigarette smoke is a trigger
too. I wish you well.  
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Hello evewisewoman,

It has been a while since I had an allergy test done. I have an apt with a pulmonary asthma nurse next month. Today it thunder stormed and the rain was just pouring down after I dropped my kids off at school. I was angry since I finally realized rain makes my asthma flare up. I been coughing like crazy today. I had treatments twice today. So now I will be getting a treatment every four hours since that's what the ER doctors told me last month when I have wheezing attacks.I had to use the Ventolin inhaler 3 times today. Hopefully I will get well soon.  I am also in a asthma study. I go to my 2nd appt this Saturday. I will get a different daily inhaler that I will use. Hopefully the inhaler I get will be better than Flovent.  My doctor said that it will help me out to control my asthma. I really appreciate you responding to my post!
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Hi BillyVeronicaPepperCassidy,

You're very welcome. I know how frustrating asthama can be at times.
I didn't have asthma as a child. I was first diagnosed with asthma in
my early thirties, I think. I often answer posts having to do with asthma
issues, triggers etc. I didn't know rain could be an asthma trigger too.
I've also heard that the tendency to asthma can be inherited from ones
parents. My dad had asthma to. He once got a very bad reaction to a
cat and he told me he had an asthma attack, bad wheezing etc.
It wasn't even his own cat. He was visiting somewhere and the people
had a pet cat. They didn't know about his allergy to cat fur. Anyway,
my dad had his medicaiton with him. I know asthma attacks can get
very serious. Anyway, it's good you're in an asthma study. That should
help you. It's been nice being able to chat with you. I hope you feel
better soon.   Eve
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