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Athletes with Asthma

I've heard some athletes have asthma. How do they do it? When I was really young (9-10 years old) the doctors told me I had Asthma, but I think I must've grown out of it or something. Anyways, recently I've had some breathing issues. I've been through all the EKGs, had a CT angiogram, and visited the Pulmonologist, so that means I've been told whatever I may have is not super serious. If I do have some asthma though, it may be more exercise induced. What do athletes do? Exercises to expand or strengthen their lungs? Or something else?
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Thanks for the comment. It seems like when I was younger I was able to literally will the asthma away and play basketball and wrestling with no problem. Now that I'm a little older I've become kinda paranoid.

I just had the Lung Function tests and I know I didn't do good. I want to do some kind of rehab thing whether they say I need it or not, because I prefer to live an active lifestytle and I know that my lungs at their current state will not accomodate that.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Do you recall the ice skater Tanya Harding (the one who tried to have Nancy Kerrigan's knees broken during the Nationals many yrs ago).  Well, she had exercise induced asthma as I recall and would take her inahler right before going on the ice, etc.

My 16yr old maintains on Advair during Swim and Track season and it really lets her perform pretty much asthma free ... soccer in the cool AM's / PM's would trigger from the brisk night air .. rescue inhaler helped her a lot.

Being able to couple asthma and incorporate it into yur normal life and not let it stop you is key to managing the overall dis-ease.

Hope this helps and WELCOME!

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