1125622 tn?1295420118

Can a single dose of prednisone hurt you?

Just came back from the hospital after a bad asthma attack. Was treated with a single dose (60 mg) of prednisone, as well as a breathing treatment and ibuprofen. I recently had the flu, and I was nervous going to the hospital, I dont want a recurance of infection, or to pick up a new infection! My question is this: How much impat would that one dose have on my immune system, also I thought with steroids you allways had to taper down doses? Thank you so much for any answer!
4 Responses
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942934 tn?1268108382
A single dose certainly will not affect your system. As a matter of fact you need to be on it longer then a week before a taper is even considered. Using prednisone for under a month will not result in long term side effects. However being on multiple prednisone treatments through out the year is additive and you could experience more serious side effects. Ideally for asthma you shouldn't require more then 1 or 2 prednisone (14 -16 days) treatments per year for asthma exacerbations. If you require more it is an indicator that your asthma is out of control.
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144586 tn?1284666164
Good reply Victoireh.  Don't worry a bit.  A single dose of prednisone is statistically insignificant. Physician's usually "taper off", but there is no malpractice involved here. These days oral predisone is discouraged in favor of inhalation powers, which are not systemic in nature and pose less problems. Long term daily use of oral (not the inhaler) prednisone (over six months) has been linked to an increase in malignancies due to suppression of the immuine system. We have to distinguish between oral prednisone and inhalation steroids. Both are steroidal polypeptides that function to "tone down" the inflammatory response. Inhalation steroids are often taken on a daily basis. It was interesting you were also appropriately prescribed ibuprufin, which has few contraindications, and also is an excellent anti-inflammatory.
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1125622 tn?1295420118
Thank you both so much for the info! :)
Sorry about the awful spelling! I was so stressed when I wrote, lol.
Ive been on the pred one time before but in better times and on a lower dose. I JUST Got over a flu about a 1 1/2 ago and was so paraniod when the brought that! But I keep telling myself one dose will prob not wreck my immune system. I do wonder what good such a limited dose would do.... But hey I am breathing, lol. (For today anyway!) The good thing is that I am one of the lucky ones, I do not ever really have these awful asthma syptoms, in fact I usually only use the inhaler about once a week normally! So of coarse going thru a really bad attack is scary, but makes me grateful It doesent happen very often! Thank you and bless you both for the help... I am glad I found this awesome communtiy :)
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Thank you all for this info. I was wondering why Ive been feeling so run down after a single dose of prednisone I took. I was wondering if it messed me up somehow. Thanks for the piece of mind.
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