1827985 tn?1320324225

how to head off attacks

I need suggestions on how to not get attacks in the frist place.
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My suggestion is totally unsubstantiated by any medical persons, but I think regular exercise helps.  The only reason I say this is because after 1 year of regular exercise (running and swimming), I seem to have fewer asthma exacerbations than the previous year.  I've had fewer emergency appointments to my doctor and have taken less prednisone this year than last year.  This year I had two emergency appointments to my doctor and took prednisone once.  Last year, I had three emergency appointments to my doctor and one ER visit and took prednisone four times.  To me, that's a big improvement.  I've had fewer incidents of cold/flu and sinus infections, which wreak havoc on my asthma.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming that exercise will free people of their asthma, but the fact that the number of my exacerbations decreased after 1 year of regular exercise makes me think that regular exercise has some kind of benefit.  

My 2 cents.
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1921784 tn?1322673240
you can use Irish Moss capules one  capsule  just before sleep the homeopthic 9c is much better but most porbably you will not find it in the market , because it has to be made by a homeopth manualy.    
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