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Chronic Cough with thick phlem

Everything started in 2003 in an apartment my husband and I lived in. I started coughing and then my voice was gone. They found mold behind our bathtub and they covered it up instead of getting rid of it.
I went to an allergist, voice specialist, and ENT. I did not test positive for anything major – just dust mites. I was started on antibiotics and oral steroids for chronic sinus infection. The ENT almost didn’t believe that I hadn’t had surgery on my nose before because there was so much scarring on the inside, but no, I hadn’t had any surgeries.
The main thing that was bothering me then was my voice being gone all the time and I would also cough up a thick green pea like substance. The steroids would help my voice come back. I also tested negative for asthma in 2004.
We moved out of our apartment in early 2005 and moved into a brand new twin home.
I got pregnant in January 2006 and had a great pregnancy, hardly any coughing and had a voice.  A couple of months after delivery, my voice would go again so again I was on and off antibiotics and steroids.
In January 2008 is when I noticed I was coughing a lot. It keeps me up at night and I have thick white sometimes yellow phlegm that I cough up daily. It is very hard to cough up and I cough extremely harsh. It seems like it is all upper respitory to me.  In April 2008, I had my first mini sinus surgery which did not help any of my symptoms. They did find MRSA in the sinuses.  In July 2008, I tested positive for asthma and was put on different inhalers (symbicort and advair), also albuterol inhaler and I have been doing albuterol nebulizers as well. I started seeing a different ENT and he did another mini sinus surgery in December 2008. This was basically done to get a culture so he could send it to the infectious disease doctor. It was still positive for MRSA and the ID doctor put me on some heavy antibiotics that still didn’t help my symptoms.
In March 2009, the pulmonologist did a bronchoscopy, he said everything looked ok. Coincidently that night, I had bad chest pain and trouble breathing. I went to the ER and ended up having pneumonia. The main thing bothering me today is chronic coughing and thick phlegm that is extremely hard to cough up. Steroids help a little to get that phlegm coughed up.  I have had CT scans, chest x-rays, and many blood tests taken to rule out anything.
I had a healthy childhood, no asthma or any problems. I did have a DVT in 2000 in my right calf. I ended up having a protein s deficiency. Other than that, I am healthy.
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I am not a smoker
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sorry, one more thing. I am still very wheezy and the nebs only help a litte.
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I also wanted to add that they thought maybe I had acid reflux so I was treated for that. Hasn't helped.
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