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Cough & Laryngitis

I have developed a chronic dry cough & laryngitis, currently I have been dealing with symptoms for a month. I went thru same illness 5months ago was in the hospital & then passed around to various specialists without any real answers. I have done allergy testing, tests to rule out relfux, seen ENT, pulmonlogist, & family dr multiple times with not much success. No one can tell me why I got better last time, or why I am dealing with the same situation again.
Has anyone else experienced similar issue? Im frustrated and don't know what to do anymore?
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746512 tn?1388807580
The only thing I can think of is maybe researching a bit in vocal chord dysfunction?  I know it can be similar to asthma in symptoms, ie cough and can come in attacks.  It also isn't at the top of the ENT's mind so it probably gets missed unless you are in an attack when checking.  

Make sure they are doing full pulmonary function tests, laproscopy of your sinuses and throat.  Those will make sure there isn't any infections or anything that is bugging your throat.

Good luck and let us know how it works out.
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I just had my second bout with laryngitis followed by a cough that has lasted more than a month.   The first time was 6 months ago.  I have been perfectly healthy except for those symptoms so I haven't seen a Dr.   Haven't found anyone with any answers??????

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