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Dark Circles

I grew up w/asthma and now my 2yo son seems to have it. We recently saw a pediatric pulmonologist who helped us tremendously. I've also spent some time reading the American Lung Assoc website. My question is related to the dark circles under my son's eyes. They're just not going away even though his symptoms have. He occasionally has a cough in the morning but nothing at night, and nothing during the rest of the day. He is off the nebulizers for now and is staying on his singulair. Am I missing something w/the dark circles? Any thoughts on why they're not going away? Thanks so much in advance-

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942934 tn?1268108382
My understanding is that there are many reasons for dark circles and allergies is one of them. I'm assuming he has allergies, and that will contribute to your son's dark circles. And if he's tired all the time that will add to it. My daughter had the same thing when she was younger, and she too has asthma/allergies.
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Get off Singulair and get on OCTACOSANOL. This stuff works better than Mercks ( montelukast sodium ) except it has no side effects and its quicker and cheaper. Then kiss your and your sons Asthma goodby. No more coughing at any time in the for eather of you.

bill103 ....at your service
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