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Generic Foradil

So long story short, my father's job doesn't support our health insurance anymore. I currently have a job at a temp agency and they don't provide health insurance either. My prescription for the newest asthma inhaler from my doctor now costs me $184 for one dose. I've taken Foradil and Advair before and they both work, so I started looking up affordable brands online.

A website says that they sell about a year's supply of generic Foradil prescription. There's no reviews on it or anything.... Is it trustworthy or not? Suggestions??
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? Anyone? It seems like a good deal and would allow me to not worry about not being able to breathe.

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942934 tn?1268108382
I would not trust most websites to buy my prescription medication. The newer inhalers, or any newer medication for that fact, are more expensive, because they still have their patents (usually for 10 years). When there are generics available then the patent has expired. I would go to a good pharmacy to buy my generics. Who knows what you get online, as it is not regulated. You can try to reduce your asthma symptoms through getting plenty of rest, a good diet and keeping your bedroom clean. Dust mites is one of the most common asthma triggers, so your sleeping environment (that you sleep in 8 hours/day), needs to be as clean as possible. Use mattress and pillow covers and wash your sheets weekly in hot water. Get rid of carpets, if that isn't feasible then get your carpets professionally cleaned twice a year and vacuumed 1 - 2 times per week. By reducing your allergen exposure, you can then reduce the amount of inhalers that is required to reduce your asthma symptoms. And thereby reducing the cost to maintain your asthma. That is all I can really recommend.
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144586 tn?1284666164
Patents are for seventeen years, and in some cases may be extended. Foradil is manufactured by Shering-Plough and the patent expires March 2019. No "generic" Foradil may be manufactured in the United States until after that date. It is an expensive drug, but highly effective. Although not approved for the purpose, it acts rapidly and well in an emergency. Downside is that one can become a bit "addicted", and if you stop using it suddenly the lung seems to have a tendency to cause problems, and you should have an emergency albuterol inhaler available if you stop using it until things settle down. Just be aware of this. If it is being sold at a very low price it is probably not Foradil.
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Thank you very much. I'm gonna start visiting pharmacies and checking my options. I've also been keeping a good diet, exercising regularly and getting a good share of rest, but my room could use a good spring cleaning... Hopefully that will reduce some symptoms.

Thanks again for the tips!
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