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My son is 10. He has had asthma since he was 3 months old. It has never gotten better. He has been on almost everything. He gets allergy shots once a week to try to help his asthma. The only time he can breath normally is when he is on pred. He once asked what it was like to be able to breath right. It broke my heart. Now my son is very active. He loves his sports. He plays football, baseball, and wrestles. He uses his machine and inhaler all the time, and some how just keeps going. Monday he had his first CT. The Pulmonologist called and says he has bronchiectasis, and he has a 5mm nodule on lung. He is going to do a bronchiscope, when I do not know. They will do another CT in 6 months to check for growth. Im scared for him. Has any one been through this?
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hello and Welcome to our community.  I'm not too well versed with answers to your ?'s but wanted to stop by and let you know I've read your post and others may be able to help you.  The waiting is the hardest part.  I had nodules on my thyroid removed .. and still have one on the other intact side that gets tested ev. 6 mos and now I am on the 1yr plan.  The not knowing is so hard.

Keep us posted ---  C~
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It might be a congenital bronchiectasis for your child. Does he get recurrent sinusitis or rhinitis? Please strictly follow the instructions of your pulmonologist.
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No, he does not. As a baby he had ear problems and had about 4 sets of ear tubes. It is just his asthma can not seem to be controlled at all. I don't understand any of this. I am afraid for him. I have done everything I can to make sure he can breath freely but it just doesn't seem to work. I have read that bronchiectasis can damage organs as well. Knowing that he has this, will he get better or will it just get worse. Does it go away??
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