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I have a massive period ache , therefore I took 1100 mg of ibuprofen . At first I had taken 500 mg tablet but it's been an hour and a half and it did not help , so I took an other tablet of ibuprofen of 600 mg .
The pain is gone but I feel very tired , can I be harmed or die out of it ?
Should I ask for help ? Or has anybody been familiar with it ? Please help me , I am a hypochondriac person and I also have OCD and use Prozac . I would like to get a reply from someone who's familiar with it as soon as possible !
Thank you .
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746512 tn?1388807580
Yes that is too much to take at once so you are at risk of complications - death very unlikely but I would call your doctor or here in Alberta we have health link where you call and talk to a nurse and they can let you know what to do.

You ALWAYS want to follow direction on the label - Ibuprofen is normally 200-500mg every 4 hours.  The extra strength Advil I looked at is 400mg and has a DAILY maximum of 3 tablets so 1200mg.  Which means you took a full days dose in one setting.  

The problem with NSAIDs like Advil is the risk of GI bleeding, it is extremely hard on the stomach and digestive tract.  Any pain med will make you tired and drowsy - heck I can take one extra strength Advil and I'm out cold for 8 hours so I'm surprised you are only fatigued with the dose you took.

Just realized you posted this is 7 hours ago, any risk is probably over and I hope you are feeling better but I would still call your doc and let them know.
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Thank you :)
I am okay now and learned my lesson lol
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