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Immune system

My son has asthma.  he uses his inhaler every day several times a day.  He uses advair when we can afford it.  He seems to get sick all the time, he has had to go on steroids 4-5 times since school started in september.  I haven't even been able to get him a flu shot this year yet cause he has been sick so much.  I try to get him to wash his hands alot, etc...but I think his immune system is just not very strong.

Do you have any suggestions for natural remedies to help the immune system or lung function?
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1966516 tn?1325761019
I am a personal trainer and not a doctor, however I have read the book by Natasha Turner, The Hormone Diet, this has an explanation of how hormones affect the immune system. I would try getting this book and reading it. I have had allergies for years, started with asthma as a child but grew out of it, I eliminated wheat gluten and dairy from my diet my allergies subsided for the first time in my life. Start with the Anti-Inflammatory detox first and slowly add foods back to the diet. The detox triggered an allergic reaction in the middle of January for me, it only lasted about 24 hours. This has never happened before, I believe it was my body rejecting toxins that had built up over time in my body.  

Charles Poliquin is a world class trainer that has many articles on supplements and vitamins among other things check out his site for some insights into asthma and allergies.

Good Luck with your search for help.
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Thank you, I will check it out.
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