8257579 tn?1406108493

Just Allergies, Or Asmtha??


I've had a breathing problem since June 2013. I had never been around dogs before, but in May 2013 we got a puppy. I have read many things online about dog allergies and think this is what has started everything. I read somewhere that dogs are more likely to cause allergies than puppies, and my breathing has gotten worse this year....puppy is now 15 months old and huge. There seem to be a lot of triggers that make my breathing worse, like chemical fumes, humidity, etc. Basically, I just cant take much more and dont know what to do. I've been to 3 different family dr's and been given a ton of inhalers that do nothing. I recently started taking Primatene, which sometimes helps and sometimes doesnt. Chest tightness, cant take any deep breaths, dry cough when exhaling, dry itchy eyes, stuffed up nose. I have an appointment Monday with an allergist/immunologist. Looking for input here. Can anyone relate?? Is this just bad allergies or an allergy-induced asthma??

I am 32 years old, and never had asthma before. Only allergies I know about for sure are to certain soaps, and lotions. My father however has bad asthma, and is allergic to pets.
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Hello there,

I am glad to read that you have made an appointment on Monday ( maybe today ? ) with an allergist/immunologist. I hope your allergist will give you a allergy skin test.  That will help you find out what thing (s) you are allergic to.
When I had my allergy skin test many years ago now, at least I found out the things I am allergic to and can avoid them whenever possible.
Depending on what you are allergic to it could be an allergy-induced asthma. There is also such a thing as environmental asthma so things in the environment triggering asthma.  Hopefully the allergist will be helpful in determining what you are allergic to.  You mentioned that your dad is allergic to pets. What kind of pets is your dad allergic to.  Some allergies can be hereditary but not necessarily. You said you are 32 years old and have never had allergies. I didn't have allergies as a child either. I got my allergies and asthma as an adult.  It may be the dog dander, it may not be. That's why it is good that you are going to see an allergist.  I hope you get some answers soon. I have asthma too and control it with asthma meds.
I wish you well.  Eve
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8257579 tn?1406108493
Thanks for responding!!

I did see the allergist Monday. He was quite dissapointed in my primary doctor for letting me suffer with this for so long. I could not get a skin test since I have had to take anti-histamines just to breathe at all, and I guess that gives skin tests invalid results. They are testing my blood for several allergies though. I am also on a tapering prednisone now. I also did a breathing test which showed that my lungs are indeed not up to par. Going back to allergist next week.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge on the subject =)
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You're very welcome. Glad to hear that the allergist it testing your blood for several allergies. Someone in my family had blood tests for allergies as well. Through the blood tests she found out she is allergic to wheat, gluten, casen which is in cheese and a number of other foods. Also good you were given a breathing test. It sounds like your allergist has already started to help you. As far as sharing my knowledge on the subject of asthma, I am always happy to share hoping what I have learned may help you. Eve :)
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