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Might Not be Asthma - HELP

I am 23 years old and since I was little, I have had asthma, allergic rhinitis, and hay fever. For years I have been having what I thought were asthma attacks, taken my inhaler, and was fine later on. Sometimes, I would just try to get through the attacks with out using the inhaler (though I always kept it nearby). Recently, my "asthma" has been getting worse and I've been looking up a lot of info on it. It turns out, this may not be asthma. My general physician seemed puzzled and referred me to an ENT who gave me a laryngeoscopy, and found no blockages, but saw redness and a little inflammation; however, he didn't seem alarmed. The symptoms I've been having are usually exercise-induced or from pet dander. After exercising, I begin wheezing, but it's from my throat rather than from my chest,both inspiratory and expiratory phases. When around pets, (especially cats) I'll sneeze, get a runny nose and the same breathing symptoms (I believe its stridor rather than wheezing). Also, I am a non-smoker and currently working to control my GERD. With anaphylaxis on the rise, I'm terrified that this may be what's happening, and not asthma, because asthma does NOT cause stridor (or can it?). I think this is how I've always been though, having trouble breathing from my throat, rather than typical asthma symptoms. I don't get any swellings, hives, rashes, stomach issues, or anything else suggestive of anaphylaxis, though I know there are less severe forms of it. I've considered vocal cord dysfunction, but then I read that VCD cannot be helped by inhalers, and whatever is bothering me does clear up with my rescue inhaler, though it seems to take longer than it used to. I am considering an EpiPen, but I just don't know what this could be and they are rather expensive for me. I'm scared for my life because I just know it will get worse and worse. I am currently waiting to see more doctors, but posting here gives me some piece of mind in the present. If anyone knows anything about all of this, please HELP!
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1340994 tn?1374193977
GERD can cause asthma symptoms.  Treating the GERD should improve the symptoms of asthma.

Many people can improve asthma symptoms by stopping the use of dairy, especially milk.  Switch to a dairy substitute that you are sure you are not allergic to, such as almond milk or flax milk.  I don't hear good things about rice milk and soy may not be the best choice, although I use soy milk.  Try avoiding all milk and most dairy for a few weeks and see how you do.  
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Thank you for your comment! I was also planning on changing my diet for weight loss and health improvement, so I will keep that in mind!
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If it continues have an ENT check you throat occasionally. For any women with asthma symptoms that do not improve they need to be checked out thoroughly. I was misdiagnosed with asthma for 8 years and almost died. I have Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis and the first time I was checked  for asthma it had not developed enough for it to register clearly on the Pulmonary Function Test .So my Dr. refused to let me be tested a second time even though as the years went by I steadily got worse. Then a new doctor let me have a second test and my trachea was narrowed to 3mm the size of a drinking straw. If your breathing sounds like Darth Vader and you are a woman (98 % are women) you may be developing this very very rare condition. It seems to be on the increase.
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