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My 4 Year old Daughter Coughs when she Sleeps until she Vomits for last 3 Years

Hi there,
I am getting increasingly worried about my four year old daughter who suffers from Asthma. She was born 8 weeks early and had respiratory help for the first week of her life but after that she seemed ok until she was around 10 months. She did suffer from severe reflux which didn't rectify itself until she was 3 and half. She developed a persistent cough at the age of 10 months and the cough progressively got worse whenever she feel asleep particularly in the winter months (whether it was day or night). She will cough and cough until she vomits which can take a couple of hours of coughing. She has clear fluid dribbling out of her mouth which is what she swallows and I believe this is what is making her be sick. I worry that all this coughing is damaging her lungs and although she uses a corticosteroids inhaler for her astma everyday and has ventolin regularly it does not seem to help and makes her cough worse when she is alseep. We prop her up and have tried many different things over the years (even when she sleeps propped up in her car seat she would cough and dribble etc until she was sick). After many doctors visits and seeing various GPs (it took 5 GPS and a year to diagnose her with asthma) I do not feel I am being taken seriously. I do believe she has athma as she can get very wheezy especially with colds, bad weather and exercise but I think there may be more to this. The coughing at night is affecting my daughter in the day because she gets so tired because once she has vomited she has to be showered and bed linen changed etc and it really disturbs her sleep (the sad thing is she can become quite delirous as she doesn't seem to know/ understand what is going on as she is so tired and when we shower her she falls back asleep). Once she has vomited she settles down for night. We have anti dust mite bedding and an air purifier in her bedroom and her room is free of teddies etc. The doctors thought she might suffer with hayfever but that obviously wouldn't cause her to have the coughing/vomiting in the winter which is when it is at its worse. She is above average in height and is quite slim. She has a pale complexion and has a poor immune system and will catch any virus going around which makes her worse but she is a very good eater and drinks plenty of water and takes regular vitamins. Does anyone else have a child who coughs at night until they vomit? Or does anyone know what she could be suffering from?
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Hi Mumtotwogirls!

I'm mum to three girls and we call ourselves the "house of hormones"... poor dad!

All three of my girls have had some sort of respiratory disorder whether it be sinusitis with the oldest, acute asthma with the middle child or severe, recurring bronchitis with the baby (now 3). I understand your frustrations and I'm so sorry to read about how your little one has suffered.

As you know, preemies are especially susceptible to respiratory problems. Nonetheless, none of mine were preemies and all three still managed to struggle with lung, nasal and sinus issues so I can't even imagine how much more it may have been had they been born early...

We have especially struggled with our middle child as she has always had severe allergic rhinitis, even as a baby, but I didn't realize that's what she had back then. At the tender age of two, she was diagnosed with acute asthma and that is when our worst nightmares were unleashed! She constantly had the post nasal drip from the hay fever she suffered, but worse than that was the bronchial bouts with asthma. Her lungs would fill up with mucus and choke all the breath out of her. She would often cough until throwing up but didn't get relief even from that. She was prescribed tons of meds: albuterol for emergencies and steroids, both liquid and inhaled, for daily maintenance. It was the nightmare of our lives and the worst disease I could have ever imagined, with no hope and no answers outside of the medical box she was in. As she got older, she'd miss school too because of asthma outbreaks that never seemed to find relief... just more meds, more docs, more visits to ER, Urgent Care, etc.

I finally got fed up and started researching natural therapies not to find a "cure", but just to find her more long-term relief from the asthma that was literally choking her little life away. To make a long search short, I found the answer we had been praying for with the all natural respiratory salt pipe inhaler. Now, instead of her daily dose of steroids, she "puffs" on her salt pipe for two 10 minute sessions per day. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't totally replaced all her meds, there are rare occasions when she still needs a hit on her nebulized albuterol, especially when she's too wheezy, but not at all like before and when she does need this medication, it actually lasts longer and there is no need to take it again after four hours!

I hope you find this experience useful and informative. I wish someone would have told me earlier about the hope in halotherapy, or salt therapy for respiratory patients. For those who consider it a gimmick, they should consider the myriads of cystic fibrosis patients who are now finding relief and help through their hypertonic saline treatments. The power of pure, crystal salt to bring respiratory relief and remedy has been overlooked in our society because we know only the dangers of table salt. There is help in halotherapy for your little one too! You can learn more about this most effective and safe, long-term solution from:


Best Wishes!

Your Friend in Faith
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Hi, I have a now 7 year old that has some of the same problems. Let me go over the story. When he was younger he lived with his mom and we got him on every other weekend. Everytime we had him he was sick, runny nose up all night coughing, coughing all day, and more and more cough meds(from doctors). The doctors just kept giving him more meds for the cough but didnt think about why he was coughing.  When he was 5, my husband and I got custody of him and I could not tell you how many nights I stayed up with him coughing and throwing up. The same thing would happen with him, he'd cough for ever, throw up and sleep all night. The winter months would always be the worst too, and he'd catch every cold going around. Finally one day I got sick of not having any answers, so I took him to the doctors office, his doctor wasnt in so he had to see a new lady. I described his symptoms and such and  they had him take a test. I cant for the life of me remember what it's called, but they breath into a tube and it measures their lung functions. Well his was not even half of what he should have been breathing. He was taking in half of the air he should have been which meant his whole body was being deprived from oxygen. He was diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma, I'm sure he has another kind too, but the most serious one that affected him was the EIA. He was put on singulair and Advair and it's worked amazingly. Keep in mind we still have to watch him, he has to wear  a full face mask that covers his mouth and nose if he plays outside and there is any wind or its cold. He cant be involved in sports yet until his lungs are stronger. He can not play hard period or it will start a coughing fight instantly.

One thing I would suggest too you is before she goes to bed, put her in the shower, not a bath, but a shower and let her sit in the steam for however long she wants. If she doesnt like showers then maybe you can sit in it with her or hold her, sit on the side of the tub holding her and just let her breath in the steam. Make sure you keep the door shut as to keep the steam in the bathroom. This has helped my boy alot. It works good too when they start coughing, and usually he quits and sleeps all night.  But you may have to do it one or two times a night depending on cough attacks.

I know that sounds like a pain but believe me it worked for me and for him, I'd hear him start coughing put him in the shower he'd stay in it for about 15min and then be fine, no puking or nothing.

They throw up as theirs bodies way to fight whats causing the cough. The phlem makes them cough, they throw up the phlem and then they feel better. It's not a bad thing as long as they dont do it constantly.  It actually helps them out.

Sorry this is so long but it sounded so close to mine and just had to share. Hope things get better for both of you!!!
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I just woke from another sleepless night after my three year old coughed all night long and vomited twice. I had to turn to the internet to see if any other parents are experiencing what we are. My husband and I just shake our heads at night...wondering what in the worrld causes her to do this so often. Her doctor says that she may have some underlying Asthma issues or we acid reflux. My husband and I are also questioning these answers and wondering if she is allergic to something in her room, our  house or some type of food? We have ruled out our house or her room because like another poster mentioned, she does it in the car when she naps or sometimes when she is awake. She also gets sick at night at my sister's house (both houses that she has lived in). It is very frustrating and you feel so bad for them. I just read all of these posts and in most cases I feel that I was the one posting. For the past two years she has been coughing and vomiting at night...coughing, coughing, and coughing until she vomits. Sometimes we have to change her bedding twice a night (like last night). I am going to do more research on the salt pipe, if it works and gives her some relief it would be worth it. i guess that I have not noticed if it is worse in the winter months. She has also been prescribed inhalers, Singular and Pepcid AC chewables. She does often have a nasal drip and seems to catch whatever is coming and going at daycare. As mentioned above she also has the clear fluid dribbling out as she gets sick. I just feel so bad for her and want to do something to help her. I will also try the steam from the shower...anything that helps is worth it. Good luck to you all and thanks for sharing your stories.
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My daughter has the same problem as yours at times.  She coughs at night and then she vomits.  She is 4 years old, was born 3 weeks early and has ben diagnosed with asthma.  Her asthma started at 6 months old.  She takes flovent twice daily and albeuterol as needed.  She was tested for allergies and doesn't have any.  Her coughing lasted for so long that her asthma doctor (who is an allergist) finally looked at the mucous from her nose in a microscope and said that she had an infection.  She was prescribed antibiotics for 3 weeks due to the long amount of time she had the infection and that cleared it.  Like any other child, she gets colds, the coughing starts and she vomits, but that is I think she deals with illness.  But if it is lasting longer than what would be considered normal, they will take another look.

Hope this helps!

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Hello, I am in the same situation as you.  My daughter is 10 and we have been going through this for years on and off.  She coughed tonight for 22 minutes straight and threw up about 6 times. It is so sad to see her go through this.  I am at my wits end.  She has taken asthma medicine on and off, but I am not a big fan of steroids.  I am anxious to look into a more natural approach.   It is very difficult to watch your child go through this.  She isn't sleeping well as she is up all night coughing and vomiting.   Any additional advise would be appreciated...Thank you.
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Our daughter just turned 1 in September. She was born about 2 and a half weeks early, and only had a little trouble clearing her lungs during the first few minutes. They used that long suction tube that they put down their throats to help clear it. She seemed to be fine after that. It was not until about 2 weeks old that she started the coughing, especially at night. At that time she was only coughing but it seemed to be getting worse and worse. At the same time our older daughter (3) was just starting preschool, and seemed to get sick right away and miss the first month of school. She has very bad allergies and gets sick very easily, she also was diagnosed with relux when she was a baby and put on zantac, whiched really helped, she eventually grew out of that. The baby also got sick during that time. That is when she started the vomiting when she coughed. We thought that this was from getting a cold and that it would end when she started getting better. But she never got better, we went through cold after cold with them both and 2 ear infections each and an eye infection for the baby and finally they started to get better. But it was only about a month and they were both sick again. My older daughter got over hers without antibiotics thank god! But the baby was getting sicker and sicker and the doctor said she just had a cold and to use a humidifer and prop her up and blah blah blah the same stuff we had heard for the last 6 months. She was so congested and coughing and vomiting and my last straw we woke up to her with a bloody eye i took her to urgent care where she had a severe sinus infection an ear infection and her eye infection that had never fully cleared from before. I was so mad at her pediatrician that just days before sent us home with nothing but a small cold. She did get over the infections but she never stoped coughing and puking. She still coughs, and pukes mostly at night but during the day too, and it is so sad. I know it is disturbing her sleep at night, we have to wake up 2 and 3 times a night with her coughing and change sheets and jammies and I am so tired of her having to go through this with no answers. I am so sorry to hear that there are so many others going through the same thing. I am searching for any kind of solution for her, so that her quality of life gets better. Any suggestions or soultions would be a blessing for our family.
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I had this same problem when I was a kid. I would vomit in my sleep... does she wake up when she vomits? or remember the incedent the next morning? if not then it sounds like Epelepsy.
Seizures can effect the body like that. Thats what was wrong with me... the clear fluid adds up too.
It would appear as though she was just coughing until it made her sick, but in fact the seizure would be telling her brain to throw up for no imparent reason.
Luckily there is a high chance of growing out of this.
I would however suggest having her checked out.

Good luck and God Bless.
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hi my daughter is nearly 20 mths and she has been in and out of hospital since she was nearly 6 weeks old and it was a very scary time for me and my partner as she was so little and i felt so helpless, the doctors diagnoised broncolitis but i no its asthma as i two suffer from the same as my daughter and i have broncol asthma which is the worse kind you can get, so i no how she feels when she is struggling for breath and she too coughs and coughs in her sleep till she is sick it is scary i have to be like a hawk always on the look out during the day and at night while my partner sleeps soundly i am worrying the doctors say its not asthma but i no fine it is as she is in so much pain sometimes and when she outside for long amounts of time the next day she has a temperture and is really struggling to breath i have asked for them to precribe her with ventolin for the nebulizer but they keep refusing i think if she had that as a back up for her ventolin and becotide inhalers it would really help as it did with me when i was little, it can be so hard sometimes when they get really bad to no what to do but now i just take her up to the docs as soon as she has a cold or anythingso they can check her i am so worry that she is never going to have a normal life and end up like me forever in and out of hospital why dont the doctors listen its so frustrating
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I feel your pain, i have a 3 year old who does the exact same thing‼
It doesn't matter where she falls asleep, it's the same every time‼ As soon as she falls asleep she starts coughing until she throws up, it could be laying in bed or propped up in her car seat. I too am at my witts end, she has been tested for asthma, but the test came back clear, she is not sick in any other way?
The doctors always seem to say the same thing, prop her up, use a vapouriser, or give her some sort of cough medicine‼
I do hope you find an answer as i am trying all avenues also,
Good luck,
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OMG**** I did not know their were so many of us with children who have the same thing. My blessings, and support gose out to all of you; for i am in the same boat.

God bless.
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I didn't realize that so many parents are going through the same thing. My daughter is 4 and she has a chronic cough for the last 2yrs. She coughs during the day also but it's worse at night. One night she threw up and didn't know it. In the last mth she has been diagnosed w/ broncitis and whooping cough. She also has chronic sinuitis. Now she has to have tubes in her ears b/c she has had fluid in them for over a mth and has to go see a asthma and allergy dr. I'm starting to think that her coughing is asthma related but can someone have asthma and not wheeze, just cough? Her coughing is worse when she gets hot and when she gets upset. Just wanting answers!
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I'm amazed at the number of people that have children going through the same thing that I have been for years. My son will be five in January and he started having breathing problems when he was about 10 months old.  It seemed like it was just cold after cold until his doctor decided to put tubes in both of his ears.  She thought the drainage from his chronic ear infections was causing him to vomit. I didn't really think too much about it at the time. Now it's continuing to get worse to the point I sit here and cry with him because there is nothing I can do for him.  In May he had his tonsils and adenoids taken out because they were enlarged and his doctor thought this was what was causing him to vomit. He has also been to a gastroenterologist and he has now done two scopes of his esophagus. The vomiting has caused him to have esophagitis which means his esophagus is infected now.  He takes prevacid chewables in the morning and in the evening he takes 4 vials of pulmicort mixed with 20 packets of splenda. The pulmicort mixture is very thick so that it sticks to his esophagus and the medicine can do it's job.  He can't drink anything after taking this medicine. Nothing is working because he wakes up several times a night coughing until he vomits.  This also happens during the day out of nowhere. He doesn't even need to be active to start coughing.  I feel so bad for him because he can't be a kid. Anytime he runs, dances or does anything active he starts to cough. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm taking him to a different doctor in the morning and I will update this and let everyone know what our doctor has to say. I pray that she has good news for him and has some magical potion that will let him live a normal healthy life. I also pray for everyone else on here to have faith that we will find a cure for this.
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This started about 3 years ago for us.  They diagnosed her with Pertussis the first time.  And then post nasal drip and ear infections and on and on.  This last time I took her to the doctor people kept commenting on just how sick she looked.  It was scary.  My husband actually fashioned a trashcan to attach to the side of her bed to limit the amount of clean up and get her back to bed as quickly as possible.  I have to tell her not to run and play to try and keep the vomiting from happening and it's so hard.  She's 5 now, soon to be six.
The last five days have been the best since September. We go in for a re-evaluation on Monday.  We have her on Flonase, Qvar, and Xenopenex.  (the singulare did not work) We also just finished another round of anitbiotics-augmentin this time-for another ear infection (yay, vomiting AND diaarhea).  We are trying to avoid surgery for now, and this triplet seems to be working.  She's not as limited as she was and we haven't actually had a vomiting fit in the last week.  We also found a couple of other things that worked.

-Emitrol.  Once she vomited the first time she'd have a hard time stopping and this helped stop it faster. Of course giving it to her depends on how bad the coughing fit is.
-Vicks.  A little rubbed on her throat.  She asked for it so it must help somewhat.
-Chloroseptic Sore Throat Losenges.  We were using halls but the Chlorosepic worked wonders.  Maybe the anesthetic?  Should anyone use this one bare in mind that the cough could cause the the losenge to get lodged and choke them.  My husband is a certified in Medic firstaide and we we told her to keep the losenge against her cheek.  Maybe the spray would work?  Not sure.  

These are  just ideas and I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I would talk with your physician before trying any of these just to be sure.   Just thought I would share.
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We have a 23 month old son having same problem since 10 months. Hes on pulmicort, singulair, prilosec daily and albuteral as needed which is way to often imo. I dont think it asthma the way it comes and goes is not like the asthma i grew up with. it occurs mostly after he eats and when sleeping but comes and goes at all times and places at home, daycare, car, grandmas, the store, etc. so i dont think its an allergy. The medicine has helped with the vomiting but the irritating cough still comes and goes just about everyday.  

Im surprised with all the responses here and you would figure with seemingly a lot of kids having this problem the Drs would know what it is. Instead they just send us home with no answers and little results from the medicine.
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I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. My daughter is now 5 and we have solved her problem. We have been seeing a specialist (immunologist) for the past year and a half. Majority of asthma is caused by allergies. Has you daughter been allergy tested?  We had to change our whole life. We can NEVER have ANY animals and whenever she has a cold, she has to be watched. She takes daily pulmicort and albuterol as needed (rare). I hope this helps. Some doctors rely on inhalers etc. There's always a root to every problem and I hope you find it!!
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I live in Barbados and have the same problem with my 21 month old daughter. Up to lastnight she did not sleep due to the terrible coughing, this morning I realised her nose started running again... It crazy so much of us have the same problem ... all I get is different anti-biotics that work for a week or so and then im back to the same thing

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My daughter who is 5 years old was diagnosed with viral induced asthma at age 3.   Ever since she was around 18 months or so, whenever she would get a cold or a respiratory virus of any sort, she would always start with this coughing at nap time and at bed time.  At age 3 she was diagnosed with viral induced asthma.  We started inhaled daily steroids which worked minimally and would end up giving her oral steroids.  We have been through so many various types of doctors, had all sorts of tests ( immune system, allergy, cystic fibrosis, whooping cough- you name it my daughter was tested for it)  We went through so many sleepless nights and rough days of exhaustion.  My daughter got very sick over Christmas break and again we started seeing different specialists as we were frustrated none of the medicine was working.  We kept getting the same answer, she had viral induced asthma (AKA cough variant asthma).  A lady my husband works with recommended we take her to a homeopathic Dr.  At wits end we did feeling like we had no options left!  She started taking herbs/vitamins ( all natural things that were prescribed for her) and that day we took her off all her meds.  She got a cold about a week ago and it is the first time she has been sick with a cold/virus that I can remember and did not have an asthmatic episode!  We are now strong believers in natural healing!  God has blessed our little girl by answering our prayers and I believe it is my duty to pass on the information to help another little one who suffers the way my daughter did.  Good luck and please consider seeing a Homeopathic Dr.  It might be the answer to your prayers as well!  God Bless!
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My almost 2 year old has the same problem. She was born almost 6 weeks early and her right lung collapsed. She had a machine breath for her her first week of life. Since then we have battled with a cough and runny nose! I take her to the doctor and get sent home with the same thing everytime! some sort of anti-biotic and saying its broncholitis! For the past month her coughing has just gotten worse, she now coughs uncontrollable at night until she vomits! At first I thought she was making herself do it to get to stay up a little while longer (we recently switched from a crib to a toddler bed and she doesn't like it very much) but she does it every night, sometimes 2 or 3 times a night. I'm at my end with it and called the doctor and told her that we needed to do something about this now. She said she would call me back! I am so tired of them not listening to me and looking at me like i'm making it all up! I've tried to give her claratin, benadryl, and every OTC cough medicine there is for small children and nothing helps her!! There is really something wrong and I wish someone would just help me!!
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well I am 48 and am having this exact same problem!  Why??? It has been going on for about 6 months and I am longing for a good nights sleep.  As with these kids, I only start coughing when I lay down to go to sleep and then it starts!  I cough until i throw up.  Any other adults having this issue?
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Hi Tracy about 3 years ago I had the same symptoms as you, I was 43 at the time, and never suffered with asthma in my life. I did not sleep for 9 months, waking constantly coughing and vomiting clear stringy liquid. My doctor gave the usual steroid treatments, which did not work. I was exhausted, and they did not seem to know what to do, other than the regular inhalers. I researched the internet in desperation for a cure so I could sleep, and found "Lobelia". I took it once, and it makes you vomit, quite violently, it was not pleasant, but I was willing to try anything, and the suffering was worth it. I slept through the night and continued to do so. You have to ensure you take the recommended dosage, it is a licensed product and is sold in homeopathic shops as well as the internet. It is definitely worth a try and I really hope it works for you, as I know how you feel at the moment. Best wishes
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Our daughter is 7 and has been coughing until she vomits in the winter months since she was just a few weeks old. She was not born early. We have taken her to countless doctors of all kinds and had her tested for everything we can think of. She was diagnosed with reflux, milk allergy, seasonal allergy, asthma, etc. She has been prescribed well over a dozen meds at different times, and nothing seems to work. She coughs all night long with only seconds in between coughs and she vomits many of those nights. We have had to change her sheets up to 4 times in a night from the cough-induced vomiting. I know she is so exhausted the next day, poor thing...we all are. It seems that no one around here knows what is wrong with her or what to do about it. If someone has some great advice, I'd love to hear it.
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I feel for all of you parents too!! My daughter is 7 and we have delt with this since she was a baby. Same story DR after DR specialist test adnoids taken out meds inhalers allergies acid reflux been through it all. NOTHING has made any difference in her attacks. We recently had DFS division of family services called on us bc she is missing so much school. They came to my house and were agrivated bc I havent taken her to the DR and they dont understand why I am not trying to find a long term preventer for her symptoms. SERIOUSLY how insulting!!! My husband and I have done everything possible to try and help her. They have no idea what she goes through as parents we would do anything if there was hope of it helping. We have noticed less attacks the older she gets and our hope is she will grow out of it. They are insisting we continue to take her to DRs which we both think is ridiculous considering all of the test and meds shes been through in the last 7 yrs. I am not allowing them to put her on more meds and more test she goes through enough the way it is. Once the cough starts it will last 4 days and treatments do not help she might not cough for 5 minutes but she will start right back up after that, not to mention the effects it has on her mentally and physically her heart will race and she will get very aggitated. She will be up all night and its hard to send her to school with 2 hours sleep. Then if I send her to school they call me to come get her bc she cant stop coughing. And then they hotline DFS bc shes missed so much. I just dont understand
The only thing I can say to all parents is have patients I know its hard sometimes hopefully one day there will be an answer besides allergies, asthma, acid reflux, or I love this one she just has a common virus go home and continue albuterol treatments every three hours..... Good Luck to you all you arent alone and dont let anyone make you feel like you arent doing enough to help your children bc I have searched for yrs for an answer and what I have found out is this is a common problem found in alot of children that seem the only thing that helps is time. By age 14 most have out grown all of there symptoms, and the colder months are going to be the worst. Any suggestions from anyone would be much appreciated
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I  have had a cough since I was young. I am still struggling with my cough, however I never had a ear infection. My throat and lungs are always clear every time I go to the doctor. I have never smoked, I take an inhaler that I swear doesn't do anything but makes it easier at my peak attacks aka after I vomit... I struggle with asthma.
My daughter is starting to developing something related to asthma  she is coughing for weeks after a common cold or flu, and this just started at age 10.

There are a few things to consider:

Prior to an asthma attack.
1) animals (especially cats) in the home are bad and actually increase the asthma attacks. It's not their hair but their skin and shedding skin follicles.
2) cold air exchange, encourages cough attacks. Changes in weather.
3) anxiety or dealing with anger or excitement (an increase in emotions/heart-rate)
4) feathered comforters and teddy bears that might contain old dust or mold.
5) paper bonded in books that is usually very dry can dry up the the throat.

1) Try to sit with their head laying against something comforting or between their knees.
2) close eyes and let yourself/ child cough and remove yourself/child out of a room or environment that is distracting or loud.
3)pat chest at a slow rate repeatedly until heart rate slows down to a normal rate
4)DO NOT TALK to child who is having an asthma attack. Allow them to focus. Try rubbing/stroking their head while their head is between their knees with their eyes closed.

PLEASE keep in mind that these are all just ideas. What works for one may not work for the other. Children probably wont grow out of asthma but lets hope they will. Medicine is meant to HELP not prevent or eliminate asthma.
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Add my son and I to this list.  He is three years old and very healthy in every other sense.  I am a single father and have been since my son was only two months old.  I found out when he was about one that the apartment I had been living in had mold.  Since he was about four months old he has had breathing problems.  I moved out of that apartment when I found out about the mold.  He has been on the steroid breathing treatment since before he was one also.  Now at three years old he has still shown no improvement, especially in the winter.  The dust that comes from being indoors obviously plays a part in it because the cool winter air is supposed to actually be good for breathing problems like this.  As we have all noticed it worsened in the winter time and we can probably all admit our children spend at least slightly more time indoors in the winter we can deduct from this that household dust and allergins play a small role in it.  At night he coughs in his sleep, sometimes until he throws up.  Putting him on his belly makes a difference.  But as of right now I'm sitting up drinking cup of tea after cup of tea watching him sleep, afraid of him choking to death.  I feel your pain.  It may just be asthma, but the ineffectiveness of the asthma treatments leaves us all wondering, doesn't it?  Also the steroids ruin their teeth.  My son is three and has cavities. :-( it drives me nuts.  I feel guilty as I know the terrors of a dentists office.  Dentists always make you feel guilty for your teeth problems, like you don't brush and floss regularly.  Ugh.  Best of wishes to you all.  
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If you’re one of the 35 million Americans who suffer from hay fever, read on for what plants are to blame, where to find them and how to get relief.
Allergist Dr. Lily Pien answers Medhelp users' most pressing allergy-related questions
When you start sniffling and sneezing, you know spring has sprung. Check out these four natural remedies to nix spring allergies.