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I had a CABG in 2000.  A couple of months ago I felt tightness in the chest and the feeling was as if a belt has been tied on my chest which was restricting me to inhale.  I did a CT Angio which revealed that out of three (3) grafts, oneof my arteries has blocked, however my Cardiologist over-ruled this tightness as related to a Cardiac problem.  Just to satisfy my curiosity, I went for Echocardiography which turned out to be good as well.  I scheduled an appointment with a Pulmonologist who gave me a peak flow which I was able to blow beyond 600, however as there was some wheezing, the doctor prescribed Seretide Diskus 250 twice a day, however  the chest tightness remained as is.  As there was no improvement I switched over to another Pulmonologist who gave me a Spirometry test which was evaluated within normal limits. FEF 25-75 changed by 17% which was interpreted as a mild response to bronchodilator.  The Pulmonologist dignosed it as allergy and put me on Symbicort Trubohaler to be inhaled twice daily and two tablets a day of Singulair.  I have been on this medication for about two weeks now but no progress.  I still have the chest tightness and have spells of shortness of breath, however yesterday the shortness of breath was from 6:30 pm to 3:30 am. As it was mild so I did not use the Salamol reliever.  When the night comes, I feel very nervous.  To add to my problems, I am also suffering from Acid reflux for which I am using Nexium 40.  Can some advise?
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi and welcome .. I'm afraid I'm unable to answer your ?'s .. not enough experience here but wanted to stop by and say hello!

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