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I'm a 56 yr old male 5'9" 200lbs (20 lbs over) have dermagraphisim,allergic to bees and fire ants(no epi needed)BP 106/65 normally, Lung x-ray clear, ige total 437, histamine (tryptase level 7.4, test very high for timothy grass, Bermuda cedar, and class 2 for all others. Had 2 breathing tests in 3 mos. 2nd one at Asthma DR in Waco, TX. It showed Asthma this is what it says at the bottom of my test:" Possible EARLY OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY IMPAIRMENT suggested by the reduced FEF 25-75 with a normal FVC and FEV1 this can be due to a mild degree of airway disease and/or the earliest stages of Emphysema. This may be reversible in nature therefore repeat testing following Bronchodilator administration is rec. Bronchodilator therapy was admistered. followed by repeat spirometer testing. The FEF 25-75 is significantly increased indicating that this patient would mostly likely benefit from continued Bron therapy." End quote
So there it is My Dr has me on (as of) May 3, 2012 Symbicort 160mcg 2x 2twice day, Nasonex 2x once a day. All this started this year, however last winter in figured Exercised educed asthma because an inhaler I never used from a cold a yr earlier worked (I'm an EMT). I'm needing an Inhaler or nebulizer most mornings and sometimes during the day. I went back on May 9 caused it seemed as bad as ever. On Prednisone 40 mg for 5 days. Seems to help a bit, but the am readings on my peak flow are 200 most mornings so I need help. Last night when I went to bed I was 500! I’m a very bad snorer but test years ago for apnea none. I feel fine during the day, so no lack of sleep. I'm coughing less now on Meds but still sometimes mostly clear. This morning stuff is bad could it be: decrease in cortisol levels, increased vagal tone or Diurnal variation at night? I want to fix this I will move any city, country or anywhere for help (Nat. Jewesh Hospital). My Dr seems good but this is beyond unpleasant! Since I'm allergic to most trees (not dust mites or mold, not tested for food) around here some worse than others can’t I also test for trees in Calif or Hawaii where I could go again? Not sure I want to take Immunogy shots (I may move soon) and 3-5 years is long for an Aries! Also sleeping almost like a Horse (upright) due the wedge foam I got for my B-Day!

4 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Oh and use http://weathernetwork.com - they have a tool that monitors pollen levels in different areas so you can see if your symptoms match higher pollen levels.

It can also take up to a month or so for the steriods to kick in and clear up the inflammation that is sitting in the lungs.  Keep using your inhalers and try to keep your peak flows up.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Sorry it took so long to response, I've been busy the last couple of weeks.

You will have a limit of the items you can put into each allergy shot.  I've never heard pollen counts worse in PM - in all my university botany classes, all the plants we talked about always released pollen overnight or early in the morning (unless it's a dry, windy day).  You defintely are more prone to allergies overnight because of the drop in cortisol which you already know about. ;)

Ask your doctor first but some supplements might help you as well, especially Omega 3 fish oil.  Others would include vitamin C, D and N-acetyl cysteine.  The last one helps to clear mucus away from your lungs and is a powerful antioxidant to help heal them.  

200 to 500 on your peak flow is not just variation - they should never be more than 20% difference and you have a 40% difference morning to night.  Try washing your sheets/blankets every week in hot water, maybe switch to a gentler landuary detergent.  Any there are no pets sleeping with you?
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Thank you Tammy,
I think it's still too soon for Allergy shots for me. I'm still confused about what they put in there. If only tested for Local Texas grasses / Trees would'nt it make sense to test for andthen put in the mix the grasses I test positive for in other regions I may go to live?

It's funny some sites say Pollen is worse in the PM?

I'm sleeping on the harder Futon, sleeping on my left side (or tummy), lowered Humidity and trying to breathe through my nose too.
I got a room I could make computer chips in now (so clean).
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746512 tn?1388807580
The problem with tree allergies is that if you move you most likely will develop allergies to the new trees you are around and thus become symptomatic  again.  

Some tips that may help are: keep your windows close to limit the amount of pollen that comes inside; have a shower when you come inside or at least before bed (so your bedroom is as clean as possible); mattress cover will still help because it will limit the amount of pollen in your blankets and mattress (achooallergy has a really good one); ask your doctor about singulair - allergy based asthma drug that might help if taken at bedtime; or take a normal allergy med before bed to hopefully limit the allergy reaction.

Pollen is the worse first thing in the morning.  

I would still do allergy shots - they make your symptoms disappear and are worth the long term commitment.  I had my allergies disappear once I was on my maintence dose at 1 year but he had to take twice as long because I kept getting bad local reactions from the shots.

Hopefully that helps
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