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No Voice

I have been on Advair, then symbicort, and now dulera and keep losing my voice to the point of not being able to sing at all. I am a singer and a teacher and really need my voice, but I also need to be able to breathe! I get plenty of sleep, drink water, and don't abuse my voice by yelling or pushing it too much. I also rinse and gargle thoroughly after taking my inhalers.  I miss singing and really need my voice. So frustrated and don't know what else to do! Any advice??
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You might want to get your thyroid checked at this is a sign of an unbalanced thyroid. Ask for a thyroid panel and be that they check your thyroid antibodies and free t3 as well. My sister loosing her voice was one of her fist symptoms of hashimotos. To find out get "The Thyroid Solution"--

It is easy to read and written by a thyroid expert. Also if you do have thyroid problems you might want to avoid anything w/serevent or salmeterol (adavir, symbacort, there is a black box warning that this can be an endocrine disruptor.

I hope this helps,

PS Also see if you can find a good chiorpractor he/she might be able to help.
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If you want to go the natural route, eat fresh PINEAPPLE (bromalain) and Watermelon (Antioxidants).  It works for me better than any meds!
If you have a Health Food Store:
Lobelia for the asthma to clear out the inflammation in the body that causes asthma.

Also, many patients with "Vocal Cord Dysfunction" are often misdiagnosed with asthma.
There is treatment for VCD.
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My doctor just reduced my dosage of Dulera for the same reason - once a day instead of twice.  There are ICS only medications that may work better for you.  Alvesco is a small particle ICS that shoulce reduce that problem.  I tried it, but it was ineffective for me.  I hope it works for you.  If you do need a LABA as well, Serevent comes as a stand alone ICS.  An LABA should always be used lin combinationwith ICS by asthmatics wheter in a combination med or as two stand alone meds.  

I hope that helps you.
God bless.
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