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ok so they took primatene mist asthma inhaler off the market but did they think about the millions of people that would suffer?

What am i suppose to do now with no health insurance, somebody help me please, im dying over here literary!!!!
8 Responses
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144586 tn?1284666164
That was because of the idiots who signed the Montreal agreements to prevent non-existent global warming. In addition they banned Halogens, the most effective firefighting agent known to man, and our commander-in-chicken removed it from aircraft, tanks and aircraft carriers, causing a number of our soldiers to burn alive. Russia and China never signed the treaty so the chemical is used in every fast-food take-out in China (as well as in all Chinese armored vehicles). Protest to your congressman and senator.
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144586 tn?1284666164
Walmart (in-store) has the most inexpensive albuterol sulfate.
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I would need a px to get it from there, rite?
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So can I get it from china?
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144586 tn?1284666164
Wal-mart requires a prescription. Have your physician call it in with lots of refills. I'm not sure what is available in China.
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You can get a script for an inhaler and then contact the pharmacuetical company that makes it-- most of them offer patient assistance and have the forms on their webpage.

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I'm looking for help that does not require me to have health insurance.
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144586 tn?1284666164
There are two ways to go about this. The first is simply to negotiate a cash payment with your physician  for an inhaler script. In a city, this can be as low as $35 (or nothing), a fee charged by a retired physician I know who works in poverty areas. Otherwise you need to find a clinic affiliated with a hospital. You go early Monday morning during the enrollment period (some clinics enroll at the beginning of the fical year from October to February - others have year round enrollment). You interview with a social worker for a means test. If you have no or little money you get a flat rate of ten dollars a visit and ten dollars for a filled prescription. This is the case in one clinic near me. The third possibility is to find a nurse-practicioner, who often charge less than physicians. Once you have the script, as suggested, contact the pharmaceutical company and request assistance.
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