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I'm taking Prednisone for buzzing in the head/ear and it stops it. I was prescribed 1 20 mg tblet per day for 5 days.  The awful buzzing stopped for 3 weeks after I used it for 5 days.Then it started again. So I went to ER and they said I had so much wax in my right ear that it was impacted and covering my ear drum so they cleaned it out. I had no buzzing for two days; also they prescribed the Prednisone again for 5 days. I took ONE AND REALIZED IT WORK IMMEDIATELY.  The awful noise stopped. The said I should go to an ear doctor so I am; but here what I want to know. Could I continue to take Predinisone, since it works, if I only take it for short periods when I need it? I realize this isn't about asthma, but I saw your postings on predinisone.  Please help.
4 Responses
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Hello Kayev,

You asked if you could continue to take Prednisone for short periods
when you need it. " Prednisolone, the active form of prednisone, is a
powerful corticosteroid and is used for a wide range of conditions ..."
" Low doses taken short term ( by mouth or topically) rarely cause
serious side effects. However, long-term treatment with large doses
can cause fluid retention, indigestion, diabetes, hypertension, and
acne. "   I think you mentioned that the ER said to go to an ear
doctor. When you see the ear doctor, perhaps you can ask the
ear doctor whether you can take Prednisone for short periods of
time when you need it.  Keep in mind that the Prednisone is a
corticosteroid.  So I'm assuming it has a cortisone component to
this drug and cortisone stays in your body. Your body cannot get
rid of cortisone.  You should also be aware of possible adverse
effects of Prednisone. "  The common side effects are indigestion
and acne. Rare side effects are weight gain, muscle weakness,
mood changes/depression and black/bloodstained feces."
Are you aware that some antidepressants like Wellbutrin and
other types of antidepressants can cause buzzing in the ears.
as a side effect. The buzzing doesn't last long though in the
case of the antidepressant Wellbutrin .  Out of curiosity, who
prescribed the Prednisone to you initially ?  I hope this has been
helpful.   Eve
The information I've included in quotations is from a medical resource
book I have entitled " The Canadian Guide to Drugs and Supplements ".
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EVE: The hospital ER prescribed prednisone initially and I had to go back to them 3 weeks later because the awful buzzing spells came back and my primary doctor had no appts for 3 days. This time I noticed when I took the first one, the buzzing spells stopped. Since RX gave me 10 10 mg. tablets (they didn't have them in 20 mg) I take 1 about 8 a,m and the second one about 11 a,m. per day ( I split up so I could function better.) These buzzing spells come on without warning when I'm not taking the prednisone. I had one when I was even driving-had to pull car over while I was having one,  etc. very scary. They interfer with my teaching job. I teach only twice per week but had to cancelled classes twice due to this. By the way at ER I had a scat scan, blood tests, and an EKG and they found nothing except the the wax they found the 2nd time.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Be very careful with prednisone, it is an extremely powerful drug that can can tons of horrible side effects and long term permanent issues. I am still fighting with adrenal problems 3 years after I needed two 5 day tapers in a month, my body and it's stress response probably will never go back to the way it was. You need to get an appointment with a specialist and figure out the root cause of the problem and not just bandaid it with the meds.  I hope you all the best luck and that you will find out the cause soon.

Sorry can't be more help with problem, I don't know much about ears ringing and the possible causes, just know too much about prednisone.
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Did you ever figure our the cause of your problem.  I have the same exact issue and prednisone has the same result... Clears it up but when I stop taking it it comes back.  Mike
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I went to a hearing aid place and she saw some wax but more importantly, she couldn’t rest my ears because there was fluid behind them. The ENT tried to tell me I didn’t but I told him the audiologist? Even showed me, it could be an adenoidal or tonsil, sinus issue as well. Did you have an upper respiratory infestation that hasn’t complexly gone away? I pray you get to the root cause.
Try fasting, keto or even the carnivore as an extreme measure to reduce inflammation has been reported to help. Also try a mucousless diet. I am getting allergy tested.
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