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Same Thing EXACTLY, except...

Oh my!! I am just reading this forum, and SOO glad to know I'm not alone with this most bizzar affliction! I have had this happen to me each and every year, with the exception of last year (2011). Begins mostly at the same time as you all describe, but some years the onset got earlier and earlier. Twenty years ago, it typically began late Aug. Then it would be mid-August. Then early Aug, to late July. Don't really recall anything earlier, but mine always subsides by mid to late November. The other exception with my condition, when comparing to others, is that I DO have bumps. Hot, red bumps that really resemble a pimple, not very many of them, perhaps 5 or 6 at a time( I itch all over the tops of my arms, shoulders and neck) but it is from these blemishes that the under-the-skin BURN and ITCH are emitted from. It is uncontrollable, regardless of all remedies I have tried. (All mentioned in other posts) Although I agree, ice seems to give the most relief. I scratch until skin is raw and bleeding. I have often thought I WAS nuts!! I have always questioned myself, whether this is really real or not. I even ask my husband, if he thinks it's in my head! Of course not, he assures me.  I do also agree that I think it seems relative to the exposure of sun. I know we expose the rest of bodies to it all summer as well, but the shoulders take the brunt, being most often revealed, front and highest. But WHY it happens at END of summer, into the WINTER season.....I DON'T GET!!!!
I live in Ontario Canada, and I have been asthmatic since infancy, but at this point in my life (48), is very well controlled. The only summer this terrible, menacing problem did not plague me, was last summer, and I attributed it to being REALLY faithful with taking Reactin EVERY SINGLE day from May first until November. I have since done this again this year, but alas, the problem is back again.  So unfortunate the we are suffer from such a unique and life-disturbing ailment, AND feel like we isolated and even unsure in our thinking if it a REAL problem. But today, along with the relief I am getting right now from having ice pack across my shoulders, I take relief in the comfort of knowledge that I am not alone. (Or Nuts!)

This discussion is related to Itchy Arms.
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Allergies ..... probably grass or mould spores both which are worse at the end of summer (but depends on the temperature changing).  This is way the reactive helped the one year when it was taken properly.  Antihistamines work the best when taken before a reaction to inhibit it, they never work on me if I try to take them  after I get symptoms from something.

I would see an allergist specalizing in environmental allergies and do skin tests.  If they can pinpoint the specific mould or grass you can do allergy shots to desentitize your body to them.
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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

I am so tired of this happening.  This is the third year for me... upper arms, left arm more so than the right.  I live in Southern Alberta Canada.

The first year (Sep) I thought it was mosquito bites as I was working outside trying to finish the last of my sidewalk blocks.  But it didn't go away and didn't go away.  I went to the dr and he felt it was an allergic reaction to something as he could feel light bumps and there was a redness to my arms.  He gave me something (didn't take note of what it was) and it went away.  Or maybe it was just late enough that it stopped on it's own..

The next Sep it came back so I went to an dermatologist who could feel the bumps but by the time I got back in for a biopsy they were pretty much gone (Jan) so he could do nothing for me.

And here it is Sep again and it is back ... urgg ... it seems to be more itchy this year than previous.  And it is that prickly crawly feeling I can't stand.  Fortunately I have fatigue issues so it does not keep me awake at night.  

Not happy though that no one seems to know what it is or how to fix it :(

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