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Severe throat infection?

Dear Readers,

I am male, 23 years of age, and I've been an asthma patient since childhood. I'm also very prone to allergens (Grass, Bark etc. but also alimentary allergens like all kinds of fish, some nuts & fruits and some grains).

~ 2 years ago I went to the doctor because I couldn't breathe trough my nose, he then diagnosed me with Nasal Polyps, a common side effect of asthma. Usually I don't have problems any more with my Asthma, I don't have a lot of asthma attacks and since the medication for the nasal polyps kicked in my breathing became more easier. Still I am not able to breathe through my nose.

However as nice as this might be I still have nasal or sinus infections every 1-3 months that last up to 1 week. However as of 3 weeks ago I started to show throat symptoms. I had the feeling something was stuck, but can't remember eating anything out of the ordinary. I started coughing up Yellow/green to Grey mucus and it's been going worse from there.

Since 2 days I am running a high temperature (In the mornings it's 38,5 degrees celcius), and I'm having a running nose again with watery, but still green/yellow mucus. When I open my mouth in the mirror I can see there's redness in the back of my throat, and I can also see yellowish vesicles when I use my bicycle light to look deep into my throat. My mandibular lymph nodes are not enlarged (or not larger than usual), I don't have difficulty swallowing or opening my mouth. Also my muscles have started to aich and yesterday evening I had difficulty breathing that felt like a pneumonia.

I must admit that I haven't been easy on my vocal muscles as I am a singer (not as profession, but for a hobby), and I get angry at my own body that I can't sing for a week.

Is it possible that my nasal polyps have grown into my throat, or that I also have polyps on my vocal cords? I know that for a strep throat antibiotics is indicated and I've made an appointment at my doctor, but due to inconvenience  the appointment couldn't been made before Monday.

I'm keeping myself relative stable with 500 mg paracetamol (NSAID), but perhaps you know of other stuff I could use to keep myself stable until Monday?

Yours sincerely,

2 Responses
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Oh yeh I forgot this; in about 2 weeks time I've also dropped in weight from 88 kg to 84
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144586 tn?1284666164
The problem is that antibioti resistant infections become encapsulated in the sinus cavities and are almost impossible to remove. The sinus infection flares and ends up in the lung and a cycle of dfficulty breathing begins.

Sinus infections are a bear to get rid of and treatment usually involves twice daily flushing of the sinus cavities with saline plus a long period of anti-biotics. There are alternatives not available in this country.

My sinus infections were treated electrically, with high voltage million volt electricity, which solved the problem, but the treatment is not FDA approved and generally unavailable, except under experimental treatment protocols. No, I cannot direct you to a treatment source.

You have an infection which seems to be bacterial and requires immediate treatment by a physician.

People actually die from these infections, you know. You know. Maggots. Flies. Decompositon. A nice church service and your better half lies about what a nice life you have had. You've visited cemetaries and seen the gravestones.

I urge you to go to an emergency room or make an immediate appointment with your physician. It seems likely you have pneumonia.

Another effective treatment protocol involves the use of phages, but this was only available in Georgia (the nation), and not lately.

You are not "keeping yourself stable".

You need conventional treatment as of five minutes ago.

It's a shame to die before you reach age 24.
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