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Shortness of Breath

Monday afthernoon on my way to lunch, I felt short of breath.  So I sat for a bit and it passed.  Later that afternoon I went to the ER because I felt short of breath again but this time tingling on my hands and arms.  THey did an ekg which was normal, blood pressure was normal and heart beats per min were 106.   The doctor there said I was hyperventilating and told me to calm down and take calcium supplements.  Yesterday as I was walking to the train, once again difficulties breathing and heart was racing.  So I called out from work.  Since I have been having nausea and diarrea lately I saw a GI that suspects a bacetria.  Then my husband said I should see a cardiologist.  He did an ekg, normal again, blood pressure normal again and echocardiogram normal.  Today I woke up with a bad headache so I called out.  On my way to my general neurologist (I tend to get migraines) I was short of breath, going up the trainstation stairs was horrible.  SHe took my blood pressure and it was 118 over 72 which is normal and resting pulse 78 which is normal.  Can this be asthma kicking in?  I've had asthma now for 25 yrs and started taking qvar two weeks ago because I was running short of breath.  I also took for six days.  About a month ago I broke out in itchy hives for no apparent reason and took medrol then as well.  I take claritin everyday.  Earlier today I had hives on one arm.  So I'm wondering if this is all asthma and allergies related.  Thanks in advance.
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1701959 tn?1488551541
Do you have any kind of anxiety issues?
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I have pro air and it seemed to be working last week but makes no difference now.  I was on symbicort and it made me feel shaky so I was switched to Qvar.
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1701959 tn?1488551541
I am not a doctor obviously but that is what it sounds like to me. I am in an area where it is getting spring time and here comes the flowers etc... plus my dogs are shedding etc and my asthma has been acting up the past few months, more so lately.  I have Symbacort (haven't used yet) and my rescue inhaler. Do you have a rescue inhaler and does it help?
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