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Side Effect of Advair?Night Terrors

My son has been using Advair for 2 years. Before this he had been using Singular - which worked well until he was 6 (aside from the nightly night sweats).  Therefore, the Dr. put him on Advair. He has had mood swings for years. If he doesn't get his way......watch out! I thought this was his personality. Then after speaking to different people, they mentioned that this could be a side effect from asthma meds. Now he is having night terrors. This started happening 3 weeks ago. He has had 5 or 6. They are very very scary. Could this be a side effect of Advair. Also, my son is not consistant in taking the medication. Are there side-effects from this med when you don't take it everyday.....twice a day?  
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Yes, Advair is a steroid and steroids have many horrible side-effects.  When I was taking Prednisone, I too had horrible night terrors, anxiety, unknown fears which I never knew existed.  
Get a second opinion, go to a Naturopathic Doctor, find a good one. I am now drug-free, terror free and almost completely asthma- free.  I eat healthy, I exercise, have learned how to breathe properly and get fresh air and sunshine.  Try something else, for the sake and future of your child

Good luck to you.
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Why your son change Singular to Advair? Did the doctor explain the reason?

My son started to take Singular since he was 2 and he is 7 now. He is fine with this med though he sometimes a bit hyper...

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Type 2 diabetic, age 57:  Recently Dx'd with flu (no flu in 40 years/no shots, either); was scripted Advair Diskus q.12h. for the SOB (shortness of breath) symptoms even though already had been taking occasional Primatene tablets and albuterol inhaler for seasonal hayfever and allergy symptoms of SOB which worked quite well).  Had a nightmare the very first night - have not had nightmares in decades (with the exception of Bushbaby in the White House but that is a real life nightmare).  Also became easily agitated, restless and quick to anger.  Am thowing the Advair away, especially now that my strength is back enough to look up the side-effects and dangers of this medicant.  I suggest your Dr find you another solution.
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