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Tenant above me might have this condition.

Has this condition been given a name? I was just wondering because I live in a apartment building were the neighbor about me tells the landlord all the time that im smokeing below him every day. I am not at anytime. I beleive he is suffering from the same problem as many others on here but doesnt know it. I would like to have all the information possible for the next time I speak with my landlord so I can inform her of this condition and that it might be to blame.

This discussion is related to constantly smelling cigarette smoke.
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I'm sorry, I just saw that your post is related to another topic "constantly smelling cigarette smoke."  I gave you information about the wrong topic ;)  I've read posts in the Allergy section about this topic.  You may want to search that forum to see whether anyone has come up with a name for the condition.  

I hope you find an answer.  Again, I apologize for giving you information about the wrong topic.  I thought your neighbor was coughing or something and he was complaining it was from cigarette smoke, so I gave you information about asthma.  
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Asthma is a pretty broad topic, so I found a trustworthy website that gives a good overview of asthma : http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/asthma/.  I read the article and it's not technical and it's divided into short sections, so you can easily skip over the stuff that doesn't interest you.  

I hope the website provides you with the information you're seeking.  If you have any more questions, feel free to post them here.  I'm sure there will be someone around who can help you :)
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