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Trouble breathing when crying

Hi Everyone,

This is my first post on this forum. My girlfriend, age 27, does not have asthma (I didn't know where else to post this question, sorry).

Twice already, I have witnessed her having difficulty breathing while in distress or scare, always while crying.
I lift up her arms as that's something I think helps. But I want to know of any other tips to alleviate those symptoms. It is really scary to me and I fear she will suffocate. I think I read somewhere that that would not happen, but I can't remember where. Thanks for any knowledge or tips you can share.

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746512 tn?1388807580
It is probably an anxiety attack .... They can cause shortness of breath, hyperventation and other symptoms that are similar to asthma.  If she does not get breathing symptoms at any other time it probably isn't asthma but stress and anxiety related,  hopefully that helps a bit

She should still see a doctor who can help her get ways to deal with the stress and determine if it's severe enough to need medication.
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Thank you so much!
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