912488 tn?1243405751

Can Asthma patients Donate blood?

I am an asthma patient, I want to know whether I can donate blood for a patient who is about to undergo a bypass surgery?
2 Responses
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144586 tn?1284666164
That's a good question.

Technically, you can donate.

Depending on the severity of your asthma, it may not be a good idea, because the oxygen carrying capacity of a unit volume of blood will be decreased. So it depends. Certainly if you do so, for the next month make a good effort to maintain control over your asthma. Despite the drawbacks, it might pay to take 10mg of prednisone evfery day for a month following the donation to insure you don't have a life-threatening attack. After a month, when you replenish the blood, go back to the inhaled steroids.

Generally speaking about 1/54th of your blood volume is re-generated every day, so you will make up the donated blood in a short time.
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912488 tn?1243405751
Thanks a lot for your valuable suggestions.
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